Minutes of Leixlip Area Meeting held on Friday, 16th February 2007 at 2.00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Áras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas as adopted.

Present:Councillor P. Kelly, Cathaoirleach

Councillor S. Griffin

Councillor J. McGinley

Councillor G. McDonagh

Apologies:Councillor S. Purcell

Also Present:Mr. P. Minnock, Director of Service

Mr. W. Hannigan, Building Control

Mr. P. Whelan, SEO, Roads

Mr. G. Dornan, Executive Engineer

Mr. M. Kane, Senior Executive Technician

Mr. F. Ibrahim Bargouti, Senior Executive Engineer
Ms. F. Skehan, A/SO, Housing

Ms. E. Murray, Area Engineer

Ms. P. Penny, ASO, Area Office

Mr. A. C. Talbot, Meetings Administrator

Ms. M. O’Reilly, Area Secretary


Confirmation of Minutes

The minutes of 19th January were adopted subject to an amendment to minute LX100107 to read: Resolved that the members agreed this unanimously, on the proposal of Councillor Griffin seconded by Councillor McGinley.

Meath County Development Plan

Resolved on the proposal of Councillor McGinley that the committee object to a proposal to zone land for residential development at Moygaddy House north of Maynooth as detailed in the draft Meath County Development Plan 2007 – 2013.

Progress Report

Flooding at Duncarraig, Leixlip

The members were delighted to see the Consultant’s report and requested that this item go back on the agenda for the next meeting to allow them time to consider the report.


Taking in charge of Moyglare Village, Maynooth

Mr. W. Hannigan attended the meeting and reported on submissions received. Councillor McGinley proposed and Councillor McDonagh seconded that Moyglare Village, Maynooth be taken in charge and referred to full council.


Automatic External Defibrillators

The members considered the following motion in the name of Councillor McGinley

That the Council carry out a survey to see whether or not Automatic External Defibrillators (AED's) are available to the public at the following locations in Maynooth: Ambulance Service, Manor Mills, TESCO's Shopping Centre, Maynnooth Train Station, NUI Maynooth, Soccer Pitches, Rathcoffey Road,

GAA Pitches, Moyglare Road, The 3 Primary Schools and 1 Secondary School

Furthermore, and in the light of the findings of the survey, that the Council becomes pro-active in implementing a pilot AED programme for Maynooth. Bearing in mind that sudden cardiac arrest is survivable, with recent studies showing that when AED's are used within the first 3 minutes there is a 74% survival rate, that the Council would give serious consideration to extending the AED programme to other towns in the County.

Councillor McGinley said that these should be available, it is a safety issue and should save lives, Councillors McDonagh and Griffin supported the motion and said that training would have to be provided.

The meetings administrator reported that this is done in conjunction with the ambulance wing of the HSE, the motion could be sent to the HSE to see how the system works and the members will be informed of their reply.

Resolved to write to the HSE in relation to the availability of AED’s in public places.


Attendance by Iarnród Eireann

Mr. Michael Power, Service Planning Manager for the North and East Unit, attended the meeting and discussed the services provided by Iarnród Eireann in Maynooth and Leixlip. He said that a new car park at Louisa Bridge in Leixlip would be opened at the end of February. In Confey and Maynooth, Iarnród Eireann have no land in their ownership and would welcome any assistance. The members agreed that car parking was a serious issue as commuters are parking everywhere. Councillor Griffin said that it was not always the responsibility of the council and Iarnród Eireann should take responsibility. Councillor Kelly said that some co-ordination is required. Mr. Power said that he was willing to work with the Director of Service. Mr. Power then withdrew with the thanks of the committee for his attendance.


County Kildare Speed Limit Review

Mr. P. Whelan, Mr. M. Kane and Mr. G. Dornan, Roads Department, attended the meeting. Five submissions were received for the Leixlip Area and two general countywide issues. The committee considered the submissions and agreed a set of limits to be approved at the monthly meeting of the council.

Resolved that the members agreed to the proposals.


Traffic island at entrance to the Respond housing development

The members considered the following question in the name of Councillor McDonagh

Can the traffic island on the Easton road outside the entrance to the Respond housing development be reduced in length. This will allow traffic exiting the development turn right safely?

The meetings administrator reported that the Roads Design team had been requested to examine this issue in more detail.

Resolved that the report be noted.


Exit from Beaufield Housing Estate, Maynooth

The members considered the following motion in the name of Councillor McGinley

That the existing exit from Beaufield Housing Estate, Maynooth, at the Newtown Road end, be closed off permanently, thus turning Beaufield into a cul de sac development in line with Council Policy of 7th March 1997.

Mr. P. Whelan said that with the opening of Bond Bridge a traffic pattern will develop, and the existing sign will be removed as soon as possible.

The meetings administrator reported that it was not proposed to close off this exit.

Resolved that the report be noted.


Bus parking bay on Moyglare Road

The members considered the following motion in the name of Councillor Griffin

In order to facilitate student safety when boarding and disembarking, that an offset bus parking bay be provided on the Moyglare Road at the Post Primary School.

The meetings administrator reported that the Road Design team would meet with the school Principal to discuss this issue in more detail.

Resolved that the report be noted.


Rye Bridge at Main Street, Leixlip

The members considered the following motion in the name of Councillor Griffin

In view of the proposals to repair the section abutting the Rye bridge at Main St Leixlip, the Council should draw up plans to widen the bridge to provide a structure similar to the Liffey Bridge in Newbridge.

Councillor Griffin said that this was a health and safety issue and that something should be done to enhance the bridge and it should be investigated. Councillors Kelly and McDonagh supported this.

The meetings administrator reported that in view of the substantial costs there is no prospect of considering this in the short term.

Resolved that the report be noted.


Cope Bridge, Leixlip

The members considered the following motion in the name of Councillor McDonagh

Now that Bond Bridge is completed that Council endeavour to seek funding to widen Cope Bridge, Leixlip from whatever sources necessary.

The electrification of lines is going ahead and the members agreed that funding be identified and put in place now.

The meetings administrator reported that in view of the substantial costs there is no prospect of considering this in the short term.

Resolved that the report be noted.


Traffic island lights on the Maynooth Road, Leixlip

The members considered the following motion in the name of Councillor McDonagh

That council write to the ESB demanding that they immediately identify and repair lights that are out in the Leixlip electoral area.

The meetings administrator reported that that there are ongoing problems with the ESB in attending public lighting issues.

Resolved this be taken up with the ESB at senior level.


Presentation on the new RAS Scheme

Ms F. Skehan attended the meeting. Mr. P.Minnock said that there would be a workshop on 23rd February and there will be a full presentation of the scheme.


Sewerage difficulties at Moyglare Village

The members considered the following motion in the name of Councillor Griffin

That in view of the ongoing sewerage difficulties at Moyglare Village, the Council, for health and safety reasons, carry out the required alterations to eliminate this problem.

The meetings administrator reported that this estate was not yet in the council’s charge however, any detailed information as to the problem could be referred to the Building Control Unit.

Resolved that the report be noted.


Parks Works Programme 2007

Simon Wallace attended the meeting and circulated the Programme of Works for 2007 to the members.

Resolved that the programme be agreed.


Re-cycling bin collection

The members considered the following question in the name of Councillor McDonagh

When does council expect to have a bi-weekly recycling bin collection in place?

The meetings administrator reported that tenders were being sought in respect of the refuse collection service, and that the matter could be considered but that there were no current plans to increase the frequency of collections.

Resolved that the report be noted.


CCTV cameras at the Glenroyal bottle bank, Maynooth

The members considered the following question in the name of Councillor McDonagh

How many summons and fines have been issued, since the installation of CC TV cameras at the Glenroyal bottle bank Maynooth?

The meetings administrator reported that twenty two fines have been issued.

Resolved that the report be noted.


Children Programme as part of the National Development plan 2007-2013

The members considered the following motion in the name of Councillor McDonagh

In view of the Government announcement recently of E12.3bn to be invested in the Children Programme as part of the National Development plan 2007 – 2013, Council identifies suitable premises in Leixlip and Maynooth with a view to seeking funds to develop youth cafes in both towns.

The meetings administrator reported that this motion which was passed at the meeting be referred to the Community and Enterprise Directorate.

Resolved that this be referred to the Community and Enterprise Directorate.


Other Business

There being no further business the meeting concluded.

Minutes of Leixlip Area Meeting of 16th February 2007