Biology Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes

1. a-, an- not, without

2. ab- away from

3. -able capable of

4. ad- to, toward

5. aero- air, gas

6. alb-white

7. amphi-both

8. amyl-starch

9. ante- before

10. antho-flower

11. anti- against

12. aqua- water

13. archae- ancient

14. arthr- joint

15. -ase enzyme

16. aster- star

17. -ation process

18. auto- self

19. bacilli-rod

20. bi- two

21. bio- life

22. cardi- heart

23. centi-hundredth

24. cephalo- head

25. chlor- green

26. -cide kill

27. cisternae-tubes

28. cocci-round

29. con- together

30. cyst- sac, pouch

31. cyt-, -cyte cell

32. de- remove

33. deca-, deka-ten

34. deci-tenth

35. di- two

36. dorm- sleep

37. ecto- outside of

38. electro-electric

39. en-, endo- in, into

40. epi- upon, above

41. eu- true, good, normal

42. ex- out of, away from

43. extra- beyond, outside

44. gastro- stomach

45. gen- producer

46. germ-beginning

47. glyco-sugar

48. hal- salt

49. haplo- single

50. hecto-hundred

51. helicalspiral

52. hem- blood

53. hemi- half

54. herb- vegetation

55. hetero- different

56. homo- same, alike

57. hybrid different

58. hydro- water

59. hyper- above, over

60. hypo- below, under

61. in- inside

62. inter- between

63. intra- within, inside

64. iso- equal, same

65. -itis inflammation

66. kary nucleus

67. kilo-thousand

68. lin-line

69. -linname of protein

70. -logist one who studies

71. -logy study of

72. -lysis break up, tear

73. macro- large

74. magno-magnetic

75. matrixskeleton

76. med middle

77. mega- great

78. –merunit

79. mes- middle, half

80. meta- between

81. micro- small

82. milli-thousandth

83. mis- wrong, incorrect

84. molemass

85. mono- one, single

86. morphshape, form

87. multi- many

88. mut- change

89. neuro-nerve

90. non- not

91. -nomy system of laws

92. ob- against

93. oct- eight

94. oligo-little

95. omni- all

96. onco-cancer

97. oo-egg

98. osmo-odor, water

99. -oteorganism

100. paleo-old, ancient

101. ped-, pod- foot

102. peptide-protein

103. permea- pass, go

104. phag- eat

105. pheno-physical

106. phil-fond of, love

107. -phobicfear

108. photo- light

109. -phyll leaf, pigment

110. -phyte plant

111. pino-to drink

112. pleio-multiple

113. poly- many

114. por- opening

115. post- after, behind

116. pre- before

117. pro- before, first, forward

118. pseudo- false

119. pyr-fire, heat

120. quadr-four

121. quart-four

122. re- again

123. rhiz- root

124. sacch-sugar

125. -scope to look

126. semi- half, partly

127. -sis condition, process

128. som-body

129. -stasis stationary

130. sub- under, below

131. super- over, above

132. sym-together

133. synthe- put together, to make

134. tax-arrange

135. tel- end

136. terr- Earth, land

137. tert-third

138. tetr-four

139. therm- heat

140. -tidportion

141. -troph food, nourish

142. uni- one

143. zoo- animals