Social Network Script Feature Document

FRONTEND( User Side)

Home Page Modules:
  • Home Page Website Logo and Website Information
  • Simple Login Module - Registered Member Easily Login to Web Site
  • Website Show Case Banners - Site Banner Based On Time Admin Will Changes This Banner Image From Admin Panel. (Image & Video)
  • Join Now Module Box - Text or Image
  • Top 10 Members - Display Most Performed Members (Based On Member Activity Or Admin Manage)
  • Simple Modules for Latest Members, Latest Videos, Latest Polls, Latest Forums, Latest Blogs and Etc.- Admin Manage those Display Control From Admin Panel
  • Advertise Modules For Home Page -Manage From Admin Panel

Member Join Modules:
  • New Member Should Register with Website For Login to Website
  • In Registration Process User Need to Submit Following Information - Name, Email, Password, Gender, Date Of Birth and Country.
  • After Register Process Complete - Login Information Send to Registered Email Account
Add On Filed For Register Process:
  • Captcha Image Concept - (Manage From Admin - Active / Inactive)
  • Email Activation Concept - (Manage From Admin - Active / Inactive)
  • If Email Activation is Active Send Activation Email to Register User Email Account.

Member Login Modules:
  • Registered Member Login With Registered Login Information
  • Remember Login Concept - (Manage From Admin - Active / Inactive)
  • After Login Success Forward to User Home Page
  • If Login Process Failure - Display Forgot Login and New Member Register Links

Member Forgot Login Modules:
  • Registered Member Forgot Login Details Use this Module
  • Member Enter Register Email Id to Here
  • Check that Email Id Register to This Website
  • If Email Id Available in Register Table, Login Information Send to that Email Account in Mail Format
  • Other wise Email Id Not Found in Register Table, Redirect to Register Module

Member Home Page Modules:
  • This Is Login Member Home Page
  • Simple Modules For Full Name, Member Photo and Personal Details(Gender, Age, Status)
  • Simple Module For User Status Update - Ajax Module For Change User Current Status
  • Simple Module For User Menu Items - Profile Picture, Update Personal, About Me, Interest, Privacy, Profile Theme
  • My Events Module - Display Calendar With Event List
  • My Friends Modules - Display Few Friends List also Link For Friends Page(User Can Minimize Modules)
  • My Notification Module - For View New Friends Request Details(User Can Minimize Modules)
  • My Comments Module - (User Can Minimize Modules)
  • My Bulletin Module - (User Can Minimize Modules)
  • My Groups Module -(User Can Minimize Modules)
  • My Photos Module - (User Can Minimize Modules)(Display Choose From Setting)
  • My Videos Module- (User Can Minimize Modules) (Display Choose From Setting)
  • My Audios Modules - (User Can Minimize Modules) (Display Choose From Setting)
  • My Forum Module - (User Can Minimize Modules)(Display Choose From Setting)
  • My Blogs Module - (User Can Minimize Modules)(Display Choose From Setting)
  • My Polls Module - (User Can Minimize Modules)(Display Choose From Setting)
  • Advertise Modules For Home Page -Manage From Admin Panel

Member Profile Status Update:
  • Update Member Profile Status
  • Member Change Current Status from Available List

Member Profile Update:
  • Update Member Profile Personal Information
  • This Personal Information Page has - Name, Gender, DOB, Country and Contact Details
  • Update Member Profile Picture
  • This Profile Picture - User Update Profile Picture and also Crop that Image
  • Update About Me and Interest Information
  • Member Update Privacy Information and Email Alert Information

Member Home Page My Events Module:
  • Display Current Month Events
  • Event Dates are Colored with Different
  • Also Link For Event Details Page
  • Option For Show / Hide Module Details

Member Home Page My Friends Module:
  • Display Few Friends List
  • Also Link For View All Friends List
  • Friends Display Filters - Online, Profile Image
  • Option For Setting Top 10 Friends
  • Link For Invite Friends Module
  • Option For Show / Hide Module Details

Member Home Page My Groups Module:
  • Display Few Groups Lis
  • Also Link For View All Groups List
  • Option For Show / Hide Module Details

Member Home Page My Notification Module:
  • Display New Friends Request
  • Easy to View New Friends Request
  • Also Display Request Count
  • Option For Show / Hide Module Details

Member Home Page My Blogs Module:
  • Display Members Few Blogs Topic List
  • Link For View Members All Blogs Topic
  • Option For Show / Hide Module Details

Member Home Page My Polls Module:
  • Display Members Few Polls List
  • Link For View Members All Polls
  • Option For Show / Hide Module Details

Find Member Module:
  • This is Member Search Module
  • This Member Find Module, Member Can Search Others Member
  • Basic Member Search - Name, Gender
  • Advance Member Search - Name, Gender, Online Status, Age Filter, Image Filter and Location

Find Member- Result Display Module:
  • After Member Search, Search Result will Display with Display Format.
  • Member Photo and Name with Profile Page Link
  • Member Gender, Member Age and Country
  • Link For Add as Friends
  • Also View Member Online Status
  • If Member On Line Link For IM chat
  • Otherwise Link For Message

Friends Invite Module:
  • Registered Member Can Invite Friends For Join to This Web Site
  • He Send Invite mail to Friends by enter Friends email directly
  • If That Email Already Available in that web site, Send Add as Friends Request to That's Users
  • Also Member Can Invite My Mail Contact List Member By Using Email Importer Concept
  • If That Email Already Available in that web site, Send Add as Friends Request to That's Users
  • So this Module Easy to Join Members in Your Friends List

Friends Module:
  • This is Members Friends List Modules
  • Here Member Can View All Friends List
  • Member Friends List has - Member Name, Member Photo, Age, Gender and Location
  • Also Link with - Profile View, Online Status - IM chat / Message and Remove Friends
  • Friends Invite Module to Invite Friends to Joins
  • Friends Find Module Easy to Search New Friends
  • Friends Search with Filters
  • Link For Friends Member Friends List View
  • Also Link For Comment Post to Friends
  • Friends Picture View Modules
  • This Friends Picture View Module to View Friends Photo Albums
  • Set Top Friends List Modules
  • Here We will Select Friends to Top Friends List
  • We will change Friends List Order

Groups Module:
  • This is Members Groups Modules
  • Main Module For Groups: Group Home, My Groups, Search Groups, Create Groups
  • Groups Home Page - Display All Groups Category List with Groups Count Details
  • Group Home Page also has search concept for groups search
  • My Groups - Display Member Created Groups and Member Joined Groups List
  • This My Groups Area has Search Concept For My Groups Modules
  • This Search Module Easy to Find Owned Groups, Joined Group Details
  • Group Search Module - Search Groups By using KeywordsCreate Groups Module
  • Registered Member Can Create Groups In Selected Category.
  • Create Groups has Following Details:
  • Groups Name, Group Category, Invite New Member By (Open Membership, Only Owner Invite and Member Invite), New Member Auto Approve (Yes / No), Public View (Yes / No), Forum Topic (Only Owner / Members)
  • Update Groups Photo and Complete Group Creation Process
  • My Groups: Groups Page
  • Simple Module For Groups: Group Name, Group Picture, Groups Details
  • Groups Menu Item:
  • (Group Owner)Update Group Details, Update Group Picture, Invite Member
  • (Group Member)Leave Groups, Invite Member
  • (Group Non Member)Join Groups
  • Groups Main Page:
  • Display Groups Member List: Name and Photo
  • Also Link For Profile, Online Status
  • Group From Modules: Create and Reply to Forum Topics (Based On Privacy)
  • Groups Album List: Display Groups Album

Member Message Box Module:
  • Registered Member Can Send Message to Friends and Other Members
  • Member View Inbox Message in Inbox Link with Unread Message Count
  • This Read / Unread Module Easy User Identify Message Box Status
  • User Can View Inbox Message also Link For Forward and Reply to That Message
    Member Send Message are Store in Send item Box
  • Address Book - User Can Add Member to this Address Book

Comments Module: (LIKE SCRAP BOOK)
  • Registered Member Can Send Comment Message to Friends Also Send Comment Message to That User
  • Sub Menu - My Received Comments, My Posted Comment
  • My Received Comments
  • Member Can View Comments List Details For That Login Users
  • Display Comment User Information and Comments Details
  • Also Link For Reply Comments, Send Message, Delete and Report Abuse.
  • My Posted Comments
  • Member Can View Posted Comments to Other Users
  • Display Commented User Information and Comments Details
  • Also Link For Post Comments, Send Message and Delete.

Bulletin Module: (Like Note)
  • Registered Member Can Post Bulletin Message to That User
  • Member Can View Bulletin List Details For That Login Users
  • Display Comment User Information and Message Details
  • Also Link For Send Message, Delete and Report Abuse.
  • Post Bulletins
  • Member Can Post Bulletin to That Users
  • Also Set Viewer Setting - Every One, Friends, Top Friends
  • Also Link For Post Comments, Send Message and Delete.

Events Module:
  • Member Can Create Events
  • Sub Menu For Events - My Latest Events Details, My Friends Send Events Details, Post
  • Events, Search Events
  • My Latest Events
  • Member Can View My Latest Events Details
  • Member Can View Events Details By Clicking More Details (Event Name)
  • My Friends Send Events
  • Member Can View My Friends Send Events Details
  • Member Can View Events Details By Clicking More Details (Event Name)
  • Events Details Page
  • Member Can View Events Details Here
  • Event Name, Event Category, Event Details, Event Date and Time, Event Joined Member Details
    Also Link for Send Message to Event Joined Members.
  • Also Link For Join(If Friends Invite to That User)
  • Post Events
  • This is Event Create Page
  • User Enter Events Details - Name, Category, Date and Time, Details, Event Privacy level.
  • After Complete Event Create, Event Creator Can Invite Message Send to Friends
  • Search Events
  • This is Event Search Page

Jobs Module:
  • This Is Jobs Modules - Member Can Post Jobs also Search Jobs
  • Jobs Modules has Following sub modules - Jobs Seeker, Jobs Recruiter and Jobs Search Engine
  • Jobs Seeker
  • Jobs Seeker Member Update Jobs Seekers Profile for Search and Apply Jobs
  • Jobs Seeker Member Can Upload Resumes
  • Jobs Seeker Member Can Manage Jobs Profile and Resume Details
  • Jobs Seeker Member Can Search Jobs by using Basic Search and Advance Search
  • In Jobs Search - Jobs Result Display with Jobs Details
  • Also Link For Apply and Save
  • Jobs Recruiter
  • Jobs Recruiter Member Update Jobs Recruiters Profile for Search Resume and Post Jobs
  • Jobs Recruiter Member Can Post Jobs
  • Jobs Recruiter Member Can Search Resume by using Basic Search and Advance Search
  • In Resume Search - Resume Result Display with Jobs Seeker Profile Details
  • Also Link For Send Message to Jobs Seekers
  • Jobs Search Engine
  • Member Can Search and View Other Jobs Sites Jobs From This Websites
  • Member Can View All Jobs Here By Using Basic Search and Advance Search
  • Jobs Search Engine - Search Result Display with Jobs Title, Jobs Details and also link for Jobs URL.
  • This Jobs Search engine Concept Help full For Jobs Seekers

Forum Module:
  • This is Forum Modules For Website
  • Member Can Discussion Topic with Other Members
  • Forum Module Concept - Form Home, My Forum, Create Forum Topic
  • Forum Concept
  • In Forum Home Page Display Forum Main Category as Head, Forum Sub Categories
  • This Page Display Forum Topics Count, Forum Topic Reply Count also Last Reply Member Details
  • In Forum Topics Page Display Forum Topics with Reply Count, View Count, Last Reply Member Details
  • In Forum Discussion Page Display Forum Topic Details and Forum Topic Reply Details
    My Forum
  • This is View My Posted Topic Details Display
  • User Can View My Posted Topics Here, Also Link For Topic Discussion Create Forum Topics
    Member Can Post New Topic Here
  • This Forum Create Concept has Following Fields - Forum Topic, Forum Category, Forum Sub Category and Forum Details

Blogs Module:
  • This is Blogs Modules For Website
  • Member Can Post Blogs other member can Comments Member Post
  • Blogs Module Concept - Blogs Home, My Blogs, Create Blogs Topic
  • Blogs Concept
  • In Blogs Home Page Display Blogs Topics
  • Blogs Details Page Display Blogs Category, Sub Category, Blogs Details also Member Comments Details
  • My Blogs
  • This is View My Posted Blogs Details Display
  • User Can View My Posted Blogs Here, Also Link For Details Page
  • Create Blogs Topics
  • Member Can Post New Blogs Here
  • This Blogs Create Concept has Following Fields - Blogs Category, Blogs Sub Category Blogs
  • Title and Blogs Details

Polls Module:
  • This Is Polls Modules - Member Can Create New Polls, Search Polls and Vote to Other Poll Jobs
  • Modules has Following sub modules - Polls Home, Search Polls, My Polls and Create New Pol
  • Polls Home
  • This is Polls Main Page
  • Random Polls Display Here
  • Member Can Vote For this Random Polls also View Poll Details
  • Search Polls
  • This is Polls Search Page
  • Polls are Display Here with Latest Order
  • Member Can Search Polls By Using Search Modules
  • Member Can Vote For this Search Result Polls also View Poll Details
  • My Polls
  • This is My Polls Page
  • Member Can View My Posted Polls
  • Member Can View My Polls Vote Results
  • Also Manage Polls Concept
  • Create Polls
  • This is New Polls Create Page
  • Member Can Create New Polls
  • Polls Create Page - Polls Topic, Vote Option

Photo Gallery Module:
  • This is Album Module – Can save the Photos in the album where the members could see the photos in public mode.
  • Album Modules has Following sub modules -Photos Home, Search Photos, My Photos and Create New Album
  • Photos Home
  • This is Album Main Page - Display All Albums in Latest Order
  • Member Can View Albums Photo by using View Photos Link
  • Search Photos
  • This is Album Search Page - Member Can Search Albums by Keywords
  • Search Result Page Display Photo Albums
  • Member Can View Albums Photo by using View Photos Link
  • My Photos
  • This is My Album Main Page - Display My Posted Albums
  • Member Can View Albums Photo by using View Photos Link
  • Member Can View Rating and Comments Details
  • Member Can Also Manage Posted Albums
  • Create Album
  • This is Member Album Create Page
    Album Create Process - Album Name, Album Main Image, Album Images, Album Details, Album
  • Privacy - For View (All, Friends and Etc)
  • View Album
  • This is Member Album View Page
  • Member Can View Album Main Images with View Album Links
  • Album View On Slideshow Concept, Album View On NEXT and PREV concept
  • Also User Can Comments Albums
  • Also User Can Rate Albums

Video Gallery Module:
  • This is Video Module - Members Can Rate Video of Other Members
  • Video Modules has Following sub modules - Video Home, Search Video, My Video and Create New Video
  • Video Home
  • This is Video Main Page - Display All Video in Latest Order
  • Member Can View Video Play by using View Video Link
  • Search Video
  • This is Video Search Page - Member Can Search Video by Keywords
  • Search Result Page Display Video Name and Images
  • Member Can View Video Play by using View Video Link
  • My Video
  • This is My Video Main Page - Display My Posted Video
  • Member Can View Video Play by using View Video Link
  • Member Can View Rating and Comments Details
  • Member Can Also Manage Posted Video
  • Create Video Album
  • This is Member Video Album Create Page
  • Video Album Create Process - Video Name, Video Main Image, Video Details, Video Upload / Video Embed Script Paste, Video Privacy - For View (All, Friends and Etc)
  • View Video
  • This is Member Video View Page
  • Member Can View Video Play with View Video Links
  • Video View On Flash Player / Video View On Embed Script
  • Also User Can Comments Video Albums