Poudre Canyon Fire Protection District

Minutes: Meeting of the Board of Directors

April 13, 2011 -- Lower Canyon Community Center

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Bette Blinde at 7:05 pm. Present board members were Bette Blinde, Jim Venable, LeAnn Davis, and Rachel Schneider. Jackie Matzner was absent. A motion was made by Bette Blinde to adjust the agenda as posted to accommodate our guest, Ben Colussy. Ben is representing FPPA (Fire and Police Pension Association of Colorado) Money Management Services for Volunteer Fire Departments. A second was made by Jim Veneble. There was no discussion, all approved. Motion passed.

New Business:

Pension Fund--Based on a recommendation from our auditor report to have an actuarial study to ensure we have proper funding to support a pension plan, the board requested a presentation from FPPA. FPPA is an independent public body, established by the state legislature in 1978 to administer the state fire and police pension plan for normal retirement and the sate death and disability fund. Originally providing services only to full-time, paid departments, they have expanded their scope to include volunteer departments and currently have 175 departments with over 7,000 volunteers (both active and retired) on their payroll. Ben Colussy of FPPA presented a hand out with details of FPPA’s investment strategy, return performance of the funds, actuarial study schedule (completed every other year, on odd years), affiliation process overview, a proposed pension program; hard copies were provided to those present and to board members. Volunteers must complete a minimum of 36 hours of training to be eligible for the pension plan. No questions from fire board, pension board or general public.

Approval of Reports:

Approval of minutes-- A motion to accept the board minutes as distributed to all board members was made by Bette Blinde and a second made by Jim Venable. No discussion, all approved. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s report-- LeAnn Davis made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as distributed to all board members and verified expenses had been paid as stated. A second was made by Jim Venable. No discussion, all approved. Motion passed.

Old Business:

Building Projects:

A report on actual-to-date vs. budget spend on Upper and Lower building projects was provided by LeAnn Davis. We are currently estimating to come in approximately $10k under budget for the upper building.

Upper Building Report: An upper building report was given by Bob Stahl. A letter was submitted to Delta; Bob expects a Certificate of Occupancy April 14, 2011 barring any unforeseen issues. Once we receive the CO, Bob will oversee the move in.LeAnn stated we are still waiting for a cert of authenticity on Station 2 before we can submit final expenses to DOLA. There was general discussion on the donated Coleman camping gear being moved to Station 2. All items need to be approved through Bob Stahl to mitigate clutter in the new station.

Lower Building Report: The emergency vehicles cannot be moved outside before May 15 due to potential freezing conditions. Minor deconstruction may start prior, but the current station 1 structure needs to house the vehicles until May 15. As much as possible of station 1 usable materials will be salvaged for use in the new station. In addition, Bill Sears had made a verbal offer to Bette Blinde to donate redwood siding for the station.


Chief’s Report:
Chief Solley requested the new donated tender by the Forest Service be brought up to Station 2 and stored there until Station 1 is completed. Moving the tender to Station 2 is contingent upon the certificate of occupancy (COO); once COO is received Carl will coordinate the move with Station 2 personnel.

Ice Rescue (March) and Low Angle Rescue (April) trainings were provided to Poudre Canyon Fire/EMS volunteers and taught by two members of Poudre Fire Authority. These all day sessions were provided at no cost to our Dept. Chief Solley requested a $50 donation/gift card be made to these two individuals for their contribution to our department. A motion was made by Jim Veneble to make the donations proposed; second by Rachel Schneider. All approved, no discussion, motion passed.

Station 2 Report by Bob Stahl: working to schedule regular trainings to refresh existing members and train new members.

EMS report:

Leslie Nine reported it is time to evaluate renewing our on-line training. Leslie estimated 75 hours were logged during the past year. The cost is approximately $51/person. Up to 36 hours may be used for NREMT recertification.

We are looking at joint Fire/EMS trainings. April 25 will focus on ambulance operations and expectations for fire and EMS personnel. We also have Medi-Vac training scheduled on Sunday, June 5. Classroom training will begin at 10am in upper canyon. The helicopter will land at Wilcox landing. Leslie is also working on SOPs for the department.

In general, the department is working to have quarterly combined Fire/EMS trainings.

A motion to adjourn was made by LeAnn Davis. A second made by Jim Venable. No discussion, all approved. Meeting adjourned 8:18pm.