Basics of Electrical & Electronics Engg. Lab

Viva-voce Questions with answers

1)what is the full form of BEEE ?

Ans)Basics of Electrical & Electronics

2)what is Electric?

ans) A type of energy that occurs due to the movement of electrons and protons

3)what is Electronics?

Ans) The branch of physics and technology concerned with the design of circuits using transistors and microchips, and with the behaviour and movement of electrons in a semiconductor, conductor, vacuum, or gas.

4)what is resistor?

Ans) a device having resistance to the passage of an electric current.

5)what is capacitor?

Ans) a device used to store an electric charge, consisting of one or more pairs of conductors separated by an insulator.

6)what are the equipments used in the beee lab?

Ans) multimeter,lcr meter, cro, signal generator, soldering kit etc.,

7)what is multimeter?

Ans) an instrument designed to measure electric current, voltage, and usually resistance, typically over several ranges of value.

8)define ohm’s law?

Ans) electric current is proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance.

9)resister having how many bands?

Ans) five

10)How many types of transformers?

Ans) there are three types

11)define kcl?

Ans) The sum of all currents that enter an electrical circuit junction is 0. When the currents enter the junction have positive sign and the current that leave the junction have negative sign

12)define kvl?

The sum of all voltages or potential differences in an electrical circuit loop is 0

13)full form of cro?

Ans) Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

14)what is ldr?

Ans)light dependent resistor

15)what is vdr?

Ans)voltage dependent resistor

16)give the another name for ldr?

Ans)photoresistor, or even photo cell, photocell or photoconductor

17)what is the use of vdr?

Ans) control or compensation elements in circuits either to provide optimal operating conditions

18) Define a Diode?

Ans) a semiconductor device with two terminals, typically allowing the flow of current in one direction only

19) )Diodes work on what AC or DC ?

Ans) the diode converts ac (called alternating current) to dc (called direct current). the original household voltage was 120v dc (direct current).

20)what is SI unit for resistor?

Ans) ohm’s

21)what is the transistor?

Ans) a semiconductor device with three connections, capable of amplification in addition to rectification.

22) what is the relay ?

Ans) It is activated by a current or signal in one circuit to open or close another circuit.

23)what is ac and dc?

Ans) alternating current and direct current

24)what is the color code for 2.2 kohm resistor?

Ans) red red red

25) what is the color code for 10 kohm resistor?

Ans) brown black red