Masters Course work: Deadline Friday 4th May Midday
TASK 1: 70% of the marks
1. Register with ESDS system
2. Go into international, then macro and then “IMF IFS” data base
3. choose quarterly option.
4. In series select exchange rate and obtain data for the full time period on the exchange rate index (2000) for the UK, Switzerland, Japan, Australia + three other countries. The choice of these three countries is linked to your surname. If your surname is SMITH, the first must begin with S (Sweden e.g.), the second M (Malaysia, e.g.) and the third with I (not Italy its in Eurozone, would not get a full run of data, say India). If this formula creates problems, say your name is XX and there are no countries with X then move forward (to Y and then Z) or backward (to W then V) until there are suitable countries.
5. Download the data
6. Load into Stata, test for stationarity, cointegration, estimate a VECM and a VAR.
7. Draw a diagram plotting all the time series against time
9. Draw a histogram of each of the series with a Kernel density function included.
10. Repeat as much as possible of above in EVIEWS.
11. Using Web of Knowledge, find 10 references relevant to this analysis and reference these in the same style as the Economic Journal.The references should include both new papers in good journals plus well cited older papers.
12. As an alternative to the exchange rate you can use inflation (consumer price index and then calculate inflation).
13. In no more than 300 words interpret results
TASK 2: 30% of the marks.
1. Download the Latinoamerican barometer into STATA (
2. Do one probit regression on any issue. Right hand side variables to include age and gender + any other variables you feel appropriate.
3. You will need to hand in the program with this.
4. In no more than 300 words interpret results.
1. Download the Latinoamerican barometer into STATA (
2. Do one ORDERED probit regression on any issue. Right hand side variables to include age, age squared and gender + any other variables you feel appropriate.
3.Test for the joint significance of the two age variables
4. Comment on the impact of age
5.Recode the dependent variable in the above into 1-0 data and redo the regression using probit.
6. You will need to hand in the program with this.
7 In no more than 400 words interpret results.
8. Draw a diagram plotting the dependent variable in the ordered probit regression against age
9. Draw a histogram of the variable with a Kernel density function included.
10. Draw a histogram showing all the countries together as in Graph A Below
11. Do a tabulation using the tab2 command of any two variables.
12. Using Web of Knowledge, find 10 references relevant to this analysis and reference these in the same style as the Economic Journal.The references should include both new papers in good journals plus well cited older papers.
Marks will be given for the quality of the analysis, diagrams, tables, etc.
Graph A