Aiming Higher in Health Care
AI Consulting, LLC
Contact: Susan O. Wood, AIC Health Care Alliance
P.O. Box 72, Mt Gretna, PA 17064
Phone: 717-964-3069 Email:
Appreciative Inquiry – a positive revolution in change
Raising and Celebrating
Excellence, Learning, and the Spirit in Healthcare
A Fresh Approach to Looking at the Best Thinking and Practice in Healthcare
Day & Time / Topic and Conference Design / RoomTuesday 5/20
8:00-8:30 / Coffee and Registration / Multipurpose Room
8:30-9:00 / Introduction and Welcome Steve Fitzgerald and Bernard Mohr / Multipurpose Room
9:00-10:15 / Discovery –Topic: “Spirit, Excellence and Learning in Healthcare” Patreece Thompson and Tony Silbert
Paired Interviews > Groups of 6 / Multipurpose Room
10:15-10:30 / Break
10:30-12:00 / Discovery-Identify themes/positive core / Multipurpose Room
12:00-12:45 / Lunch
1:00-1:20 / Celebrating What’s Right-Video / Auditorium 1ST Floor
1:20-2:15 / Discovery – Celebrating Excellence
SSM Baldridge Presentation – Don Eggleston -Roberta Peirick / Auditorium 1st Floor
2:15-3:15 / Concurrent Cases – Definition, Discovery,
- MethodistMedicalCenter
- Smith-Kline
- Metro Health / Room 2030
Room 2031
Room 2032
3:15-3:30 / Break
3:30-6:00 / Dream-Roberta Peirick / Multipurpose Room
6:00-6:45 / Social hour – networking –Q&A / Multipurpose Room
7:00 – 9:00 / Dinner off-site / Handout in folders
Raising and Celebrating
Excellence, Learning, and the Spirit in Healthcare
A Fresh Approach to Looking at the Best Thinking and Practice in Healthcare
Day and Time / Core Conference Design / RoomWed 5/21
8:00-8:30 / Coffee and questionsResource Table and Consulting Services of Conference Team / Multipurpose Room
8:30-10:00 / Design- Joyce Rankin and Bernard Mohr / Multipurpose Room
10:00-10:15 / Break / Multipurpose Room
10:15-11:30 / Design-Joyce Rankin and Bernard Mohr / Multipurpose Room
11:30–12:30 / Concurrent Cases - Design and Destiny
St. Joseph’s Mercy
AI & Baldrigde / Room 2030
Room 2031
12:30-1:30 / Lunch / Multipurpose Room
1:30-2:00 / Future Trends in Healthcare: Possibilities for Actions- Jonathan Peck / Multipurpose Room
2:00 – 3:45 / Destiny- Open Space
Lisa Dinga and Steve Fitzgerald / Multipurpose Room
Breakouts in Classrooms
3:30 – 3:45 / Break
3:45-5:00 / Gathering of the Whole Summation overview of 2 day experience - Key Learning’s, Hopes, Visions, Plans
Patreece Thompson and Steve Fitzgerald / Multipurpose Room
5:00-6:00 / Informal conversations and Q&A for application of AI / Multipurpose Room
“What Might Be”
Draw, sing, act, dance, compose a poem or skit to portray your image of what healthcare would look like if all of the positive core / life giving forces were functioning at their best. Be prepared to present your work at 5:30 and explain it to the larger group.
You will find props and materials scattered throughout the back of the room that you can utilize.
The Dream Phase uses interview stories and insights discovered through the interviews. People listen to moments when things were most alive and the future becomes visible.
The dream phase involves challenging the status quo by envisioning a preferred future.
The dream phase is practical because it is grounded in the positive history and is generative since it seeks to expand the organization’s potential.
Goals of Design Plenary
Participants will…
Learn what is meant by Design as a noun and Design as a verb
Experience one approach to designing (building on the prior days Dream)
Understand how the Design phase of AI bridges between vision (the Dream) and action ( Destiny)
Time /What
/ Who/How/Handouts etc8:30 – 8:40 / Segue –review of yesterday and preview of today
8:40 – 9:00 / Lecturette on Design
-what is it
-does it matter
9:00 – 9:30 / a)introduce the Design Opportunities Map/DOP (formerly known as the Goose Egg or organization bagel)
b)plenary level brainstorm to populate the DOP for the health care sector
9:30-9:45 / Micro Open Space to identify elements within the DOP which people have passion for and want to write a PP on
9:45-9:55 / Explain the open space sub group task (ie to write PP, examples of PP’s etc) and allow people to self select into passion groups
9:55- 11:00 / Open space/passion groups, write a PP on their topic – includes a self managed break
11:00-11:30 / Report outs, reference to Design principles and transition to case presentations
Conference Valuation
My Name(print)______May we use your picture/quotes ? ______
- Where did you hear about this conference ? ie a persons name, or which website or list serve or in another way?
- What about this conference really excited you – which parts of the conference did you find most energizing ?
- What exciting possibilities do you see for using Appreciative Inquiry in your work over the next few months?
- What wishes do you have for future versions of this conference? How could we make it better?
- What aspects of Appreciative Inquiry would you like to learn more about ?
- If you have not already done so please comment on:
a) Facilities and location
b) Conference materials
c) Conference length
7. What else would you like the conference organizing team to know?