1-Go to http://www.270towin.com/.
2-If this site does not work use a google search for a US Electoral Calculator.
3-Click on the election year and answer the following.
AAA. 2016 Presidential Election
1. Who won the Presidency? ______
2. How may electoral votes did the winner receive? ______
3. Who won the popular vote?______
4. What was the popular vote count for the winner? ______
AA. 2012 Presidential Election
1-Who won the Presidency?______
2-How many electoral votes did the winner receive?______
3-How many popular votes did the winners receive?______
A-2008 Presidential Election
1-Who won the Presidency?______
2-How many electoral votes did the winner receive?______
3-How many popular votes did the winners receive?______
B-2004 Presidential Election
1-Which presidential ticket won the presidency?______
2-What party was the winning ticket?______
3-How many electoral votes did the winner receive?______
4-How many popular votes did the winners receive?______
C-2000 Presidential Election
1-Which candidate won the electoral vote?______
2-Which candidate won the popular vote?______
3-How many votes did Ralph Nader receive?______
4-What are the dates in history where the popular vote getter lost the presidency?
D-1996 Presidential Election
1-Was this Clinton’s first election of a re-election?______
2-What were the battle ground states Clinton won?______
3-Who was the Reform Party candidate?______
E-1980 and 1984 Presidential Election?
1-Which Presidential ticket won?______
2-Are the 1980 and 1984 considered a landslide victory? Why?______
3-Compare these two elections with the elections of 1932 and 1936 which elected president had the highest electoral vote total?______
4-What can you articulate about these two presidents and their policies of the day and their popularity ______
F-Who battled for the presidency in 1960 and what was the outcome? ______
G. Go to the presidential elections of 1789
1-How may electoral votes were necessary to win the presidency?______
2-Who won the presidency?______
H. Move forward to the presidential election of 1800?
1-Who won the presidency?______
2-What happens in the case of a tie?______
3-Whom did the ______select as President?______
4-What constitutional amendment resulted from the election of 1800?______
If you have time remaining. Start from the 1789 election and move forward to see the development of our country and results of subsequent presidencies.