MEMBER: Andrew Lee

Random facts about me:

Made my Hollywood debut in a 2013 film as a very important extra for about 3 frames. I sent a shot of it to Lisa so I hope she uses it.

I received a certificate from Republic of Korea Marines for “Mountain Warfare” training.

I love animals and have had the following as pets: a trout, turtles, leopard geckos, guinea pigs, tropical fish, salamander, frogs, a garner snake, monarch butterfly caterpillars, society finches, chickens, cats, dogs.

Q: What was your favorite childhood meal?
I grew up in Korea so I remember eating a lot of Korean home food. I particularly remember freshly roasted gim and my grandmother’s kimchi. My favorite meal, however, was raw sea cucumber with chojang. My mom would get me to stop crying and otherwise use it as a bribe. These days, I love roastable vegetables like squash, eggplant, brussel sprouts and leafy greens; collard greens are awesome. I’m also a big fan of steak.

Q: What would you do if you won the lottery?
Cliched answer but I would pay off debts for myself, family and travel the world. I want to lose track of time eating Belon oysters in France, pho in Vietnam, work on a coffee farm in Hawaii, go visit scattered extended family members around the world, etc.

Q: Who is your favorite author?
I don’t know if I have a favorite author right now but growing up I loved reading Jack London books. In a similar vein, I was also obsessed with any trapped-on-island survival books like Robinson Crusoe, Swiss Family Robinson, Heart of the Sea, The Hachet. Sadly, I’m too busy being busy to read much these days.

Q: Which temptation do you try the hardest to resist and why?
I hate doing laundry so I let it pile up and end up doing it all at once. There’s also a Popeye’s on my way home from work that always has a 10 pieces for $12 special which is really a good deal. On a slightly more serious note, I find myself being tempted to become apathetic when it comes to my spiritual life. I let seemingly more urgent life matters just take higher priority with my heart and time.

Q: Which of your traits would you most like to change and why?
I am forgetful sometimes and will misplace my car keys and such. I’ve never actually lost anything until a month ago when I left behind my phone in an apartment common lobby area. I went back for the phone 3 minutes later but it was gone. Thankfully I had phone insurance but it was a needless, stressful experience.

Q: How would you like to spend your elder years?
I hope to be healthy with friends and family in my life, doing something for God in some way. I also want to live near the ocean, lake or river.

Q: What is your favorite Bible verse?
"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Roman 8:37-39