Evaluation Workgroup Charge

The charge of the evaluation workgroup is to work with the local data partner to do the following:

  • Oversee the monitoring and evaluation of the programs being implemented under Evidence2Success in order to:

-ensure implementation goals are met;

-measure improvement in participant outcomes; and

-measure change in community-level risk, protection and outcomes

  • Monitor community-level data to evaluate the progress of the Evidence2Success initiative and participate in updating the Community Action Plan periodically

Key Task Checklist

Establish partnership with the data partner

Work closely with the data partner and program purveyors to design data collection instruments and protocols to monitor program implementation and continuous quality improvement

For all non-required measures, review for applicability to real-world community-based data collection

Seek guidance from those who will be implementing tested, effective programs and collecting programmatic data to gain feedback on usability and feasibility of measures

Be flexible as program implementation unfolds and make changes to measures if needed (e.g., reducing data collection burden)

Build data collection incentives into the continuous quality improvement (CQI) plans and work with the finance workgroup to find funding to support incentives

Work with the finance workgroup to summarize evaluation plan and costs for group(s) working to finalize the Action Plan budget

Report fidelity, as well as participant and community-level outcomes, back to the community board and other stakeholders on a regular basis

Group Structure and Membership

Ideally, the evaluation workgroup will be composed of six to eight core members and will be co-led by the data partner. See the factsheet about the local data partner for an overview of the data partner’s role.Other suggested members include representatives from participating provider agencies and public systems, as well as program implementers such as teachers or clinicians and interested members of the community. Individuals on this workgroup should have experience, expertise or a strong interest in monitoring and evaluation.

Because the charge of the evaluation workgroup is closely tied to that of the implementation workgroup, at least some overlap in the membership across these groups is recommended in order to facilitate plan development and to reduce the likelihood of duplicative efforts.

The community board may elect to create an implementation team for each program rather than one workgroup overseeing implementation of all programs. Implementation teams perform the functions of both the implementation and evaluation workgroups for their program.


Members agree to:

  • participate in workgroup meetings of one to three hours each month over a four-to-six-month timeframe to develop the evaluation plan;
  • once the evaluation plan is developed, participate in workgroup meetings of one to three hours in length on a quarterly basis;
  • attend 75 percent of all meetings; and
  • prepare for all meetings by reading the advance reading assignments and minutes from previous meetings

Decision-Making Process

The workgroup will work closely with the data partner on all evaluation activities. The workgroup will select a liaison to the community board and will solicit feedback from the implementation workgroup on its recommendations.All key decisions of the evaluation workgroup will be reviewed by the local Evidence2Success community board for final approval.