To Open Supply Room:
· 1st Shift: Please obtain Supply Room/Safe key from the Cafeteria Manager, key is hanging on hook inside Cafeteria Manager’s office.
· Unlock the Supply Room. After entering, please keep the door locked at all times.
· Open the safe on the desk in the Supply Room and get out the starting cash for the day which should be found in the bag labeled “Opening Cash”. To open the lock box the key and knob need to be in the unlock position.
· Get the iPad from the safe and turn it on. Please plug in the iPad in so that it will charge during the day.
· Turn the Display Case light on.
· Open the window.
· Put the candy display shelves on counter and begin day.
During Your Shift:
· Restock any needed items on the front shelves with stock on the back shelves. Please restock as needed during shift, keeping all candies, gums, etc. on counter full.
· Do not open any boxes of supplies or books. These need to be checked by the Supply Room Chairman or Book Chair prior to being sold.
· Do NOT cash checks. Students may pay with a check but only for the EXACT amount of the purchase. Checks should be made payable to HPHS Supply Room. Also, we are not an ATM. Do not let the student swipe their debit/credit cards and give them cash.
· Absolutely NO IOU’s. Students and teachers must pay for all the supplies, novels and supplemental textbooks. Any student needing assistance to purchase supplies should go to the HPHS Office. The Office will purchase the supplies for the student.
· DO NOT allow the student to take the purchase unless the payment has been accepted (check, cash or credit/debit card.)
· Teachers are allowed ONE (ONLY ONE) desk copy of any required reading books for their course. Please have the teacher sign the book request form so that we may keep an accurate count of books sold.
· There is reserve cash and coins in the safe. If you take any cash, please replace it with the exact amount. The reserve cash bag should ALWAYS contain $700. DO NOT ASK FOR CHANGE FROM THE CAFETERIA.
· If the Supply Room is low or out of an item, please note it on the white board, so the Chairs, Chair-Elects or Book Chair may be aware of the need.
· DO NOT allow anyone to “store” items in the Supply Room. We need our space, cannot be responsible for other organizations’ items and cannot have people other than Supply Room volunteers in the room. THANK YOU!
· We now accept credit cards and debit cards for Supply Room purchases. Do not give cash back. Instructions for taking payments are on the following page.
· Please tally the purchase using a calculator as many prices have changed this year.
· Taking credit/debit card payments is a huge step for the Supply Room. Please be diligent in tabulating purchases and taking good care of the iPad.
To Close the Supply Room:
· At 1:30 p.m., close and lock the front “garage” window. Verify there are at least $10 in quarters, $200 in ones and $100 in fives for the morning shift. If not, contact Julie Stevenson at 214-683-4632. Place this amount ($300 even if its not the correct denominations) in the “Opening Cash” bag and place in the desk safe for which you have a key.
· Shut down the iPad and place it in the safe with the opening cash bag and the reserve cash bag.
· Remove all the paper currency from the cash boxes. (coins remain in the cash box for the next day).
· Place the remaining cash and checks in an envelope marked with the date and amount for the daily deposit. Insert this envelope into the wall-mounted safe. You do not need to complete a deposit slip. Try not to deposit ones and fives, but replace those with any twenties in the reserve bag. If the deposit envelope is too thick for the wall safe, break it up into 2 deposit envelopes and label each envelope before putting in wall safe.
· Log the date, your name and the deposit amount in the black notebook found on the shelf by the cash boxes under the front sales window.
· Lock the opening cash/reserve safe by turning the knob in the lock position and turning the key to the locked position.
· Turn off the display case light.
· Turn off the Supply Room light.
· Make sure the Supply Room door is locked.
· Return the keys back to the Cafeteria Manager.
Lastly, if you cannot work your shift, please contact someone on the substitute list or switch with someone else.
If your relief or partner does not show up, please contact Kathleen Bradford on cell at 214.882.3503 or Annie Staffaroni at 214-770-5753, or Kathleen Whalen at 214-499-6919.
We appreciate your willingness to volunteer!
Contact Supply Room Volunteer Coordinator: Kathleen Bradford at 214.882.3503 or .