Student’s Name: K.

Instructor’s Name: Weston

Section Code 099 10 Semester/Year WI 2010 Grade ___S___

( X ) You are ready for English 101

( ) You are not ready for English 101

( 84 ) % Readiness for college-level writing assignments as demonstrated in your Final Portfolio

( S- ) Final Essay Exam grade

Instructor’s comments on your demonstration of college and workplace appropriate behaviors including daily attendance and on-time completion of assignments: K., you were a very good student in our 099 class. You came to class, came prepared, contributed to group and class work, did everything I asked of you, and worked hard to improve your writing. Thank you!

My recommendation is that:

( ) You should take English 098 because you need to work on sentence writing skills.

( ) You should repeat English 099 because you need more writing practice.

( ) You should take English 095 because you need more preparation for developmental writing.

( ) You should take English as a Second Language, ESL 005 or 006 (English Writing and Grammar).

( ) You should take Reading Improvement, English 016 or 030.

( ) You should take CASD 121, Study and Learning Skills or CADS 122, Survival Skills for College.

( ) You should take a computer fundamentals class to strengthen your basic computing skills.

These are the basic writing problems you need to work on: There are two things that I think you’ll need to continue to work on: sentence boundaries and focus. You’ve come a long way with your sentence boundaries, but you still struggle sometimes with comma splices. You’ve shown that you know how to revise for focus on your own – which is great – but be vigilant about that when you get into 101.


Student’s Name: S.

Instructor’s Name: Weston

Section Code 099 10 Semester/Year WI 2010 Grade ___U___

( ) You are ready for English 101

(X ) You are not ready for English 101

( 27.5) % Readiness for college-level writing assignments as demonstrated in your Final Portfolio

( U ) Final Essay Exam grade

Instructor’s comments on your demonstration of college and workplace appropriate behaviors including daily attendance and on-time completion of assignments:

S., I appreciate your efforts in the second half of the semester, after midterm grades came out. Your attendance was more consistent – but you were nearly always late and did miss many classes. When you worked in groups, you contributed well. Your overall effort in this class was very inconsistent and undermined your ability to succeed.

My recommendation is that:

(X ) You should take English 098 because you need to work on sentence writing skills.

( ) You should repeat English 099 because you need more writing practice.

( ) You should take English 095 because you need more preparation for developmental writing.

( ) You should take English as a Second Language, ESL 005 or 006 (English Writing and Grammar).

( X ) You should take Reading Improvement, English 016 or 030.

( X) You should take CASD 121, Study and Learning Skills or CADS 122, Survival Skills for College.

( ) You should take a computer fundamentals class to strengthen your basic computing skills.

These are the basic writing problems you need to work on: The primary issue with your writing at this point is your sentence-boundary errors. These are so numerous that your writing is difficult to read. That is why I’ve recommended that you take English 098. You also have difficulty focusing and developing your work. It’s your discipline and dedication to your own progress that needs to be improved. Reading and study skills classes will help, too.