Application for Membership.

Regular(Joining Fee $40 Once off, Membership $80 Per Annum, $120 Total)

Family:(Joining Fee $40 Once off, Membership $100 Per Annum, $140 Total) Submitaseparateformforeachmember.

Junior:(No Joining Fee, Membership $20 Per Annum)

Pensioner:(No Joining Fee, Membership $50 Per Annum) Concession Card #

Name: (Asshownondriverslicence)

Postal Address, Numberandstreet

SuburborCity:State: Postcode:______

Date ofBirth:Occupation:

Email Address:


Telephones:(home) (work) (mobile)




forhaving/obtainingaFirearmslicensewiththeNSWFirearmsRegistry. Yes or No

Gamelicense:NepeanHuntersClubis/willbeusedasmy"AHO"forthepurposeofhaving/obtainingan"R"licensewiththeGameCouncil? Yes or No

DoyouattendBowhunterevents/Meetings? Yes or No


P.O. Box 1044 Penrith, NSW 2751

Code of Ethics

Not to hunt or carry a firearm on private property without the prior approval of the owner and to strictly observe any conditions imposed by him/her.

Support the principals of conservation and game management so as to ensure good hunting for future generations.

Accept the responsibilities accompanying firearm ownership and obey the laws governing the ownership and use of firearms.

Not to return to a property, the location of which is learned from NHC club activities or disclose the properties location to non-members.

As a member of Nepean Hunters Club Inc. I.hereby

(full Name)

state that I have read and understand the above code of ethics and agree to abide by



Payment Method: (Please Circle One)

Cash, Money Order, Cheque, Mastercard/Visa Please Note: all electronic payments attract a $5:00 fee.

Name on card or cheque details:

Card Number: Expiry Date: /

CCV: Last 3 numbers on rear of card

Membership Amount$.Plus, Electronic Terminal Fee$5.00Total$.


(please circle one)

Received the sum of$.for a new NHC Inc. Family, Regular, Pensioner, JuniorMembership

for the year20 /20ByAuthorisedRecipient.