All Saints Gold Book22.9.17

(1) / Charlotte Rodger – Miss Moverley would like to say a big thank you to Charlotte this week. She has been incredibly helpful keeping the classroom tidy and doing lots of important jobs. She showed how responsible she can be.
Faye Brewster – Faye showed her excellent resilient learning habits this week. We did some tricky writing in Year 1 Otters and Faye concentrated on her letter formation and the words she need to write. Her quiet and focused learning was wonderful.
James Moule – This week in Otter’s class we have been looking at the poem book – Commotion in the Ocean. James had lots of knowledge about the ‘Deep sea’ fish in one of the poems. He even made a Gulper Fish to show the class. Excellent creativity James!
(2) / All the children in Dormice have been challenging themselves with new methods and creative ideas in English and Maths this week. The following children have used our learning habits to support their own learning and the learning of the class:
Elena Bradford for her enthusiasm in our science learning, sharing her ideas and making links in English using our rhyming words.
Cierra Wimolpatanatham and Jamie Hatton – for working systematically in maths to solve number bond and partitioning problems. They shared their ideas with the class which helped others to try different ways to solve a problem.
(3) / Daniel Kharchenko for his super reading!! He has been SO enthusiastic and through determination and hard work has moved up to purple books!
Fleur Trainor for being amazingly focused all week. She has demonstrated perseverance in everything she has done. Keep up the good woRk Fleur!
Austin McLean for thinking of some fantastic adjectives in his writing this week. Well done Austin, you are getting ready for a brilliant year!
(4) / Jovan Tiwana and Ryan Farrell – In both maths and English lessons this week, these boys have wowed Miss Mitchell with their enthusiasm and focus. They have listened and followed instructions, worked hard and just generally been fab! Well done boys.
Maya Durrant – Maya’s care and consideration has shone through in lessons this week. She takes great pride her work and presentation, always trying her best, but is also concerned about others in the class and does what she can to support other children’s learning. This is so lovely to see Maya!
(5) / Adam Ternent- for his fabulous work ethic. He has put in tremendous amounts of effort in every lesson. You have really impressed me this week. Well done!
HolliRumsby- for theincredible start to her report writing. You have used such wonderful vocabulary within your marvellous complex sentences. I cannot wait to read your finished report. Keep up the great work.
Harry Witney - for his outstanding, positive attitude. He takes a lot of pride in his work and does whatever he can to help those around him. Not only are you a maths whizz -you are also incrediblygenerous with yourknowledge.
(6) / Scarlett Macdondald: this week you have tried really very hard to better your understanding of a range of skills, especially in writing, You are a very conscientious learner and are always eager to try your best. It was fantastic to see such a high level of commitment in your English writing this week.
Lily Ross: what can we say about you, the tag rugby guru? Miss Limberger, Miss Callard and even the professional tag rugby coach were all incredibly impressed with your fantastic skills this week in PE. Not only were you quick at darting away from defenders and finding space, your attitude towards the game was positive and enthusiastic even when Miss Limberger made it her personal mission to tag you in our warm up. A fantastic effort, well done.
Ruby Patterson: since day one in year six, you have exhibited all of our school values and learning habits. You are always engaged in our learning, collaborating well with your peers. You consistently communicate with us as a class, sharing your ideas and thought provoking questions. It has been fantastic to see you becoming more resilient and trusting your instincts in your independent learning.