Accounting 2010
Work program review checklist — Revised July 2014

The information you provide on this form will be used for reviewing work programs for quality assurance purposes as part of legislative functions described in Education (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) Act 2014 (s.14). Personal information will be accessed by authorised QCAA staff, including panel staff, and handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009.

Panel code: / B12 / Subject code: / 060
School code: / District:
Reviewer name: / Date: / 21/11/2018
Compiled by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
This form is used by panellists when reviewing work programs. It can also be useful for schools to use as a checklist to ensure that all work program requirements have been met.
Instructions: Indicate Yes or No to the following statements. If your answer is No, please give specific examples of the problem in the Comments section.

1.Course organisation

The course organisation shows: / Yes / No / Comments
  • areas of study, with codes, to be studied in each semester

  • all core studies are included

  • Core Studies 1 and 2 are appropriately placed in the earlier stages of the course

  • Core Studies 3 (Integrated Accounting Package) is appropriately placed towards the latter stage of the course

  • a minimum of seven (7) and a maximum of nine (9) elective units have been selected
Recording and Controls
▪ES1School-developedInvestigation or Independent Investigation
▪ES2Accounting for Cash
▪ES3Accounting for Accounts Receivable
▪ES4Accounting for Inventories
▪ES5Accounting for Non-Current Assets
▪ES6Internal Controls
▪ES7Electronic Business
Reporting and Decision Making
▪ES1School-developed Investigation or Independent Investigation
▪ES8Accrual Accounting
▪ES9Analysis of Financial Reports
▪ES10Managerial Decision Making
▪ES11Cash Flow Statement
▪ES12Understanding Company Reports
▪ES13Personal Financing and Investing
▪ES14Accounting for Grazing orAccounting for Mining
  • a minimum of three (3) elective studies chosen from both Recording and Controls and Reporting and Decision Making

  • ES1 School-developed Investigation or Independent Investigation included once only as an elective study (if chosen)

  • the approximate and appropriate time allocation (in hours) for each area of study

  • a minimum of 55 hours per semester

  • a minimum of two areas of study where spreadsheeting will be integrated

  • for composite programs:
inclusion of a topic at the beginning of the year which allows ease of entry for Year 11
use of Year A/Year B format to facilitate teaching the same areas of study to both cohorts
consideration of aligning topics in both year levels which allow for independent work in one year level and teacher-directed activities in the other.

2.Outline of intended student learning

The scope and depth of the student learning experiences in two sample units of work demonstrates: / Yes / No / Comments
  • the subject matter from the selected areas of study

  • appropriate coverage of relevant general objectives

  • the units (one of which must be ES1 School-developed Investigation or Independent Investigation, if chosen) cover the general objectives from at least two (2) dimensions

3.Assessment plan

The assessment plan indicates: / Yes / No / Comments
  • the instrument number

  • the area of study

  • the assessment technique category using the terminology of the syllabus (Section 5.5)

  • the dimension in which student achievement is to be assessed

  • the dimension being assessed is appropriate for the assessment technique

  • each dimension is assessed in each semester

  • a range of assessment techniques is used

  • the conditions of assessment are consistent with syllabus guidelines for each assessment technique category

  • the verification folio requirements can be met by the inclusion of:
4-6 summative assessment instruments from Year 12
each dimension being assessed summatively at least twice by verification
at least one supervised written assessment of an extended nature (unseen)
one practical assessment from CS3 (Integrated Accounting Package)
  • assessment takes place after verification

  • the student profile:

is consistent with the assessment plan
indicates whether assessment is formative or summative
allows for the recording of:
▪judgments of student achievement in each dimension for each instrument
▪interim global standards at monitoring and verification
▪exit global standards
▪exit level of achievement
Accounting 2010
Work program review checklist — Revised July 2014 / Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
July 2014
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Additional comments

Recommendation for approval

Approved / Not approved
Action to be taken:
Accounting 2010
Work program review checklist — Revised July 2014 / Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
July 2014
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