1-Go to http://www.270towin.com/.

2-If this site does not work use a google search for a US Electoral Calculator.

3-Click on the election year and answer the following.


AAA. 2016 Presidential Election

1.  Who won the Presidency? ______

2.  How may electoral votes did the winner receive? ______

3.  Who won the popular vote?______

4.  What was the popular vote count for the winner? ______

AA. 2012 Presidential Election

1-Who won the Presidency?______

2-How many electoral votes did the winner receive?______

3-How many popular votes did the winners receive?______

A-2008 Presidential Election

1-Who won the Presidency?______

2-How many electoral votes did the winner receive?______

3-How many popular votes did the winners receive?______

B-2004 Presidential Election

1-Which presidential ticket won the presidency?______

2-What party was the winning ticket?______

3-How many electoral votes did the winner receive?______

4-How many popular votes did the winners receive?______

C-2000 Presidential Election

1-Which candidate won the electoral vote?______

2-Which candidate won the popular vote?______

3-How many votes did Ralph Nader receive?______

4-What are the dates in history where the popular vote getter lost the presidency?


D-1996 Presidential Election

1-Was this Clinton’s first election of a re-election?______

2-What were the battle ground states Clinton won?______

3-Who was the Reform Party candidate?______

E-1980 and 1984 Presidential Election?

1-Which Presidential ticket won?______

2-Are the 1980 and 1984 considered a landslide victory? Why?______

3-Compare these two elections with the elections of 1932 and 1936 which elected president had the highest electoral vote total?______

4-What can you articulate about these two presidents and their policies of the day and their popularity ______

F-Who battled for the presidency in 1960 and what was the outcome? ______

G. Go to the presidential elections of 1789

1-How may electoral votes were necessary to win the presidency?______

2-Who won the presidency?______

H. Move forward to the presidential election of 1800?

1-Who won the presidency?______

2-What happens in the case of a tie?______

3-Whom did the ______select as President?______

4-What constitutional amendment resulted from the election of 1800?______

If you have time remaining. Start from the 1789 election and move forward to see the development of our country and results of subsequent presidencies.



1-Click on the 2020 presidential election. Notice there is no winner yet!

2-Predict who will win the White House in the 2020 presidential election. Go to select a starting view and choose neutral. A neutral map will appear. Click on each state and fill in the party that will capture that state’s electoral votes. The electronic calculator will do the rest. Remember you need 270 electoral votes to win the presidency.

3-Write a three paragraph essay explaining why your candidate/party won in 2020. You can base your explanation and analysis on previous presidential elections, today’s political climate, presidential character, international policy or domestic policy?

4-Print out a copy of your map and staple it to your essay. It will be collected.