Student Name: {Spanish – 10}
GOALSWhat do you want your child to accomplish or understand? (related to learning outcomes) / Student Name main goal is to become more conversant in spoken and written Spanish. A longer term goal would be for Student name to become fluent in the Spanish language. .
Specific goals to focus on this year:
-gain proficiency with the present, past and future tenses
-at least recognize more advanced tenses: conditional, imperfect, commands, reflexive verbs, past and present participles, subjunctive
-use Spanish to explain or describe what is learned during Hispanic cultural events/experience
-use Spanish to respond to the creative works of the Hispanic world (written works, movies, music, history).
-use Spanish to demonstrate an understanding of similarities/differences between the Hispanic culture and his/her own culture
Other goals that Student name might pursue are ...... your choice…
The goals I have listed here are not optional, but if there are any additional goals that you would like to add, please do!
What activities are you planning to do to accomplish your goals? / Student namewill employ a variety of learning strategies and activities to accomplish the above goals. Some of these will include video instruction, “Rosetta Stone” activities, the completion of assignments and projects, and also the deliberate exposure to Hispanic culture in the area of culinary arts, guest speakers, and mission trips to foreign countries. Supplementation can also be provided by reading books, watching foreign movies and conversing/writing to pen pals in Spanish-speaking countries. Some students may also wish to use the expertise of a Spanish-language tutor.
It is up to you how you meet the goals for the grade. These learning strategies and activities are totally up to you. I will, however, expect three well-written paragraphs in Spanish for assessment purposes. So, it is recommended that you practice writing short paragraphs.
How will we check to see if your student has accomplished the goals? / Student namewill have bi-monthy contact with Mrs. Karmen Wale and submit a well-documented portfolio 3 times/year. E-mails and, especially, the samples in the portfolios will allow Mrs. Wale to track the progress of the prescribed learning outcomes and to assist Student name when necessary.
Those using the Rosetta Stone program will automatically be assessed while other students will write regular quizzes, tests, projects and assignments that pertain to their particular courses of instruction. Examples of possible work samples: short written paragraphs; audio recordings of student speaking or reading in Spanish; visual presentation of learning experiences that includes Spanish text (a digital photo of presentation can be sent via email); copies of email correspondence with a Spanish-speaking friend; email correspondence with Mrs. Wale (using Spanish).
Other evaluations will consist of . . . . your choice…
What materials/resources are you going to use to accomplish your goals? / Student namewill use a variety of resources that might include Spanish language texts (ie “Easy Spanish I or II”), theRosetta Stone program, dictionaries, videos, instructors and tutors, foreign cultural books and movies as well as other resources suited to the student.
(This list is just to give you ideas of the types of things you could possibly use as resources to learn. I would like to see all that is available to you. Please just delete this list and put in exactly what you will be using to learn Spanish.)
How are you going to divide up your plans over the year so that they will get accomplished? / Student namewill finish this course in January 2010or June 2010 and will work through the course on a daily basis.