Staff Development Committee

December 9, 2013

2:30–3:00 p.m.

Present: Debbie Peterson, Jaye Tashima (via conference call), Rolando Regino, Gisele Morales, Michele LaVeaux

Absent: Paul Williams

Recorder: Jeri Kay Falkowski

Approval of minutes from May 22 and October 14. Motion by Jaye 2ndby Gisele. Approved without changes.

Welcome Rolando to committee.

Old business:

Survey Results – Jaye commented that the results were frustrating because the comments didn’t provide suggestions on where to go from here. The committee agreed to keep doing what they have done in the past since there were no negative responses. Don’t need to fix it until someone says it is broken.

New business:

Revision of Travel Request Form:Changes were made to form, including submitting to Jeri Kay so she can distribute. New form includes part time and adjunct. Motion to approve new form by Michele, 2nd by Gisele.

Funding requests:

Jaye sent a travel request to committee today for Reba Pugliese. Committee approved Reba for $340.57.

Debbie asked that the forms be sent to Jeri Kay to send out to committee. Jeri Kay will check for complete information before sending out to the committee. Some people don’t understand that this committee does not give district travel approval, we are only offering to approve up to $300 in travel funds. There is a lot of confusion in the process.

Debbie received information from fiscal that we have $7,000 this year. Apparently some travel requests were paid without committee authorization. Kevin Crowley and Kelley Johnson were not approved by the committee. Jaye will follow up on how this happened and if Staff/Employee Development can get money returned to our account.

No upcoming activities.

Rolando asked if we have any money to spend. Rolando asked for clarification on process for requesting funds. Discussion over funds being divided equally among faculty, staff and management so it is equal. Michele reminded that they can only turn in one request per year.

Adjourned 3:00