Minutes for General Membership Meeting 9/21/2007

1. Welcome to New Members and Current Members

A.In attendance: Shelli Homer –

Lucretia Fligne—

Erik Armstrong –

Chris Cullen –

Mary Rowntree –

Kelly Candelaria –

Jennifer L., Chris B., Connor T., Jeff H., David Martins

Amanda Runyan arrived in the last 15 minutes

B. Jennifer L. announced that the GRE Workshops have had a good turnout of undergrads and graduate students. She is writing thank-you letters to all profs.

2. Old Business:

Recruitment of junior and senior undergrads

A.  David Martins suggested that we add more 400-level professors from

areas other than literature (like the Rhetoric and Writing instructors)

B.  Members who agreed to speak to certain profs:

·  Jen – Lois/John

·  Connor – Harriet/Tracy

·  Jeff – David/Aiping/

·  Chris – Roger/Lynn

·  Jan – Geoff/Mark

3. Performance Showcase Update on Friday Oct. 12 from 7-10pm at 1078 Gallery

A. Line-Up (so far) – Byron, Geoff, Rob Davidson, Jan, Kelly, Jen White, Mary

B. Sign-ups to help with event

·  Door – Chris Cullen and Shelli Homer

·  Set up – Shelli Homer

·  Bartend – Mary R., Kelly C., and Erik A.,

·  Anywhere you need me – Mary R.

C. Kelly C. will do an announcement of the event on CSUC student announcments board online

D. Connor – We need to charge a cover

E. Chris will make flyers

4. Fall Symposium

A. Connor gave a brief overview of the event

B. Jeff gave a budget overview

·  ($600 for Erudite

·  $150 for gift

·  $250 for food and beverages

·  $150 for Publicity

C. Jeff explained the AS proceedings for funding and how it needs to be open to everyone to get AS funding. A discussion about the function of The Erudite ensued. Issues addressed were:

·  having a competition for the best writing from the pool of HFA and Fall Symposium submissions/presenters

·  the need to consider number of papers submitted; how to limit; how to organize

·  the existence of competing publications on campus

·  the need for an editorial committee: Do we want that?

·  How will it change Erudite? EGSC opportunities to publish? Dept?

·  Blind readings as a way of getting EGSC members to be able to submit

·  CONCLUSION: We need to open it up for more discussion later on. Debate it, and then vote on the issue. Members with strong opinions advised to bring an outline of their stance to next meeting

5. Grad Committee – Connor gave a very brief mention. We were out of time.

6. Foreign Language Requirement

A. Connor mentioned the idea of having the EGSC help organize students to approach FLNG and/or ENG Departments about ‘intensive reading/translation” courses at CSUC.

B. Jennifer L. mentioned that Christine Goulding, a German Professor, had taught a translation course in the past

C. A sign-up sheet (with the language preference) was passed around

D. David Martins suggested having the course in January

E. Jen L. said she would contact Dr. Goulding to see if she was interested in teaching a course again