UKMi IT Working Group

Pharmacy Seminar Room, Good Hope Hospital, Sutton Coldfield

2 December 2005

Draft Minutes

1. In attendence:

Robin Burfield / Jim Glare / Peter Golightly (Chair)
Sandra Hicks / Chris Proudlove (note-taker) / Julia Sawyer
James Turton / Fiona Woods


Mike Brandon / David Erskine / Simon Wills
Discussion / Action /
2. Remit of the ITWG
A draft remit was tabled –draft1 Nov 05. It was proposed:
·  That there might be a need for additional IT expertise within the group. Agreed that people might be co-opted as required. To add ‘and appropriate individuals’ after organisations in point 3
·  To merge points 5 and 6 and to include products such as MiDatabank, Pharmline as examples so as not to exclude other products that might come under the remit of the ITWG at a later date
·  To add an additional point ‘ To respond to specific requests from UKMi Exec relating to IT issues.’
Peter to add names of current members plus a note that others may be co-opted as required / Peter to revise as discussed
3. NeLM
In the absence of David this item could not be discussed in any detail. Current concerns appear to be around the cost of maintenance of the site after development work on the NeLM new platform has been carried out.
Robin has some concerns about the project board, the project specification and the current negotiations with organisations who have tendered for the work. / Robin to contact David
4. MiDatabank
Sandra reported that the user group will meet in the New Year.
It was unknown when MiDatabank would be able to link to archived query images. Until this was available those centres which currently had this facility via DiScan would be reluctant to move across to MiDatabank.
5. Pharmline
There had been no management Board meeting for two years. A meeting must be held soon when the focus of the database and publicity should to be addressed. Current subscriptions are just sufficient to sustain Pharmline, but this situation is unlikely to be maintained even in the short-term. It was suggested that a definitive date for a decision to be made about the future of Pharmline should be set. / Pharmline Management Board must convene in the near future
6. UKMi Website
Three papers were discussed:
·  UKMi website – development plan. Nov 2005 V1, draft 2
·  UKMi website: data transfer to NeLM – short/medium term priorities Nov 05 draft 2
· Management and responsibilities Dec 04
Short- and long-term plans
The group agreed to maintain and develop the current UKMi website as a low-cost website in the intermediate term. The decision on whether to establish a UKMi portal on NeLM was deferred until more is known about structure, resources etc.
James is currently moving the UKMi website to a new server as DataPharm can no longer host external sites. / Move to new server Dec 05
Data transfer
The plan is to move across all appropriate clinical material from the UKMi website to NeLM. The UKMi website will eventually perform mainly a support function for the network and will consist of practice material such as internal documents, minutes, reports, training resources etc.
Some of the clinical material will be moved across to the current interim NeLM platform, but material such as that in database format, which will require thought on how it will be presented on the new platform and some development work, will be moved across only when the new platform is available.
Medicines Information section
In the short-term a Medicines Information section on the UKMi website will be maintained:
The following sections will be deleted:
·  News
·  Clinical trials
·  NSF toolkits
·  Therapeutic Guidelines
The following sections will be maintained as links to NeLM
·  NPA resources
·  Product licence changes
·  Medicine supply problems
·  One stop reference shop
The following sections are currently in the process of being moved across to NELM and will be maintained as links from the UKMi website:
·  Prescribing Outlook
·  Drugs in Clinical Development
·  On the Horizon
·  New Medicines Profiles
·  Therapeutic Class Summaries
The following will be moved from UKMi Central to the UKMI website
·  Latex database
·  Patents database
·  Drugs and breast feeding database
The following will be maintained on the UKMi website:
·  NDO databse
·  Fridge database
A link from the UKMi home page to Medicines Q&As on NeLM will be added.
The following sections will eventually be deleted following conversion into Medicines Q&As:
·  Complementary medicines
·  Specialist services
The future of the following section needs further discussion:
·  Publications / Short-term
Policies & products section
Agreed to the proposals put forward for Products & Policy section, which was to convert into main sections to working group headings and remove a number of the subsections.
The following sections together with their new additional sub-sections were agreed:
·  UKMi
o  About UKMi
o  UKMi Exec – reports and minutes
o  Strategy
o  Publicity material
o  Directory
o  Remit
·  Clinical governance
o  Legal and ethical
o  Code of practice
·  Education & Training
o  Manpower and competencies
o  Current training section
The Pharmline section will be removed and a link to the Pharmline website will be inserted.
The public information section will be deleted. / Medium-term
New on site
It was agreed that the ‘What’s new on the UKMi website’ weekly email should be maintained. It could include UKMi products, such as new products, that are being added to NeLM. Whether regional publications should be included in the ‘What’s new’ is part of the decision on the Publications section that needs further discussion.
The current ‘What’s new’ email is generated from what has been added to website that week. If details of publications that have been added to NeLM are included these will need to be added manually which is not ideal. / B/F for discussion at future meeting.
Julia to look at webmastering system.
Unknown what will happen to links section on NeLM when the new platform functional. Agreed to have a links section on UKMi but discussion needed on how this will be maintained. / B/F for discussion at future meeting
Maintain as now
Redesign principles
Agreed to the principles outlined in the paper. Will not be limited by NHS design principles.
A facility for working groups to add their own minutes etc will be established.
Regional centres will be given the facility to update the UKMi directory.
ITWG members to inform James of sites they particularly like with an explanation of why.
James to circulate details of up to 3 sites he thinks have the right look and feel. / All – in next 2 weeks
James – in next 2 weeks
The group will recommend to UKMi Exec that James is funded to webmaster the site with a commitment of 4.5 hours a week. This funding should be cost-neutral compared to our current position (see costing section). / To take to UKMi Exec Dec 05 for approval
Agreed with suggestion in paper. No objection to having DataPharm logo on the site, but Medicines Guidelines logo may be preferable. / Short-term
Search Engine
Group happy to continue using Google, but James to check that the version on the site isn’t displaying adverts. / James to check Google
Cost implications and funding
Discussed and agreed as above under webmastering
UKMi will be asked to nominate a person from each of the working groups to be content manager for their section of the website.
Detail from the ‘management and responsibilities’ paper to be updated and transferred to ‘data transfer from UKMi to NeLM’ paper under additional column entitled ‘content manager’. Contact details for content managers will be included in paper (to be renamed ‘Management Plan’) / Working groups to nominate content managers
Security and access
Most of the new UKMi website will be open access. NDO, patents and fridge databases will need security.
Discussion about whether UKMi Directory meets data protection requirements. When first established there was a discussion with local centres about whether personal details should be included. Need to revisit this and reconfirm that this is not a problem. To set up a proforma for new staff so that permission to include their details is routinely collected.
Should ensure that Directory is registered under data protection.
Publications – currently behind a password. Future to be determined. / James to sort.
UKMi Exec – to raise with local centres.
Chris to register with CLPCT.
Action Plan
1.  Sort-term and long-term options agreed - to take to UKMi Exec
2.  Content agreed – Peter to update the two papers ‘UKMi website – development plan’ and ‘UKMi website – data transfer to NeLM’ (to be renamed – UKMi website – Management plan) and take to the UKMI Exec meeting
3.  UKMi website to move to new server
4.  Redesign stages
a.  Within nest 2 weeks members of the group to circulate details of up to 3 websites with suggested good features that might be included in redesigned website
b.  James to submit interim redesigned website
c.  Design to be finalised
d.  Implementation of redesigned site with launch at conference. / Dec 05
Dec 05
Dec 05
Dec 05
Feb/Mar 06
May 06
Sep 06
7. Minimum IT spec for MI centres
Paper discussed: Suggested minimum IT specification for local MI centres Feb 2004/Nov 2005 Version 4.0/5.0.
Agreed to reduce number of specification columns to two – a minimum functional spec based on requirements for MiDatabank system and a purchase spec. If optimum purchase spec differs vastly from Trust spec, then need to provide reasons as to why higher spec required. Probably unlikely to require more than standard Trust sec, although a higher spec may increase life of hardware.
Agreed not to include information about server spec required for MiDatabank.
Future work of the ITWG should include providing guidance on
·  using scanners in MI
·  using paperless office systems / Peter to update spec as agreed.
8. mi-uk discussion group
To move from Mailbase to JISCmail at the end of March 06. JISCmail is an alternative academic host with a commercial arm (Mailtalk).

Dates of next meeting

8th or 10th March 2006 / Peter to finalise.

Chris Proudlove Dec 05