Michael Oakeshott – Traditional Conservatism (written 1962)
He argues for "keeping an even keel," moderation, and the conservative disposition.
What should we base politics on?
"Politics is nothing more than tending to the arrangements of one's society."
Who is he writing against?
What five conclusions does the person of conservative disposition draw? (p. 168, left bottom in 9th ed) (p. 156 left bottom in 8th)
Does Oakeshott think that the zeitgeist (spirit of the times) of the past 500 years has been a conservative one, according to his definition of the term? (p. 169, left column in 9th ed) (p. 157, left column in 8th ed).
He thinks the traditional conservative disposition is better reflected in the nature of fishing/friendship, rather than in how one selects a tailor/financial advisor (p. 170 in 9th) (p. 158 in 8th).
Nota bene how his vision of politics as something that is rooted in practice and ritual is very similar to the traditional conservatism of Edmund Burke.
How does Section 3 of the essay (p. 171-173 in 9th) (p. 159-161 in 8th) explain the proper role of government, in his view?
-- “Government [begins]. . . with the observation of self-government practiced even by men of passion in the conduct of their enterprises; it begins in the informal adjustment of interests to one another which are designed to release those who are apt to collide from the mutual frustration of collision.”
-- “In short, the intimations of government are to be found in ritual (and practice), not in religion or philosophy, in the enjoyment of orderly and peaceable behavior, not in the search for truth or perfection” (emphasis added).
-- The need to “inject into the activities of already too passionate men an ingredient of moderation; to restrain, to deflate, to pacify, and to reconcile; not to stoke the fires of desire, but to damp them down.”
What advantages does a conservative disposition have? With regard to friendship, one’s identity, one’s stewardship of the earth, and the preservation of positive civilizational advancements?
What are the disadvantages of a conservative disposition, especially with regard to the need to address socioeconomic inequality; racial and other forms of discrimination; or other issues?