Macomb County Human Services Calendar

To view the calendar now, go to

In the calendar, just click on the event to view details—use your “Back” button to return to the calendar. You can also look for an event in the Events List or check all months using the search box.

We would like to add as many people as possible as editors, able to add or change information on the calendar whenever they choose to. To have your name added for editing please send an email to Dan Pfaff with your Yahoo ID. If you would like us to add an event for you, send an email with the information to or any of the persons who have been added for editing on page two below. Thank you

Here are some suggestions of items you may want to include in your event entry:

All day?
Or time starting:
And time ending:
Event title:
Location (include address):
Contact Person:
Contact Phone number:
Website link:
Fee (if any)
Display tables welcome?
What should people prepare or bring?
What people are particularly invited?
RSVP to:
Registration information:
Expected outcome?
Main purpose of your event?
Comments, notes, suggestions, or helpful information:
(Note: there is a limit of about 575 characters to the narrative description of your event—including punctuation and spaces)

Macomb Calendar

Page two

Persons added who can edit the calendar events:

Madeline Nantais (Dept of Community Mental Health)

Gayla Folson (Touching Heart)

Sue Meyers (Dept of Senior Services)

Dan Pfaff (DHS)

Jennifer Sutherland (CARE)

Teresa Sandner (CARE)

Brooks Young (Touching Heart)

How to edit the calendar:

Go to and enter your Yahoo ID and password. Your own Yahoo Calendar will then come up. Click on "sharing" in the upper right hand corner, and scroll down to the box at the bottom, enter "macombresources" and click on "GO". Scroll to the bottom of the Day, Week Month or Event List tabs to the "Quick Add Event boxes, and begin!

(Revised 3/25/2008)