PART 1: Demonstrate an understanding of major theories, perspectives, and research methods in sociology. (D1)

□explain the significance of contributions of various theorists to the field of sociology
□ summarize the key ideas of the major sociological schools of thought and explain how they can be used to analyse social behaviour
TASK: a) Select three theories that you will either analyse or represent in your final task.
b) Write 1/3 page summary for each theory you selected ---before starting your project.
c) Demonstrate the essence and importance of the theory and the terms associated with it.

□Charles Cooley --- “Looking Glass”

I am not who I think I am and I'm not who you think I am. I am who I think you think I am.

□Charles Cooley ----primary groups

A primary group consists of a number of individuals who have a common ideal in the person of their leader and, under this ideal, identify themselves to each other

□George Herbert Mead ----«I and me»

The "I" is the set of roles that the individual learns. But the individual is also capable of spontaneity and self-innovation, which is the specific function of "I"

□Blumer ---- symbolic interactions

We give symbolism to ... and we act according to the symbolism given to …. Different symbolism depending on the person. Symbolism is not permanent.

□Rosenthal ---- pygmalion effect and Golem effect – self fulfilling prophecies. (Merton said this as well)

High expectations yield high results. Low expectations give low results.

□Émile Durkheim ---- structural functionalism. (Also, consider Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs)

The social fact is not reducible to the sum of all parts. Institutions work together to maintain social equilibrium.

□Karl Marx ---- conflict theory

An organization operates because each participant and groups of individuals struggle to maximize their benefits

□ social determinism vs social mobility

Social determinism puts aside factors such as genetic makeup, physical environment. The man is socially constructed and this construction is predetermined.

□Robert Merton --- deviance & strain theory

Conflict, Innovation, retreat, rebellion…


Equality and thinking critically about power structures.


Explaining Social Behaviour: use a sociological perspective to explain how diverse factors influence and shape individual and group social behaviour. (D2)

□ explain, from a sociological perspective, how diverse influences (e.g., culture, religion, economics, media, technology) shape social
behaviour (e.g., dating and courtship, social networking, bullying, following trends and fads)
* Explain how the institutions have developed to operate the way they do in your chosen film or institution. Refer to theories and/or course material to aid your writing
□ explain, from a sociological perspective, how diverse factors (e.g., social norms and expectations, social structures, social distinctions,
socio-economic status, geographic location, physical environment, media coverage) influence and shape individual and group behaviour
* Describe the impact of how are people privileged or discriminated against in the film or institution you’ve chosen to study. Use academic sources to aid the validity of your writing.
□ explain, from a sociological perspective, the relationship between prejudice and individual and systemic discrimination (e.g., on the basis
of gender, race, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, ability, religion, age, appearance), and describe their impacts on individuals and
* Explain, in detail, the forms of discrimination or control and the impact on individuals within the film or institution you’ve chosen to study. Use academic sourses to aid the validity of your writing.
□ explain how structural changes take place in social institutions (e.g., family; religious institutions; legal, political, educational, and health
systems; the military) in response to diverse influences (e.g., demographic or economic change, introduction of the Canadian Charter
of Rights and Freedoms, social movements)
* Describe and explain the changes that take place or have taken place to change the lives or treatment of individuals within the film or institution you’ve chosen.
See next page for task flow chart

MOVIE INFOGRAPHICS (Google it for more examples)