North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

Research Apprenticeship Program (RAP)

For High School Students

June 17 – July 13, 2018

(Complete form online, print and submit with original signatures)

Please type all answers.Handwritten applications will not be accepted. Once you have completed your part of the application, please print theform and submit it to your high school guidance counselor for full completion. All signatures must be completed in ink.

Completed applications with all required attachments and a$25 non-refundable check or money order are due by the close of business onFeb. 2, 2018. Applications post-marked after Feb. 2 will not be accepted. Fully completed applications should be submitted to the following address:

Attn: Research Apprenticeship Program

College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

C.H. Moore Agricultural Research Station

North Carolina AT State University

1601 E. Market St., Greensboro, NC 27411-1011

Checks should be made payable to:N.C. A&T University Foundation.CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

NOTE: Applicant must be a U.S. citizen, have a GPA of at least 2.8 and must be a rising junior or senior year for the 2018-2019 academic year.*Students can only participate in RAP once.

For more information, contact Kishaa James at (336) 285-4798 or

Personal Information

Date of application:


Street address:

City: State: Zip: Email:

Home telephone: () Mobile telephone: ()

Date of birth:// Place of birth(City/State): U.S. citizen: Yes No

Ethnic Group/Race - (Used for reporting purposes only. Please check one.)

Native American or Alaskan Native Hispanic/Latin American

Black/African American (Non-Hispanic Origin) White/Caucasian

Asian or Pacific Islander Other

Gender:Male Female


(Relationship to applicant: father, mother, guardian, etc.):

Emergency Contact’s Address:

Home telephone: ()Work telephone:() Mobile Telephone: ()

Academic Activities

Honors and Awards (check all that apply):

Class Officer Governor's School Who's WhoAmong Students

National Honor Society Girls or Boys State Others (please list):


Extracurricular/Special talents (list all):

Post-High School Plans

Are you planning to apply for admission to North Carolina A&T? Yes No

If yes, what is your intended major? First choice Second choice

If yes, when do you intend to enroll? Fall semester, 2019 Spring semester, 2020 Fall semester, 2020

If you are not planning to apply for admission to North Carolina A&T, please list the colleges/universities to which you intend to apply:

How did you learn about the Research Apprenticeship Program?

Summer Research Interests

If selected for RAP, indicate below which area you would like to conduct research in the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES). If more than one departmentappeals to you, please rank them in order of preference: 1= the highest, 2= next highest, and so on. (For example: Natural Resources & Environmental Design = 1, Nutrition = 2, Animal Sciences = 3, Consumer Sciences = 4,etc.).

Agribusiness & Food Industry Management

Agricultural Education

Animal Science

Fashion Merchandising and Design

Consumer Sciences

Child Development and Family Relations

Food and Nutritional Sciences – Food Science, Nutrition

Natural Resources and Environmental Design


Sustainable Land Management, Soil Science

Urban and Community Horticulture, Plant Science

Entomology (study of insects)

Career Interests

Indicate the major(s) in the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES) which interests you the most. For more information on listed majors, check the website at and click on “Academics.”

Department of Agribusiness, Applied Economics and Agriscience Education

Agricultural and Environmental Systems (Agribusiness & Food Industry Management)

Agricultural Education (Agricultural Professional Service) or (Secondary Education)

Department of Animal Sciences

Agricultural Science

Agricultural Science (Animal Industry)

Laboratory Animal Science

Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

Child Development and Family Studies (Child Development and Family Relations)

Fashion Merchandising and Design

Consumer Science

Food and Nutritional Sciences (Pre-Medicine Nutrition)

Food and Nutritional Sciences (Food Science)

Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Design

BiologicalEngineering (Bioprocess Engineering Track) or (Natural Resources Engineering Track)

Agricultural and Environmental Systems (Environmental Studies)

Agricultural and Environmental Systems (Sustainable Land Management)

Agricultural and Environmental Systems (Urban and Community Horticulture)

Landscape Architecture

Counselor Information:This section is to be completed by the applicant’s high school counselor.Only rising juniors and seniors with GPA’s of atleast 2.8 are eligible to apply.

Please print this section of your application and have your school’s guidance counselor complete the form. Your counselor should return this form to you in order for you to submit your completed application.

Name of high school:

Street address:


School telephone: ()

Classification:Risingjunior Rising senior Expected graduation date:(MonthYear)

Cumulative GPA:Class rank:Class size:

Indicate the date(s) the applicant acquired or plans to acquire the following tests and test scores, if applicable.

Test / Month/Year / Score / Month/Year / Score
American College Test (ACT)
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
SAT Achievement Test(s)
Other, Specify______

Counselor’s name (type or print name legibly):______

Counselor's signature:______

PLEASE NOTE:Partially completed applications will not be considered, no exceptions. Your submitted application packet must include the following:

  • The application fully completed by the student and high school counselor.
  • An official high school transcript, indicating the student’s GPA and scores for the SAT or ACT. If no scores are available for the SAT or ACT, please indicate the test dates.
  • A statement of career interest (200-500 words, double-spaced)describing why you are interested in the department major you selected on your application and your expectation of the pre-college experience benefiting your future career choice.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation from counselors, principals, teachers and/or community leaders.
  • Non-refundable application fee ($25).


North Carolina A&T State University is committed to equality of educational opportunities and does not discriminate against applicants, students, or employees based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age or handicap.

2018 RAP Application – College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences