St. Michael School strives to provide quality Catholic education to all of the students. The Kindergarten Program is a developmentally based program designed to prepare children a more formal environment of the 1st Grade classroom. Introducing a more structured environment while incorporating free play and exploration allows for children to develop the skills necessary for academic success while encouraging for the development of individual gifts. The entire program is focused on developing the whole child: academically, socially, physically, and spiritually.

Kindergarten Program Overview

The St. Michael Kindergarten Program focuses on the mastery of readiness skills in the areas of math, reading and writing. Using integrated units, the students develop a strong reading and writing sense in the context of Social Studies and Science topics. Developing a strong number sense through the use of manipulatives is a key component to our Math program. With a 12 to 1 student teacher ratio, children are encouraged to develop strong interpersonal skills while being guided by the teacher. Students participate in large group, small group and independent activities. Free play in and out of the classroom is encouraged at cooperative play strategies are developed. Continued development of fine and gross motor skills is an integral piece of the program. As is evident in all areas of St. Michael School, faith development and service to our community are key components to the Kindergarten program.

Instructional Materials Include Though are not Limited to:

·  RCL Benzinger Religion Series “Blest Are We”

·  Houghton Mifflin Reading Series “Journeys”

·  Harcourt Math Series: “HSP Math”

·  “Math Their Way”


The St. Michael Kindergarten Program is a full day program. The day begins at 7:55 Am with all School Assembly in the gym. The students have the opportunity to participate in Computer, P.E., Music, Art, Library, and Spanish on a weekly basis. In addition, they participate fully in the St. Michael Catholic School Guidance Program. The children have recess daily and have a nap time each day. The Kindergarten also participate in weekly All school Masses on Wednesday mornings. Dismissal for Kindergarten students is 3:15 PM.


Kindergarten students are informally evaluated by the teachers on a regular basis. Standardized tests are administered in the Spring. These score are used a baseline for future progress and help the students prepare for future test taking situations. Developmentally appropriate assessments are used in order to determine a child’s progress. Initial assessments are made through conversation, group activities, and observation to determine a child’s developmental level. Developmental Reading Assessments (DRA) are administered to children individually throughout the year in an effort to chart reading development progress. Observations and samples of the child’s work are collected frequently throughout the year. Parents are kept appraised of student progress through assessments focused on skills that are: needing attention, transitioning or mastered. Students receive their first report card at the conclusion of the second grading period in

Home-School Connection:

A close relationship between school and home includes, though is not limited to:

·  A class webpage

·  Periodic “Brown Bag” lunches

·  Weekly “Paw Prints” sent home with school news

·  Read-A- Story opportunities throughout the year

·  Holiday events (Pumpkin patch, Halloween carnival, Christmas Program, etc)

·  Scheduled parent-teacher conferences in the fall, and as needed in the spring

Miscellaneous Information:

·  All students wear the school uniform purchased from Parker Uniforms.

·  Each child brings an individual snack each day.

·  Children eat lunch in the cafeteria and may either bring lunch or buy a hot meal.

·  Each child will be provided a rest mat that will come home weekly to be laundered.

We appreciate your interest in the Kindergarten program at St. Michael Catholic School.
If you have further questions, please call (713)621-6847.