Main Title Page

Signature Page

Project Commitments

  1. Type of Action
  2. Description of Proposed Action

-General project description

-Project costs

-Project Schedule

  1. Preferred Alternative
  1. Summary of Environmental Effects (Table 1)
  1. Coordination and Comments

Circulation of the EA

Comments on the EA

(Note: Includes NCDOT responses to substantive comments)

Public Hearing Comments & Certification

(Note: Includes NCDOT responses to substantive comments)

Additional Project Coordination

(Note: Coordination occurring after EA signed)

-Merger01 Process

-Coordination with local officials, MPO’s, RPO’s, etc.

-Coordination with other federal and state agencies

-Extra supporting documentation for controversial issues

-Other project specific coordination

  1. Revisions to the EA

(Below is a list of items you may need to discuss. Keep all discussions brief. Use tables and figures as often as applicable. This section can be used to note corrections in the EA information (errata) in addition to updated information.)

-Additional Alternatives, revised alternative alignments, or changes in Alternative naming

-Typical Section

-New lane configurations

-Threatened and Endangered Species (Additional surveys required because of changes in project alignment outside original survey boundaries or additions to T&E Species list or updated survey results due to expired survey)

-Avoidance and Minimization (Efforts since the EA. Be specific.)

-Traffic Forecast (Note: Review Requesting Traffic Forecast to be sure a revised forecast is necessary)

-Wetland and Stream Impacts

-Traffic Noise Analysis

-Air Quality Analysis

-Prime and Important Farmland Impacts

-Hazardous Materials

-Water SupplyWatersheds and Water Supply Critical Areas

Below are additional Sections that might need to be added. If so, begin numbering with VII. These sections should have been discussed in the EA and these sections are for summarizing the final results.

-Final Section 4(f) Evaluation or use of De Minimus

-Section 106 including final MOA (as applicable)

-Section 6(f)

-Section 7 Formal or Informal Consultation

-FEMA Floodway Modifications

-Compensatory Mitigation (only if definitive information is available, not the standard wording)

  1. Basis for Finding of No Significant Impact

-Summary for findings

-Contact information for PDEA Branch Manager andFHWA Division Administrator

List of Tables (included as applicable)

-Table 1: Summary of Anticipated Impacts (always include)

-Federally Threatened and Endangered Species (Only if a species has been added)

-Revised ROW Impacts (Relocations)

List of Figures (included as applicable)

-Figure 1: Vicinity Map (always include)

-Figure 2: Map showing alignment of Preferred Alternative Only

-Figures 3+: Figures and mapping to clarify changes to the EA. Do not duplicate mapping found in the EA unless changes have been made. Some additional figures might be:

  1. Additional Vicinity Map showing a closer view of the project
  2. Revised Typical Section(s)
  3. Revised study alignment or added alternative alignment
  4. Revised Wetland locations
  5. Revised Section 4(f), 6(f), and 106 boundaries


-Federal and State agency comments on the EA

-Merger Team Agreements (as applicable)

-Local government resolutions

-Concurrence forms or letters (USFWS, SHPO, etc.) received after the EA.

Items NOT to include in the FONSI

  1. Actions By Other Agencies – This section is general and is covered in the EA
  2. Copy of handouts and public notices – These can be made available to FHWA and other interested parties upon request.
  3. Purpose and Need for the Project – This is clearly stated in the EA and is summarized under the Description of the Proposed Action.
  4. Only Practicable Alternative Wetland Finding. The Merger01 process ensures Executive Order 11990 (protection of wetlands) has been followed.