- Complete the application form by entering the requested data into all form fields.
- Email the completed formwith attachments (as indicated in the checklist at the end of the application form) to
- The closing date for applications is: 27 November2014
I have read and understand the application procedure and will submit the completed application form in addition to the requested documents as per checklist.
2.3 Surname:
2.5Post level:
2.6Date of appointment at Stellenbosch University (dd/mm/yyyy):
2.7Tel(Work) :Tel (Home):
2.8Accompanied by family?Yes___No___
Please note: Accommodation provided by KU Leuven allows for residence of only one person that can at most be used for a married couple with children under the age of 6 years.
Details, if accompanied:
3. PARTICULARS OF PROJECT/WORKPLAN3.1Title and short research plan or description of programme at host institution:
3.2Name of host/co-worker:
3.3Department/Institute where you will be working:
3.5To what extent is your host / co-worker involved in the project?
3.6Duration of visit:
3.7Period (supply exact dates where possible):
3.8Significance (especially for the department / faculty) of the proposed visit:
3.9Why is it important for the project to be undertaken in Leuven?
- Resident Representative
The Resident Representative is a new initiative that forms part of the Preferential Partnership between Stellenbosch University and KU Leuven.
The Resident Representative will be expected to spend at least 4 months at KU Leuven. Accommodation will be covered for the full period by KU Leuven.
Please indicate if you also wish to apply for this position
Please provide a short motivation for your interest in this role
5. CHECKLIST FOR ATTACHMENTS5.1Letter of invitation:
Yes No
5.2Research record for the past 5 years (Supply any of the following information) (not applicable for applications by Administrative staff)
a)Full-length articles in accredited JOURNALS
b)Articles as part of PROCEEDINGS at national and international congresses
c)OTHER professional publications
d)PAPERS read at national and international professional conferences
e)PROMOTER/CO-PROMOTER for completed and current M theses and D dissertations
Confidential Recommendation from Chair of the Department or Director of Institute (with emphasis on the Significance of the research/study programme for the homeinstitution)
Confidential Recommendation from the Dean or Chair of Governing Committee of the Institute / Centre or Vice-Rector (with emphasis on the significance of the research/study programme for the home institution)
6. SIGNATURESignature of applicant:
Date (dd/mm/yyyy):