April 22nd-Earth Day!
April 24th Early Release Day
April 22nd-May 3rd: Eric Carle Author study. The Grouchy Ladybug, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Very Busy Spider, Yurtle the Turtle, The Very noisy Cricket, The Seed & others!
May 1st Progress Reports
May 3rd Ag Day at Fairgrounds for Kindergarten!
May 8th Tweetsie Field trip!
Insect/spring critters characteristics & compare habitats.
Research papers on various animals/insects and their habitat.
Week of April 15-up, you, like, at, for –Bonus word-they. Test on May 19th
Week of April 22nd-that, come, so, can, do –Bonus word-was. Test on April 26th
Week April 29th-did, look, of, this, went -Bonus word- with. Test on May 2nd
Week of May 6th-black, class, they, her, here, now, then, thin, my, have. Test on May 10th
Week of May 13th-went, this, you, was, what, does, come, do, blocks, smell. Test on May 17th –last spelling test due to assessments beginning.
****Please help your child tie their shoes tightly in the morning. Thank you!****
May 6-17 Read: The Little Engine that could and Messenger, Messenger
Max takes the train and other Max and Ruby stories
Spelling words for these 2 weeks: went, this, you, was, what, does, come, do, blocks & smell
May 20-24 Future Focus on what to be when you grow up-Community Helper books.
Read The Night Worker. Develop student cultural awareness. Various types of jobs-Diversity with jobs/community helpers.
NO more spelling tests May 20th-We will begin End of year Math and reading testing this week.
May 27-31 Read Over on the Farm, No, No, Titus, Big Red Barn, & Farm Animals
Read A Farmers Alphabet, Dora’s Eggs, The Cow that went Oink, & Let’s Go Visiting.
Old MacDonald had a Woodshop.
Vocab.-chisel, saw, drill, screwdriver & tractor.
Science-Farm-Observe and describe similarities & differences among animals including growth, movement, structure & change.
Soc. St.-Exhibit good citizen trait of responsibility. Show responsibility by caring for the animals.
June 3-7th Read Life in the Ocean, & Floating Jellyfish
Vocab.-Ocean, seaweed, shell, crab & world.
Read Building Beavers, & One Little Mouse. Vocab. Woodland, pond, lodge, river, & stream.