Accepted by Department council 14.09.2017


of the lectures and practical classes in organ anatomy for

ІІ medical course

Winter term 2017/2018

Lecturer: Prof. Y. Koeva, MD, PhD

week / Lectures – 2 h / Practical classes 2 X 2h
I week
18.09 - 22.09 / Cardiovascular system –embryonic development.
Major (or systematic) circulation. Lesser (or pulmonary) circulation
Heart– topography, macro-and microscopic anatomy.
/ 1. Principal structure of a tube and parenchymatous organs
2. Cardiovascular system–macro- and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. artery and vein of muscular type - H-E
2. aorta - orcein, Н-Е
3. arteriola, venula and capillaries – H-E
4. ЕМ of capillary and fenestrated capillary
ІІ week
25.09 - 29.09 / Blood vessels – embryonic development, macro-and microscopic anatomy. Lymph system –principal structure. Lymph vessels and lymph.
/ 1. Heart - macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. heart wall - H-E
2 impulse-conducting system – H-E
2. Immune system - bone marrow, thymus and lymph nodes - macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. bone marrow – H-E
2. thymus- H-E
3. lymph node- H-E
4. EM of bone marrow
ІII week
02.10 – 06.10 / Immune system – principal structure. Bone marrow, thymus, spleen and lymph nodes –embryonic development, macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Immune system–spleen and tonsils – macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. spleen – H-E
2. tonsilla palatina – H-E
2. Nasal cavity and the paranasal air sinuses-macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. nasal mucosa- H-E
IV week
09.10 - 13.10 / Respiratory system - embryonic development and general structure of the organs of the respiratory system. Nasal cavity, larynx, trachea and lungs – macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Larynx - macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. epiglottis- H-E
2. larynx /demonstration/- H-E
2. Trachea, bronchi and the lungs – macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. trachea - H-E
V week
16.10 - 20.10 / Digestive system. Oral cavity-embryonic development, general structure. Tongue, salivary glands and teeth – embryonic development, macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. The lungs and bronchi – macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. lung of adult - small and middle-sized bronchi- H-E
2. embryonic lung – H-E
3. ЕМ of alveolocytes II type and blood-air barrier
2. Digestive system. Oral cavity–macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. lips – H-E
2. cheeks(demonstration) - H-E
3. uvula - H-E
VІ week
23.10 - 27.10 / Pharynx, oesophagus and stomach - embryonic development, macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Test on cardiovascular, respiratory and immune system
2. Teeth – macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. embryonic tooth – H-E
2. adult tooth - H-E
3. adult tooth – Schliff
4. EM of enamel prims and odontoblast
VІI week
30.10 - 03.11 / Small, large intestines and appendix – embryonic development, macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Tongue and salivary glands – macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. tongue, papillae filliformes- H-E
2. tongue, papillae circumvallatae – H-E
3. parotid gland – H-E
4. submandibular gland – H-E
5. sublingual gland – H-E
2. Pharynx and oesophagus - macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. Oesophagus – H-E
VIII week
06.11 - 10.11 / Liver, gall bladder and pancreas–embryonic development, macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Stomach -macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. stomach – fundus- H-E
2. stomach – pylorus- H-E
3. ЕМ of parietal and chief cells, endocrine cell of gastric gland
2. Small and large intestine - macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. small intestine – H-E
2. duodenum – H-E
3. large intestine – H-E
4. appendix – H-E
5. ЕМ of goblet cell and resorptive cell of small intestine
IX week
13.11 - 17.11 / Urinary system-embryonic development and principal structure of the organs. Kidney, ureter and urinary bladder – macro-and microscopic anatomy.
/ 1. Liver and pancreas–macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. liver – H-E
2. gall bladder – H-E
3. pancreas- H-E
4. ЕМ of hepatocytes
2. Urinary system–kidney-macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. kidney-Н-Е
2. kidney– Kongorot
3. ЕМ of blood-urinary barrier, proximal convoluted tubule cell and distal convoluted tubule cell.
Х week
20.11 - 24.11 / Endocrine system- general characteristic and classification. Hypophysis and epiphysis. Peripheral endocrine organs-adrenal gland, thyroid and parathyroid glands - embryonic development, macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Ureter and urinary bladder – macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. ureter- H-E
2. urinary bladder – H-E
3. urethra (male) - demonstration
2. Endocrine system - hypophysis, epiphysis and the islets of Langerhans - macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. hypophysis- H-E
2. epiphysis- H-E
3. islets of Langerhans
3.1.  staining by Н-Е
3.2.  by impregnation
4. ЕМ of cells of adenohypophysis and endocrine cell in small intestine
ХІ week
27.11 - 01.12 / Endocrine system. Endocrine cells in other organs – macro- and microscopic structure. APUD – system - general characteristic.
Male reproductive system-embryonic development and general characteristic. Testis– macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Test on digestive and urinary system
2. Endocrine system–thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands - macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. thyroid gland- H-E
2. parathyroid glands- H-E
3. adrenal gland- H-E
4. ЕМ of zona fasciculata cell in adrenal gland and thyroid gland follicule
ХІІ week
04.12 - 08.12 /

Male reproductive system–epididymis, prostate, seminal vesicles, penis and male urethra– macro- and microscopic anatomy.

/ 1. Male reproductive system – testis, epididymis- macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. testis - H-E
2. epididymis – H-E
3. ЕМ of Leydig cell
2. Prostate, seminal vesicles, penis and male urethra,macro-and microscopic anatomy
Histological sections:
1. prostate- H-E
2. ductus deferens- H-E
3. penis - demonstration
ХІII week
11.12 - 15.12 /

Female reproductive system.

Ovary – embryonic development, macro-and microscopic anatomy. /

1. Female reproductive system. Ovary–macro-and microscopic anatomy

Histological sections:
1. ovary- H-E
2. Uterus, oviduct and vagina - macro-and microscopic anatomy. The external genitalia
Histological sections:
1. uterus- H-E
2. oviduct – H-E
3. vagina – H-E
ХIV week
18.12 - 22.12 / Female reproductive system –uterus, oviduct and vagina–embryonic development, macro-and microscopic anatomy.
Integumental system. Skin and its appendages - embryonic development, macro-and microscopic anatomy. / 1. Test on endocrine, male and female reproductive system
2. The skin and its appendages
Histological sections:
1. skin - H-E
2. hair – H-E
3. nail –H-E
4. mammary gland (lactating) – H-E
5. mammary gland (non-lactating) – H-E

Term tests:

І test - cardiovascular, immune and respiratory systems - 60 p.

Theoretical test – 40 points

Practical – 20 points

ІІ test - digestive and urinary systems -60 p.

Theoretical test – 40 points

Practical – 20 points

ІІІ test - endocrine system, male and female reproductive systems -60 p.

Theoretical test – 40 points

Practical – 20 points

Total - 180 p.


162 – 180 p. – 6.00

153 – 161 p. – 5.50

144 – 152 p. – 5.00

135 – 143 p. – 4.50

126 – 142 p. – 4.00

117 – 125 p. – 3.50

108 – 116 p. – 3.00

Bellow 108 p.- 2.00


- The first 15 students with highest score covering criteria for exemption are exempted from all components of the final examination and develop an essay on a topic given by the teacher. The exempt from the final exam is based on a combination of general and academic criteria.

- Students with a score over 90% of the maximum score, but not covering the other exemption criteria, sit only for essay part of the final exam. 90% of 180 points = 162 points (or more) students exempt both practical and MCQ test on Internal organs of the final exam!

- Students with a score over 80% of the maximum score from both semesters are exempted from the practical part of the final exam. For the final exam the points from 1s+2s (semesters) are calculated and if students cover 80% of maximum they exempt the final practical exam!



1.  Junqueira, Carneiro. Histology, 4 edition, Springer, 1997

2.  Stevens, Lowe, Human Histology, 2 edition, Chapman and Hall, 1997

3.  Grey’s Anatomy

Notebooks and additional materials:

1.  Atanassova P, Koeva I, Petrova E, Penkova N, Trichkova V. A Practicum Organ Histology

2.  CD – Interactive atlas of anatomy and histology of internal organs, edition of the Department of anatomy, histology and embryology, Medical University of Plovdiv

3.  Sivkov ST, Atanasova PK, Novakov SS. MCQ`S in anatomy, a self-testing supplement to human anatomy, Internal Organs&Topographic Anatomy.


1. Sobotta. Atlas of Human anatomy, 14th edition, Urban & Fisher, 2006

2. Rohen, Yokochi, Luten-Drecoll. Human Anatomy, 4th edition, Springer, 1998

3. Krstic, Human Microscopic Anatomy, Springer, 1997

4. S. Delchev, S. Novakov, R. Ivanova, Photographic ATLAS of Anatomy, 2016, Лакс бук, Пловдив

Made by Prof. Yveta Koeva, MD, PhD