Fuel Your Body

Grant Application Kit

$5000 grants available; project to run from February to April 2017.

Expressions of Interest due Friday 2November 2016, 5pm.



Target Audience

Grants Program Application Process and timeline

Grant Overview

Grant Acquittal

Grant Eligibility

Grant Application Form - Expression of Interest

Submission Details

Information for grants program evaluation

The Stay On Your Feet WA® grants program is provided by the Injury Control Council of WA and funded by the State Government through the Department of Health.


Stay On Your Feet® is Western Australia’s falls prevention program for older adults living in the community. It promotes how to keep active and alert through the Move Improve Remove campaign; Move Your Body, Improve Your Health, Remove Hazards. Stay On Your Feet® aims to prevent falls and fall related injuries amongst older adults living in the community and encourage confidence in independent living.

Falls are not a normal part of ageing; they are preventable. Slips, trips and falls are an increasing concern among our ageing population with one in three people over the age of 65 having a fall each year1.Falls are the leading cause of injury and hospitalisation for people over the age of 65, with at least 10% resulting in a serious injury or death2.

For older adults poor nutrition can affect the ageing process. As people get older their lifestyle and appetite can change which can affect the types and amount of food that is eaten. A decreased appetite and reduced access to healthy foods can mean that older adults don’t get enough essential vitamins, minerals and fibre. It has been reported thatolder adults with poor nutrition have higher mortality rates, reduced quality of life, reduced muscle mass and strength, reduced ability to perform activities of daily living, risk of additional illness and they experience longer recovery times than well-nourished peers3. Furthermore, not drinking enough water may lead to dehydration, confusion and dizziness. Older adults are encouraged to limit their alcohol intake as it can impair judgement, coordination and concentration and increase their risk of having a fall.

Eating healthy, nutritious foods in addition to an active lifestyle can help achieve optional health throughout life. Nutrition Australia encourages older adults to ‘use every meal and snack as an opportunity for maximum nutrition and find ways to improve their diet to fit with their personal tastes, ability and lifestyle.’

Fuel Your Body is the fifth campaign of the Move, Improve, RemoveProgram. The campaign aims to educate older adults and health and community workers of the importance of fuelling your body to prevent falls and for general health and wellbeing. The key messages for this campaign include:

  • Eat regular meals and snacks to stay strong and fuel your body.
  • Make sure every meal or snack is made up of nutritious foods from the five food groups to keep your body working well.
  • Drinking water helps you stay healthy and active.
  • Drink less alcohol to keep your brain and body healthy.


1. World Health Organisation. Global Age Friendly Cities: A Guide. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 2007. Available from

2. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.Australia’s health 2012.Australia’s health series no.13. Cat. no. AUS 156. Canberra: AIHW. 2012. Available from

3.Hamirudin A, Charlton K, Walton K. Outcomes related to nutrition screening in community living older adults: a systematic literature review. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics.2016 Dec; 62:9-25.

Target Audience

The Stay On Your Feet WA® program is community focused program, with key target audiences being non-Aboriginal people 60+ years and Aboriginal people 45+ years.

Stay On Your Feet® is offering three grants of up to $5000 to eligible local organisations and community groups to deliver Fuel Your Body programs within their community. All groups that meet the eligibility criteria are encouraged to apply.

Grants Program Application Process and Timeline

‘Improve, Move, Remove’
Previous Campaigns Grant Programs
Campaign One: May 2015 / ‘Improve Your Health - Check Your Medicines’
CampaignTwo:September 2015 / ‘Move Your Body - Build Your Balance’
Campaign Three: February 2016 / ‘Remove Hazards - Make Your Home Safer’
Campaign Four: September 2016 / ‘Move Your Body- Strengthen Your Legs’
Campaign Five: ‘Improve Your Health–Fuel Your Body’
10 October 2016 / Fuel Your Body grant application kit and expressions of interest (EOI) released.
4 November 2016 / Applications for EOI Close.
14 November 2016 / Ten successful applicants will be shortlisted in accordance with selection criteria and invited to complete second stage of application.
Coaching and support will be available to second stage applicants to assist with submission.
2 December 2016 / Stage two applications close.
12 December 2016 / Three successful applicants are selected by a panel in accordance with selection criteria and awarded up to $5000 each.
14 November 2016-
30 April 2017 / Ongoing coaching and support provided by Stay On Your Feet® staff to assist successful applicants with projectdelivery.
16 December 2016 / Grant money disseminated to successful applicants.
1 February 2017 / Program delivery begins. Approved grant recipients have three months to deliver the funded project.
30 April 2017 / Deadline for expenditure of grant funds.
31 May 2017 / Grant acquittals due.
Future Campaigns Grant Programs
Campaign Six: / To be confirmed.

Grant Overview

What are we looking for in your application?

  • Innovative ideas for the promotion ofFuel Your Bodyas a strategy to reduce falls in older adults
  • Applications which focus on falls and the Fuel Your Body theme
  • Collaborative partnerships (working with other organisations)
  • Organisational capacity building (developing skills and knowledge)
  • Sustainability - Programs that could be extended past the grant funding period without additional Stay On Your Feet® funding

**Special Consideration: Good nutrition and an active lifestyle are both important to achieve optimal health throughout life and reduce the risk of having a slip, trip or fall. With this in mind, Stay On Your Feet® is encouraging applicants to incorporate an exercise component (strength/balance) into their proposed programs. Applications which address both the Fuel Your Body and ‘Move Your Body’ messaging are strongly encouraged and preferred.

What free resources will be provided to support your grant?

  • Stay On Your Feet®Fuel Your Bodycommunity presentation (coming soon)
  • Stay On Your Feet®Fuel Your Body toolkit (coming soon!)
  • Project and evaluation coaching with Stay On Your Feet® team members
  • Visit to see a full list of Stay On Your Feet® resources available.

Coaching will be provided to 10 shortlisted applicants to support them with their second stage of application. Stay On Your Feet® can provide support with completing the application form and also any queries or concerns around program planning. Coaching will continue for the three successful applicants and Stay On Your Feet®can provide ongoing support to help with program implementation, evaluation and assist with any general enquiries. Coaching is not compulsory but an option if applicants need assistance, guidance or would like to talk through their ideas.

Grant Acquittal

The grant acquittal deadline is four weeks after the completion of your project; final deadline is Wednesday 31 May, 2017.

The acquittal is mandatory and must include:

  • Completed Statement of Expenditure (template provided)
  • Project evaluationform (template to be provided)
  • Original receipts/tax invoices including GST (must include ABN and organisation details)

Grant Eligibility

Who can apply?

  • Organisations MUST have an ABN number
  • Incorporated community groups
  • Health Professionals and Community workers working with older adults
  • Retirement and lifestyle villages
  • Not-for-profit organisations
  • Local Government and Population Health including WACHS
  • Organisations or groups with a focus on Culturally & Linguistically Diverse (CaLD), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island (ATSI), disability or socially isolated groups are encouraged to apply

Who cannot apply?

  • Hospitals
  • Residential aged care facilities

What cannot be funded?

  • Infrastructure costs associated with running an organisation
  • Staff salaries(Health Professionals with an ABN who are contracted for the purpose of the grant and not already employed by the company can be funded)
  • Programs or events which are already being delivered or funded
  • Items or activities purchased before applications have been approved or after the project completion date
  • Applications where giving away prizes is a primary objective
  • Applications where the majority or all of the requested funds are to purchase food and/or equipment (exceptions apply where the majority of other activity spending is provided in kind)
  • Venue and equipment hire at own premises
  • Purchase of Nintendo Wii and Games
  • Any activity or event that does not occur in Western Australia
  • Any purchases where a receipt cannot be provided

Grant Application Form - Expression of Interest

Postal address:
Main contact person:
Phone number:
Second contact person:
Phone number:

Project Details:

The following questions are to be used as a guide for your project overview. Responses can be in dot point format if preferred.

1)What do you anticipate doing? Provide a brief summary of your project.

2)How does your project focus on Fuel Your Body as a falls prevention strategy?

3)How does your project incorporate the ‘Move your Body’ messaging and promote strength/balance in addition to Fuel Your Body?

4)Why is there a need for the project in your community and who is it targeting?

5)Is your project ‘innovative’ or different to other projects running in your community? How?

6)Is your project inclusive of diverse groups (e.g. CaLD, ATSI, remote, socially isolated or disability)?

7)Will you be working with other organisations / health staff to deliver the project?

8)How much funding do you require for your project? This can be a ‘guestimate’. Please include any ‘in-kind’ support.

Submission Details

Please submit your completed expression of interest by Friday 4 November, 5pm to:


Post:Stay On Your Feet® Grants,

Injury Control Council of WA (Inc)

City West Lotteries House

2 Delhi St, West Perth WA 6005

For more information please contact:

Alyson Elari, Policy and Sector Support Officer- or call 1300 30 35 40.

Information for grants program evaluation

ICCWA with the assistance of the Collaboration for Evidence, Research, and Impact in Public Health (CERIPH) are evaluating the Stay On Your Feet® grants program to determine its effectiveness and value in building the capacity of health professionals to identify and implement falls prevention strategies. More information about the evaluation can be found at

By completing this expression of interest, I understand that I am agreeing to participate in this evaluation.

I agree that data gathered for this project may be published provided that my name or other identifying information is not used.

If I have any queries about the evaluation I know that I can contact:

Rachel Meade, Injury Prevention Manager, Stay On Your Feet®, 9420 7212.

I am aware that this project has received ethics approval from the Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee, approval number SPH-86-204.

I know that if I have any concerns I can contact the Human Research Ethics Committee at Curtin University of Technology. This Committee requires that all participants are informed that, if they have any complaint regarding the manner, in which a research project is conducted, it may be given to the Project Manager (Telephone 9266 7021) or, alternatively to the Secretary, Human Research Ethics Committee, Office of Research and Development, Curtin University of Technology, PO Box U1987, Perth, WA 6845 (Telephone 9266 2784).


Participant’s SignatureDate