Te Ara Oranga Steering Group Meeting

2 pm | Thursday 13 April 2017 | Maunu House, Clinical Area Meeting Room



Attendance / 13/3 / 20/3 / 30/3 / 13/4
Ian McKenzie / √ / √ / √
Kim Clarkson / √ / x / x / √
Jenny Freedman / √ / √ / x / √
Jewel Reti / √ / √ / √ / √
Liz Inch / √ / √ / √ / √
Mandi Cross / √ / √ / √ / x
Sonya Porta-Auld / √ / √ / x / x
Segina Te Ahuahu / PC√ / √ / √ / PC√
Becki Priest / VC√ / x / √ / x
Dean Robinson / O / √ / x / √
Grenville Hendricks / X / x / x / √
Pam Armstrong / √ / a / √
Brian Vickers / √ / √ / √
Robert Raven / I / PC√
Maurein Betts / √
Sue Hay / √
Shona Lang / x
Rob Noorstrom / √
John Gauer (Police) / √

ü = present, x = apologies given, o = no information

In attendance: PC – Phone Conference VC – Video Conference

1.  Agenda Items
1.1 Welcome/Introductions - Jenny
1.2 Matters Arising from previous minutes
1.3 Work-stream Updates
(a) Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)

(b) Treatment

(c) Community/Whanau Resource

(f) Information and Evaluation

1.4  Police Update
1.5 Consumer Feedback
1.6 General Business
2.  Discussion
2.1 Welcome to new group members. Maurein Betts (PHO Representative), John Gauer (Police), Rob Noorstrom (Rubicon), Robert Raven (Ngatihine Health Trust), Sue Hay (Salvation Army) and Shona Lang (Odyssey House). All
2.2 No matters arising from previous minutes
2.3 Work-stream Update Reports
Maurein Betts gave a brief summary in the absence of Mandi Cross.
Delay for ED Launch because the White Board needs to be in place to record data.
Brief invention tool is being developed for GP’s practises.
Community consultation has occurred.
The Consumer Group input is invaluable with the co-design.
A Rugby League Sports team has expressed interest in being a part of screenings.
SBIRT is on track and tasks progressing.
Treatment – Jenny Freedman
Project is tracking
NGO’s Navigators roles are being developed.
Employment is tracking with a meeting to be held on the 21 April 2017 in Dargaville.
Community/Whanau Resources – Pam Armstrong & Liz Inch
3rd Reference Group Meeting has been held.
The Briefing Paper has been summarised. Key themes have emerged. Eg: Health Literacy, Cycle abuse, Tikanga Methology and Positive Community Actions.
Visual stories will told my key people from their communities. The communities will nominate key people from these communities.
A waiata will be composed for Te Ara Oranga.
The Kete is a tool where information can be added over time.
App recommendation social media (FB) Parked the APP guided by research from the Drug Foundation.
Need a decision on the logo. The reference group have identified a preferred option.
Information & Evaluation – Grenville Hendricks
Outcome measures – Reduction in Methamphetamine use in Northland. It was identified that we may see an increase before there is a reduction.
Matua Raki has offered to provide the project with Analysis and Peer Review.
Measure effectiveness – Short, Medium and Long Term goals
Action: Team Leads need to send back feedback by next Friday 21 April 2017.
2.4 Police Update
Dean Robinson gave a brief update.
Dean has meet Mandi to discuss how the Police can support screening in ED.
Family Harm Table has a health representative. It was outlined Health provides the community with treatment options for individuals and their whanau who are seeking help to address methamphetamine or addiction related issues. The decision to access or engage with treatment providers is determined by the individuals and their whanau.
Client pathway to treatment to be clarified and referral process to be developed.
Police Staff Recruitment is on track
The Police Project is tracking well.
2.5 Consumer Feedback
Co-Design is going well with each sub group.
2.6 General Business
COMMS PLAN – The Joint Executive Summary requires a joint COMMS Plan. This plan will be discussed the Project Board meeting on the 24 April 2017.
Liz has identified video resources such as ED TV, Facebook and Police. Social Media can be utilised to generate a wide distribution of information. Each community will be given 50 memory sticks with resources and tools that are developed to increase access. Mandate given for Liz to proceed with developing resources and to build the Portal.
Methamphetamine Branding – Liz
Liz presented the group with 3 options for a logo. The group voted.
Vote result – Option 2 was the preferred option.
Option 1 - 2 Votes
Option 2 – 9 Votes
Option 3 – 0 Votes
3.  Meeting Closed: 3:00pm
2.3 SBIRT – Maurein to send Pam Methamphetamine Resources.
Information & Evaluation – Team Leads to send feedback to Grenville by Friday 21 April 2017.
2.6 Joint Executive Summary – Joint Communications Plan. Project Board will discuss Communication Plan at the Board Meeting on Monday 24 April 2017.
Liz to commence developing resources for Te Ara Oranga Project.
Liz to build Portal.

Next Meeting: 2:00pm, Thursday 20 April 2017

Venue: Maunu House, Clinical Area Meeting Room

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