2014 GCG Provincial Stream Individual Program as of August 5, 2013
as of
Dec 31/2014 / “A”
New or Returning
Provincial Athletes / “B”
New or Returning
Provincial Athletes / “C”
Returning National Stream
or Provincial Athletes / CODE OF POINTS 3.1.1-3.1.6
Page 39
RISK 1.4 PG 12
Levels 1 -2A, 2B, 3A
4A, 5A, 6A
Minimum 1 rotation with apparatus
Levels 3B – 6C
as per FIG
Dance Step Combinations
Max. 0.9
3 dance step combinations
Minimum 8 seconds each
Value = 0.3
Max. 0.6
Max. 2 Risks per routine
Two rotations = 0.2
Three rotations = 0.3
No value for change of axis and level. No repetition of same shape, unless in series.
Max. 0.6
3 full body waves
Value = 0.2 each
Waves that are part of a difficulty can be declared as “full waves”, if properly done. No repetition of the same wave.
Rotation Difficulties
Max. 0.6
3 Difficulties (pivots & jumps with rotation) Value = 0.2 each
Difficulties with rotation that are worth 0.1 can be used as “rotational difficulties” besides the ones that are declared as “body difficulties” (eg. Passé pivot, cossak pivot, “pas de chat” jump, illusion etc.)
Level 1
7, 8
2007-2006 / Free
Rope / 3-4 Body Difficulty
Min. 1, Max. 2 of each body group
Max. Difficulties 7.00pts
Min. 3 fundamentals
Max. 2 “m”
Level 2
9, 10
2005-2004 / Free
Rope / 3-4 Body Difficulty
Min. 1, Max. 2 of each body group
Max. Difficulties 7.00 pts
Min. 3 fundamentals
Max. 2 “m” / Free
Ball / 3-4 Body Difficulty
Min. 1, Max. 2 of each body group
Max. Difficulties 7.00 pts
Max. 4 “m”
Level 3
9, 10, 11
2005-2004-2003 / Free
Hoop / 3-6 Body Difficulty
Min. 1, Max. 2 of each body group
Max. Difficulties 7.00 pts
Min. 3 fundamentals
Max. 2 “m” / Free
Ball / 3-6 Body Difficulty
Min. 1, Max 3 of
each body group
Max. Difficulties 7.00 pts
Max. 4 “m”
/ Free
Ball / 3-6 Body Difficulty
Min. 1, Max 3 of
each body group
Max. Difficulties 7.00 pts
Max. 4 “m”
Level 4
11, 12, 13
2003-2002-2001 / Free
Ball / 3-6 Body Difficulty
Min. 1, Max 3 of
each body group
Max. Difficulties 8.00 pts
Min. 3 fundamentals
Max. 2 “m” / Free
Ball / 3-6 Body Difficulty
Min. 1, Max 3 of
each body group
Max. Difficulties 8.00 pts Max. 4 “m”
/ Rope
Ribbon / 3-6 Body Difficulty
Min. 1, Max 3 of
each body group
Max. Difficulties 8:00 pts
Max. 4 “m”
Level 5
13, 14, 15
2001-2000-1999 / Free
Ribbon / 4-6 Body Difficulty
Min. 1, Max 3 of
each body group
Max. Difficulties 8.00 pts
Min. 3 fundamentals
Max. 2 “m” / Ball
/ 4-6 Body Difficulty
Min. 1, Max 3 of
each body group
Max. Difficulties 8.00 pts
Max. 4 “m”
/ Rope
Choice / 4-6 Body Difficulty
Min. 1, Max 3 of
each body group
Max. Difficulties 8.00 pts
Max. 4 “m”
Level 6
15 & up
1999 and older / Ball
Choice / 4-6 Body Difficulty
Min. 1, Max 3 of
each body group
Max.Difficulties 8.00 pts
Min. 3 fundamentals
Max. 2 “m” / Ball
Choice / 4-6 Body Difficulty
Min. 1, Max 3 of
each body group
Max. Difficulties 8.00 pts
Max. 4 “m”
/ Ribbon
Choice / 4-6 Body Difficulty
Min. 1, Max 3 of
each body group
Max. Difficulties 8:00 pts
Max. 4 “m”
Music - Length of Routines Levels 3, 4, 5 & 6 (1:15 – 1:30) Level 1B & Level 2 (60 – 90 seconds)
Scripts are required for all levels and must be computer generated

·  Provincial Level 1: Gymnasts will not be ranked or scores publically displayed. The same form of recognition to all athletes.

·  One routine with voice is allowed but not compulsory.

·  Apparatus of choice (does not include “Free”) One set of awards will be given for choice apparatus. All-Around is the total of three routines.

·  National Stream Individuals from the previous year, must enter Category “C” (age appropriate level; Level 3C, 4C, 5C or 6C)

·  Provincial Stream Program Levels 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A:

·  require a minimum of 3 fundamentals. Deduction of 0.1 for each one missing or not performed as per FIG COP (COP 1.3 page 10)

·  maximum of 2 lowercase “m” (manipulation skills).

·  Provincial Stream Levels 3B, 3C, 4B, 4C, 5B, 5C, 6B, 6C:

·  follow fundamentals as per FIG COP 1.3. Deduction of 0.3 (not FIG .5) for each missing or not performed as per FIG COP (COP 1.3 page 10)

·  have a maximum of 4 “m”

·  For manipulation (m) refer to the most recent official FIG COP rules pertaining to Mastery (M) with the exception of non-ordinary or original.

·  Individual Provincial Stream Gymnasts cannot challenge one age level up.

2014 GCG Provincial Stream Group Program

as of
Dec 31/2014 / Apparatus
and # of gymnasts / Routine
Length / Composition / Formations & Collaborations
Level 1
7, 8
2007, 2006 / Free
3 & 4
5 / 1:00 - 1:30 / 3-4 Body Difficulty
Min. 1, Max. 2 of each body group
Difficulty Max. 1.0 pt each
All free requirements same as individual.
Maximum Difficulties 7.00 pts / Minimum 4 formations
Minimum 4 Collaborations
0.1 for each collaboration
Level 3
9, 10, 11
2005, 2004, 2003 / Ball
3 & 4
/ 1:00 - 1:30 / 2 difficulty with exchange
3 difficulties without exchange
Max. 4 “m”
/ Minimum 4 formations
Minimum 3 collaborations
Level 4
11, 12, 13
2003, 2002, 2001 / Rope
3 & 4
5 / 1:30 – 2:00 / 3 difficulty with exchange
3 difficulties without exchange
Max. 4 “m” / Minimum 4 formations
Minimum 4 collaborations
Level 5
13, 14, 15
2001, 2000, 1999 / Clubs or Hoop
3 & 4
5 / 2:15 – 2:30 / 4 difficulty with exchange
3 difficulties without exchange
Max. 4 “m”
/ Minimum 6 formations
Minimum 6 collaborations
Level 6
15 & up
1999 & older / Choice of:
Single Apparatus:
Mixed 2 & 3; 4 & 5
1 ball & 1 ribbon
2 balls & 1 ribbon
2 balls & 2 ribbons
3 balls & 2 ribbons / 2:15 to 2:30 / 4 difficulty with exchange
4 difficulties without exchange
Max. 4 “m” / Minimum 6 formations
Minimum 6 collaborations
Open 2004 & older
Novice and or Junior and or Senior
National and/or Provincial Stream / Hoop or Ball
4 or 5 / 2:15 – 2:30 / JUNIOR
Minimum 6 collaborations

·  Level 1 Groups will not be ranked or scores publically displayed. The same form of recognition to all Level 1 groups.

·  All Groups follow Junior Group Requirements: COP 5 – Pages 40 - 41

·  Provincial Groups 3,4,5,6 will have a maximum of 4 “m”.

·  Athletes may compete in a group one age level up from the level they compete as individuals (excludes Level 1 or any athlete aged 8 or youger)

·  An athlete cannot compete in both Provincial Group of 3 & 4 and a Provincial Group of 5 in the same competitive season.

·  An athlete cannot compete in both a Provincial Group and a National Group of any type in the same competitive season unless they move up from a Provincial Group to a National Group. They cannot then move back to a Provincial Group in the same season.

·  An athlete may compete in one Provincial or National Group, AND one AGG Group in the same year.

·  There is no level 2 Provincial group

·  A gymnast may not move down an age group

Body Difficulties: Balanced use of body groups

Senior Groups: Senior group routines may either be single apparatus or mixed apparatus routines.


•  Groups compete & awards are given as groups of 3 and 4 as one competition & set of awards, & groups of 5 as another competition and set of awards, regardless of the apparatus chosen

•  Senior Group: Senior provincial groups will be awarded as groups of 2 and 3 as one competition and set of awards, & groups of 4 and 5 as another competition and set of awards, regardless of the apparatus chosen