This course is designed to remediate students in the mathematics skills for the Nevada High School Proficiency Examination in Mathematics. These skills include: number relationships and operations; measurement and geometry; data analysis; probability and statistics; and, algebra and functions. This course will prepare students to demonstrate mathematical abilities at the levels of conceptual understanding, procedural knowledge, and problem solving. This course will fulfill one of the mathematics credits required for graduation.


1.12th Grade Standing

2.Non- Proficient Students ONLY


Each student will take an Arithmetic Skills Test of a diagnostic nature to determine:

1.Arithmetic skill strengths

2.Arithmetic skill deficiencies

3. NevadaState Proficiency Diagnostic Pretest


Each student will take a post-test of a diagnostic nature to determine:

1.Individual growth in arithmetic skills.

2.Strengths and weaknesses of the teaching-learning system.

3.Individual advancement on the Nevada State Proficiency Exam.


The following is a list of careers that use Math Application concepts:

Advertising AgentAirplane MechanicArchitectAuto Mechanic

Airplane PilotAppraiserCarpet CleanerCarpenter

DietitianDrafterElectricianFlooring Contractor

Interior DecoratorMachinistMedical Lab TechnicianNewspaper Production


Real Estate AgentSocial WorkerTitle Insurance OfficerTravel Agent


1. Students will maintain and reinforce the skills tested by the Nevada High School Proficiency examination in Mathematics.

2. Students will define, represent, and solve problems by applying the strategies and processes of mathematical modeling to real-world problems.

3. Students will reinforce and expand skills in collecting, reading, organizing, and interpreting information in order to solve problems.

4. Students will refine and extend strategies for estimation and computation.

5. Students will represent and solve problems using geometric models and measurement including triangle relationship

6. Students will represent and interpret problems using graphs, matrices, sampling, and statistical measures.

7. Students will formulate generalizations arriving from patterns discovered in finite and infinite series and sequences.

8.Students will use graphs, formulas, equations, and inequalities to model and solve problems.


Content AreaTimeline

1.Numbers and Operations1.5 weeks

2.Measurement1.5 weeks

3.Geometry1.5 weeks

4.Data Analysis1.5 weeks

5.Probability and Statistics1.5 weeks

6.Algebra and Functions1.5 weeksEnd of Quarter One

7. All of the above six content areas will be revisited throughout the remaining quarters as needed based on evaluations.

Note: The order of the content areas is subject to change depending on critical areas that needed more concentration.


A.Individually Assigned Workbook - Each student will be able to purchase a copy of Math for Proficiency: A Test Preparation Program Level A and Level B for use at home as extra practice. The workbooks will be on sale for $15 for one or $25 for both

of them.

B.We also have individual workbooks on sale for $5 each. The workbooks are on individual parts of the test. The workbook topics are as follows: Fractions, Percents, Ratio & Proportions, Measurement, Geometry, and Algebra.

C.There are also individual workbooks on sale for $10 each. These workbooks are on the different sections of the test. The workbook topics are as follows: Numbers & Operations, Geometry & Measurement, Probability & Statistics, and Algebra & Functions.

D.Students with computer access at home should go to the following website for extra practice:


A.Testing - Tests will be given at the end of each content area. Practice proficiency tests will be given as well to check the progress of the students and assess where more work is needed.

B.Assignments - Assignments will be given on a daily basis. Students will generally have class time to complete these assignments. Students are expected to complete any unfinished assignments as homework. Assignments are due at the beginning of the period the following day. Late work will not be accepted. Math assignments must be completed in pencil.

C.Homework Policy - Students will generally not be assigned homework in this course, provided that they are using their classroom time wisely.

D.Make-Up - It is the student’s responsibility to obtain all missed assignments. Each student will have two days for each day absent to complete ALL work or tests missed. Make-up work not completed within this time frame will be considered late and will not be accepted. Make-up tests are to be taken after school on the students own time. You can get your missed assignments by asking a buddy to see his or her calendar the day you return. You can also get make-up work off of the bulletin board.

E.Extra Credit - Extra credit is available on a daily basis through class participation, weekly problem solving, and extra problems assigned.

F.The use by students of personal communication devices such as cell phones, laptops, tablet computers, or other similar electronic communication devices is permitted during scheduled nutrition or lunch periods, school-sponsored activities at all District school campuses, and while on District buses. During the instructional day, students may only use these devises with approval of the principal.Use that violates state or federal law, District policies or regulations, or the Clark County School District Acceptable Use Policy is prohibited.


A.Preparation Skills Program - Each student will receive and be instructed on the use of a Vocabulary Booklet. This reference guide is part of a school wide study skills program. All students are required to have a textbook, utility notebook (containing the Student Handbook, Vocabulary Booklet and other information), subject notebook, and pencil on their desks each day when class begins. The teacher will check to see that these requirements are met and will reward the students accordingly.

B.Writing - Students will put into practice writing techniques which they have developed in their English classes. The teacher will include writing assignments and essay questions on exams, which will be part of the exam grade.

C.Reading/Learning Strategies - Two-column notes will be used extensively.

D.Technology -

(1)Equipment Usage - All students will adhere to the equipment usage rules located in their Student Planners.

E.Problem-solving Strategies - This course uses the four step problem solving model outlined in the Math Mate.


A.Criteria for Arriving at Student Grades:

(1)Assignments will be graded on a daily basis. The point value for each assignment will vary. However, students will be made aware of the point value of each assignment before it is passed out. Assignments are graded based on completeness. Students will generally have time in class to begin working and should complete these assignments as classwork. Assignments not completed in class are due at the beginning of the period the following day.

(2)Extra credit points will be added to the participation grade before scores are averaged at mid-term and at the end of the quarter. Please keep in mind that tardies deduct an automatic TEN points for EVERY tardy. It is the students responsibility to make these tardy points up.

(3)Tests will be graded on a percentage basis (see below).

(4)QUARTER GRADES:Quarter grades will be weighted as follows:




(5)Semester Grades:Semester Grades for A’s Both Quarters (subject to change):

Quarter 1 - 40%Quarter 1 - 45%

Quarter 2 - 40%Quarter 2 - 45%

Semester Exam - 20%Semester Exam - 10%

B.Explanation of Student Grades:

A90% - 100%Excellent

B80% - 89.9%Above Average

C70% - 79.9%Average

D60% - 69.9%Below Average

FBelow 60%Failing


NGNo Grade

C.Receiving grades reports

(1)Students will be notified on their current progress approximately EVERY OTHER WEEK. Students are responsible to check the grade sheet posted in the room and know their progress at all times. Grades are posted by student ID numbers.

(2)Students and parents will have the opportunity to check grades through Infinite Campus. Please contact the attendance office for your account information if you do not already know it.

(2)Progress reports will be issued at mid-term. These progress reports will serve as notice of unsatisfactory progress for those students earning a grade of D or F. (See student handbook for dates.)

(3)Report cards will be issued at the end of each quarter and each semester. (See student handbook for dates.)