Reference number: R15/0574

Site address 31, Vere Road, Rugby

Description: Additional bathroom / utility to rear New porch/ entrance to front. New detached grarage.

Case Officer Name & Number: Duncan Jordan 01788 533845

Site Description

The application site is an end of terrace 2 storey property whose design and appearance appears to place the property to a 1970’s build. To the other side of the property, to the side fencing are the end of the rear gardens facing Bromwich Road.

Proposal Description

The applicant proposes a front porch to the property, a lean-to style mono pitched rear extension and a separate, standalone double garage within the back garden of the property; proposed with a dual pitched roof.

Relevant Planning History

None Relevant

Technical Consultation Responses

WCCH Highways – NO Objection

Third Party Responses

Two responsesreceived -Concerned as to scale and size of proposed garage (which has been partly constructed).

Concerned that property has been massively extended already. [That] the garage will be used to house residents.

Unsightly and casts a shadow over their garden – strenuously object

Policy & SPD

Policy CS16 – High Quality inclusive and Sustainable Design

SPD – Sustainable Design and Construction

NPPF – Part 7 – Requiring good design


This application can be approached in its three parts:

  1. Front porch.

This is proposed projecting forward by 1.2m and width of 1.9m with a lean-to style mono pitched roof reaching a maximum height where it attaches to the property of 3m as measured from the submitted plans. A single window is proposed to both side elevations of the porch.

In terms of visual impact on the character and appearance of the area, porches are not an uncommon site and this one proposed sits well in proportion to the applicant’s property and is considered to place a positive impact on the streetscene. In addition, due to its position, it is not considered to adversely impact upon neighbouring residential amenity.

  1. Single storey rear extension

To the rear elevation a single storey rear elevation is proposed. The submitted plans indicate that this extension would reach a total height of 3.4m to the top of the mono pitched roof and 2.1m to the height of the eaves with an illustrative depth of 2.6m and span a width of 5m.In regard to visual impact on the character and appearance of the area this style of extension is relatively common and with the dimensions proposed would not look out of place.

In terms of impact on neighbouring amenity, it would adjoin an existing rear extension on the adjoining neighbouring property and is considered would not be a detriment to this neighbour’s amenity.

  1. Detached garage to rear

In the rear garden of this property a garage has been partially completed, insofar that the basic structure has already been erected. The original plans proposed a large double garage with a dual pitched roof. The applicant was requested to reduce this to a single garage to reduce the impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties. In addition two letters of representation have been received concerned of the scale of development.

The amended plans received removed the proposed dual pitched roof but left the overall footprint of the garage unchanged. This is still considered to be overly large in relation to the size of the rear garden however, the applicant has now altered the height of the garage such that it could now fall as Permitted Development under the General Permitted Development Order and therefore the planning officer considers that they have no means of reducing the size of the garage still further.

Furthermore, it is the case that all the parts of this application, subsequent to the amended plans, now fall under Permitted Development Rights and therefore, whilst the planning officer has remaining concerns on the visual bulk of the proposed garage, the applicant has the right to build it to this scale, with a flat roof under the General Permitted Development Order, and, because of this, pursuing the applicant for a smaller design would be unproductive. However, this final design is not considered to reduce light to habitable rooms of neighbouring properties.


Given the above considerations it is recommended that planning permission be granted subject to appropriate Conditions.

Report Sheet