FHS 2600

PART 1: Preparing the Activity and Planning for Implementation

A/L Plan #3 Large Group Activity -Develop a written activity lesson for a large group or circle time. You will be responsible for planning, preparing and facilitating everything that happens during this time. The group time needs to be age-appropriate in substance and in length of time. The classroom teacher will be there to assist you, but you will take the position of the “lead teacher”.

Student Name: Amanda Garreaud

Center or Program / Teachers: Eccles Lab/Miss Lisa and Miss Susan

Today’s Date: November 10, 2011 Date of Activity Implementation: November 29, 2011

Lab Teacher Signature before Implementation: ______Date: ______


Course Instructor Approval before Implementation: ______Date: ______

Preparing The Activity

Activity Description
What are you doing for your activity? Describe activity in very specific step-by-step detail, using numbers or bullets. Include materials, book titles/authors, song/fingerplay words, discussions, etc. Write descriptions as if you will be giving instructions to a substitute teacher:
I will begin rug time by reading “The Turkey with the Terrible Temper.”
While story is being read, I will choose a child to hold up a turkey copied onto paper that corresponds to the color the turkey is turning. (example included)
After the story is read, I will show a picture of a turkey with a tail of many different colored feathers
I will read the story over again until each child has had a turn at holding up one of the turkeys.
After reading the story, we will discuss emotions and how the turkey could have acted differently.
Children will be asked to share examples they have about getting mad and how they handle their difficult emotions.
We will then play “Musical Turkeys” while “The Chicken Dance” plays. This game is played like musical chairs. I (or the children can take turns drawing the cards) will draw a turkey card and we will do the action that is on the card while the music plays. When the music stops, each child finds a large turkey to stand on. There will be one turkey for each child. For the first round, I will teach the kids how to do the “Chicken Dance.”
Connecting to Self
What skills and strategies are you hoping to practice on your part: I would love to try one of Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligence’s. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, which is the potential we may possess to solve problems by using our body or parts of our body. The kids will be using mental abilities to coordinate bodily movements. This is one of the intelligences you rarely see in an elementary classroom setting. We will be imitating actions that a turkey uses, some of the children may never have tried to strut, waddle, flap, gobble, or soar. When they hear these words in the future, they will be able to picture in their minds the actions of the turkey. This is really another chance to prove to myself how play inspires learning.

Planning for Implementation

Whatcenter or placeswithin the classroom will you be utilizing?: We will be using the large area on the rug next to the back door where story time usually takes place.
How will youget the experience started (ask your teacher for suggestions): The teachers will introduce me, I will ask the kids if they have ever seen a turkey. We can talk about all of the different colors in a turkeys tail feathers. I will tell the kids I am going to read them a story about how the turkey got his colorful feathers. I will start reading the story.
Describe the steps for ending your activity: After we are done playing Musical Turkeys, I will have the kids sit back down and give them a little bit of time to settle down before I turn the time over to Miss Lisa or Miss Susan; they can then instruct the kids on centers for the day.
Types of documentation to be Completed: _X_ Photos _X_ Work Samples ___ Other

Preparation and Planning Grade

Course Instructor Excellent Good Fair Not at All
__ Preparing the Activity 3 2 1 0
__ Planning for Implementation 3 2 1 0
__ Descriptions and details, including 3 2 1 0
grammar and spelling
__ Appropriateness of plan and materials 3 2 1 0
for age and group (DAP)
__ Collaborating with Cooperating Teacher 3 2 1 0
PART 1 Grade: ______/ 15 points