November 14, 2005
The following were in attendance:
Tim Blake, Jim Brown, Tony Carvalho, Dick Cavanaugh, Joe Conte, Andrea Duffy, Joe Filippetti, Andy George, Marc Glass, Dave Gold, Art Hennig, Milan Keser, Bill Oehler, Chafik Rebai, Tom Skarbek, Eric Voide, Kathy Zolad, Sue Schultz, Steve Hinchliffe, Jim Lennox, and Gerry Koppe.
The following were absent:
Tim Brennan, David Engel, Steve Henderson, and Tom Mattera.
The minutes of October 12, 2005 were approved with one correction as Bill Oehler was present at the meeting. Kathy also stated that he gave a registrar presentation and she thanked him for his help.
Treasurer’s Report:
Dave was not present tonight.
Committee Reports:
Cup: Steve Hinchliffe reported that the Fall Cup is now completed and we had excellent weather. Had a number of volunteers as field marshals (Kathy stated that we hired the Newington Soccer Boosters). The referees were all adults and he thanked Jim Brown as that worked out very well. Five of the eight games ended in PK’s. This was the first time we handed out the trophies that they keep along with the medals and they seemed to go over well. Kathy stated that we collected approximately $1400 at the gate. The wrap-up meeting will be held on November 30th. Kathy thanked the BOD members that came and helped out as well. The perpetual placques will be in the hall, starting with the winners from 2000 to present. Fall cups are being done now.
Registrar: Bill Oehler stated that 2004-2005 is complete and ready to go to US Youth. There are some inaccuracies in the numbers. SW online registration is doing well. Rec is not complete but comp and premier are done. They will not process the paperwork for Rec until their registration is complete.
Recreation: Marc Glass mentioned that we are still looking for more selections for the Patch Contest. We are looking for more entries.
Tournaments: Tom Skarbek wanted to add Avon Memorial Day Tournament May 27-29, 2006 to the tournament sanctioned listing. Others were Clinton Invitational, Oakwood Premier Invitational, Southington Invitational, and Newington Wrap-Up.
District Reports: NE extended the season. Banquet is this Saturday. SW has had some discipline problems in the U9-U10 age group that will be looked at closely. SC extended season one more week. Central season is over and everything went well. SE everything is fine. Indoor Tournament - Milan is looking for your input and whether your will be interested or not. Please have numbers ready for the December 4, 2005 meeting. We have UCONN Friday and Saturday on March 3-4, 2006. NW season ends this weekend. NC everything is fine.
ODP: Jim Lennox handed out his ODP packet for the upcoming season. Player ID is an ongoing process and the curriculum is constantly changing. Also enclosed is the resumes from the ODP coaches for the season.
Motion to accept the ODP staff as submitted was made by Marc Glass, seconded by Chafik Rebai. One abstention. Motion passed.
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Minutes of November 14, 2005
Motion to accept the list of ODP bad standing names was made by Chafik Rebai, seconded by Marc Glass. Motion passed unanimously.
New Club Affiliation – Central CT Extreme: It was noted that the bylaws were not submitted with the new club affiliation.
Motion to table Central CT Extreme new club affiliation until the December meeting was made by Eric Voide, seconded by Tom Skarbek. Motion passed unanimously.
US Youth Coaches Workshop – February 23, 2006: Kathy stated that it will be in Houston. Eric is the alternate BOD member and he will be going.
AGM/Convention: Included is a packet with all of the forms needed for the President’s Dinner, AGM, and Convention. Please get these into the office to Sue. Also have your numbers ready for the Indoor Tournament at the meeting in December for Milan. There are only two Rule Proposals so we will be able to do other business.
Unfinished Business: Region I meeting in RI was not as bad as expected.
Kathy then went to Chicago for the President’s meeting. Most wanted to stay with the federation. Only two state associations did not. Eight were not present. Some were in for now but had reservations. Big concern was over AYSO clubs being registered
The Dallas meeting was proposal and counter proposal. Had to do with verbiage – such as the word team being used. They agreed to take out the word “team” and put in “group of participants” instead. Sunil and Dan Flynn were present and informed all that agreement was going to happen and we would work things out. They wanted input from all present. New 212 wanted the word “team” taken out. Most of the argument is over the recreation players.
Another push was the cost of training referees and coaches. We have to pay fees for the national youth licenses while AYSO does not. They are used for the adults as well as the youth. It was felt that they should be contributing to the program.
Also in contention was the size of their BOD at 42 members. Wanted us and US Soccer to hold but both said no. Proposals for reduction of the BOD were 1 for 10, 1 for 12, 2 at 15 and 1 at 20. The March meeting will be interesting to see what happens. Kathy handed out a summary to all present. It was not totally negative. There will be another task force meeting prior to the next meeting and Kathy will attend. They wanted US Youth to withdraw their grievance.
This meeting will be in Vegas and Andy George is next on the list followed by Milan Keser.
IRS Audit is still ongoing. They asked us for a copy of our audit. Other audits are ongoing as well.
Middletown Complex: Tony Carvalho reported that after the ten year lease the clause changed and nothing is guaranteed for field usage and maintenance costs. They want us to share in these costs with the town. Tony felt that this was not an acceptable clause. He does not recommend this option regarding guaranteeing it for ten years and then look at it again. Kathy agreed with Tony on this. Kathy then asked for input: Marc agrees that they would not keep the commitment to us as did Eric, Milan, Joe, Art, Tom, Joe Conte, Andy George, and Chafik.
Kathy thanked Tony for all of his work and we will have to plan for our needs in the future. Kathy would like to have a Summit meeting on a weekend in April or July. She will check various places with different
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dates to see what works out best. Kathy wants to bring someone from outside to come in and take us into this summit.
For the Good of Soccer: Kathy stated we only have two Rule Proposals so it should be as easy meeting. That is why she would add the new affiliation and the Indoor Tournament to the agenda.
Milan mentioned an incident that occurred this past weekend in Massachusetts with a child not having any adult that they could call to pick them up. Make sure that you get several numbers for the players you bring so someone will be there to get the child.
Jim Brown mentioned that the online registration for referees is going well. You can help the referees out by encouraging your club assignors to contact referees by phone to sign up online. Clinics that did this process were not canceled as the assignors were able to fill them up. Otherwise we are canceling clinics. The grade 9’s that are waiting for a bridge should take the Recert because if they miss the bridge they will not be certified referees.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 PM was made by Dick Cavanaugh, seconded by Marc Glass. Motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Gerry Koppe
CJSA Office Staff