Premier Charter School

Student and Parent Handbook

Mission of Premier Charter School

Premier Charter School will provide the children of the City of St. Louis an individualized education rich in academics and character, so the children we serve today can be the leaders of tomorrow.


We are building a school where anything is possible for each and every student. It is our vision to create an academic environment where each child is educated according to his or her needs in order to reach academic success. Through building a community that works together, to support each child holistically, we will build leaders that are strong in mind and in character. The students we serve today will be the spirit of St. Louis tomorrow.


On behalf of the Premier Charter School Board and Team, we would like to welcome you to the Premier Charter School (PCS) Family! Because communication between school and home is crucial to the success of students, we have created The Family and School Success Plan and Student/Parent Handbook to help you and your child understand how PCS functions and how we can effectively communicate with each other.

Elementary and Middle School are an exciting but challenging time for students and families. During this time of rapid developmental change we want to encourage students to take responsibility for finding out information, seeking extra help from a teacher when necessary, discussing problems with their teacher, and taking information home. Sometimes students at this age need assistance for all of this to happen so we count on you to alert us if your child is having trouble, just as we will call you to discuss any concerns that we might have. Students, we encourage and expect you to be an active part of your education and share your daily activities, homework, planners and notes with your parents/guardians. This stage in education is also a time where students make mistakes. We understand that students can make mistakes; adults make them too! All the adults at PCS are eager to help you to learn and grow in the next few years and become a positive member of our community.

Elementary and Middle School is also a time when it’s important that students are willing to take academic risks. We want to create a safe and positive environment where children can try new things without fear of teasing or failure. We also want to encourage children to treat others with respect and honesty and to take increasing responsibility for their actions. In addition, we want to encourage everyone to accept each person as a unique individual and a significant part of the community. Families should continue to play a crucial role in a child’s growth and development: ask questions, become an active participant in the school community, talk to your child daily about the future. Parents/Guardians, you know your child best; trust your instincts. We want to work in partnership with you to bring out the best in your child.

At PCS we care about you and value your input, and are willing to answer questions or help in any way we can. This handbook will serve as a tool for you as you journey through the school year. We look forward to working with you as members of a team that will help students to experience great academic success! We are thrilled to have you as a member of the PCS community!


Information is placed in alphabetical order for easy reference.


WE WANT OUR STUDENTS AT SCHOOL EVERY DAY AND ALL DAY!! Attendance each day is critical to your success! Unless a student has a temperature, is vomiting, or a doctor gives a parent a note saying a student should stay home, please come to school. We all wake up some mornings not sure if we’re just sleepy or getting sick. If a student comes to school and has a temperature or is seriously ill our school nurse will get in touch with their parents. Sometimes we just need to get the day started and then will feel great.

Being present at school is crucial to student success. When a student is late to school, leaves school early, or not present he or she is missing learning time. This includes half days of school.

If a student is absent it is expected that the parent/guardian will contact the school and leave a message at 645-9600 extension 300 to inform us of the absence. In addition, it is requested that the parent/guardian provide a written note, upon the child’s return, explaining the student’s absence. Without parent notification and a doctor’s note, the absence is considered unexcused.


If it is determined that a student has reached 8 or more unexcused absences at any time in a given school year, then a counselor will notify the parent/guardian by either a phone call or a letter detailing the amount of absences. If a student reaches 12 or more unexcused absences in a given school year, a final notice letter will be sent, detailing next steps if absences continue. If a student reaches 15 or more unexcused absences in a given school year, the family will be referred to St. Louis City Truancy Court and/or the Missouri Department of Social Services – Children’s Division for further assistance.

To clarify further, if a child is absent due to illness, it does not excuse them from an absence, unless doctor notification is provided. Simply calling in and notifying our office that your child is ill, does not qualify as “excused”.


Once a student accumulates in minutes tardy, the equivalent of 8 days’ worth of absences, then a counselor will notify the parent/guardian with a letter detailing the amount of absences. (For example: 390 tardy minutes = 1 day of absence) Once a student accumulates in minutes tardy, the equivalent of 12 days’ worth of absences, then the family will be referred to St. Louis City Truancy Court and/or the Missouri Department of Social Services – Children’s Division for further assistance.

Additional points:

• Absences due to a death in the family must be substantiated with documentation.

• Absences due to vacation during the school year, will be counted just like any other unexcused absence.

• Half day school days that are missed will be considered a full-day absence.

We understand that families often have extenuating circumstances, but it’s vitally important that all our students are present daily and arrive on time at 8:40 a.m. Any time of arrival after 8:45 a.m. is considered tardy.

When a child is absent, if we haven’t heard from the parent, we do make every effort to make contact to confirm the child’s safety however it is the parent’s responsibility to make this contact as our ability to contact is limited by number of absence calls to make and other office requirements. If a child is consecutively absent for more than 5 days, with no notification from the parent, the school will attempt to reach the parent to verify the child’s enrollment. Should the school be unable to reach the parent written correspondence will be sent to the address listed on the child’s enrollment form. The written correspondence will indicate a drop date should the child not return to school and communication not be received from the parent. The withdrawal of the student will be based on the reasonable assumption that the child is no longer attending the school.

Every effort should be made to allow students a complete learning day. If a parent knows that they need to pick their child up early, a note should be sent, in the morning, to the classroom teacher. Repeated early pickups disrupt classroom learning and will be addressed if they become habitual.

Adult Behavior

Please check in at the office before proceeding through the buildings.

The school requires that all staff, students, and families treat each other with civility at all times, following our core values of respect, responsibility, and caring. If a parent, guardian, volunteer, or any other adult treats a student, staff member, or another individual on the PCS Campus (or by telephone) abusively (including the use of foul language, threats, or elevated angry tones) they may receive notification from the school that they are no longer allowed to come to the school or be present on the school campus. If a parent/guardian needs to drop their child off at school it is to be done quickly, without getting out of their vehicle. If the parent/guardian needs to speak with teachers or the administration it must be done by telephone or in writing. Any conversations will also include a representative of the school’s legal department to ensure protection from abusive treatment.

Should there be any violation of these terms PCS will take immediate legal steps to ensure that the adult is permanently removed from the school’s campus. Similar steps will be taken if there are any further uncivil incidents in communications with the school staff, whether such communications are in person, on the telephone, or by other means.

PCS will, of course, continue to serve the student’s educational needs and will continue to treat him/her with the same fairness and due process with which we conduct all of our affairs.

When arriving to pick up your child in the afternoon, whether in the hallway or on the parking lot, please be mindful of classrooms still in session. Please keep conversations at a level that will not be a distraction to the learning environment.


Students should arrive at school each day between 8:15 AM and 8:40 AM. Students are not to arrive before 8:15 AM. At 8:40 AM all students should report directly to their classroom. If a student is not in the classroom when attendance is taken, they will be marked absent for that day. If arriving late the parent or student must sign in at the office.


It’s important that students are in school the entire day. The school day ends at 4:00 PM. Students being picked up from school should be picked up no earlier than 3:45. Prior to this, students are considered absent for a portion of the day. Students should be picked up no later than 4:00pm. Student pick up takes place in your child’s classroom. After 4:00 PM, any student not picked up will be taken to aftercare.

Board of Directors

The PCS Board of Directors is made up of 8 to 15 citizens volunteering their time to provide oversight to the school as the governing body. Board Directors work to set policy, provide governance, and ensure that the school is fiscally responsible, legally sound, and operating within the parameters of the charter.

The Board of Directors meets at the school periodically throughout the school year with the date and time posted well in advance. Board meetings are meetings held in public with a period of open forum included for those interested in addressing comments to the Board. All Board meetings are posted following the Missouri Sunshine Law. Meetings are posted by the main entry to the school as well as in the school office.

Copies of the Board of Directors’ By-Laws are available, by request, in the school office.

Meal Plans

Meals are provided by Fresh Ideas. Students who wish to purchase a school lunch are asked to pay in their classroom. All meals must be paid in advance on a weekly or monthly basis.

Full Price

Weekly Pricing Monthly

Breakfast & Lunch $21.75 $87.00

Breakfast only $ 8.00 $32.00

Lunch only $13.75 $55.00

Reduced Price

Weekly Pricing Monthly

Breakfast & Lunch $ 3.75 $15.00

Breakfast only $ 1.25 $ 5.00

Lunch only $ 2.50 $ 8.00

If your child only requires milk, it can be purchased daily for $.25. You may inquire and apply for free/reduced priced meals in the office. Payments may be made in the form of cash, credit card or checks (made payable to Premier Charter School). Please contact Ms. Lewis at 645-9600 or , if you have any questions.

Breakfast will be eaten in the cafeteria between 8:15 – 8:40 for students purchasing breakfast. Students will not be eating in the classroom. K-4 students will eat in the elementary cafeteria and 5-8 in the middle school cafeteria.

Lunch during the school day is eaten in the cafeteria. Students have a choice to bring their own lunch from home or buy a lunch at school. If you bring a lunch from home, please keep it in a sealed container in your classroom. We prefer that soda not be sent to school for snacks or lunch. Students will not have access to microwaves or refrigerators and therefore a lunch brought from home must be something that will not spoil in the morning or require heating.