Est. 1919
FA Charter Development Club
Strength, endurance, renewal and growth
Contents Page
Rules and Objectives3
Membership Classifications and Election of Members4
Members Subscription4
Conduct of Members5
Management of the Club5
Elections & Annual General Meetings7
Changes to Club Rules8
Finances and Accounts of the Club8
Club Premises9
Visitors to the Club9
Sale of Alcohol10
Club Trustees10
Bye Laws 11
Rules and Objectives
1. The name of the Club shall be RACING CLUB WARWICK FOOTBALL CLUB.
1.1the address of the Club shall be Townsend Meadow, Hampton Road, Warwick CV34 6JP
1.2The objectives of the Club are to:-
(a) Provide facilities for and to promote participation in amateur sport and to promote the benefit of the clubhouse to the inhabitants of Warwick and surrounding areawithout discrimination, by associating together the said inhabitants and the statutory authorities, voluntary and other organisations in a common effort to advance education and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure-time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants of Warwick and the surrounding area;
(b) Establish, or secure the establishment, of a Community Centre (hereinafter called "the Club") and to maintain andmanage the same (whether alone or in co-operation with any local authority or other person or body) in furtherance of these objects;
(c) Promote such other charitable purposes as may from time totime be determined. The club shall be non-party in politics and non-sectarian in religion. The area of benefit in the main shall be Warwick and the neighbourhood defined by Aylesford, previously Warwick West.
(d) To promote and encourage interest in sport, particularly Association Football, and to organise and provide social and recreational facilities and all such other amenities and activities as the Committee may decide for the benefit of the Members.
(e) To promote and encourage mutual understanding, co-operative effort, goodwill and friendly social intercourse amongst the Members of the Club and the local community in general.
The provision and maintenance of the “Club” at Townsend Meadow, Hampton Road, Warwick CV34 6JP
Membership ClassificationS and Election of Members
Membership of the club shall be open to anyone interested in sport and community on application regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs.
2.Members of the Club shall fall into five categories:-
(a) Ordinary Members (with full voting rights)18+
(b) Life Members (with full voting rights)18+
(c) Junior Members (with no voting rights)16-18
(d) OAP Members (withfull Voting Rights)60+
3. (a)Persons eligible for membership as Ordinary and OAP Members shall be open to the whole community who fully support the objectives of the Club and are interested particularly in following, supporting or playing sports for RACING CLUB WARWICKFOOTBALL CLUB and other Club teams
(b) Persons eligible for membership as Life Members shall be persons who have given special service to the Club or hold an outstanding position in the local community. Life Membership is approved by the Committee in place at the time
(c) Junior Members have full access to the club/clubhouse facilities but have no voting rights
(d) OAP Members are members aged 60 or over and have the same rights as Ordinary Members
4.(a)All members applications are open to the community and membership cards are issued after approval of the management club’s committee.
(b) Life Members shall be elected to membership by the Club’s Committee as and when they see fit
(c)Proposals for suitable persons to be considered for Life Membership can be forwarded to the Club’s Committee by any Member of the Club, at any time.
5.(a) Election for all Membershipshall be by ballot of the Committee at monthly meetings
(b) All applications to become a member of the club need to complete a club membership form and submit to the club secretary
. (c) If the applicant is accepted by the Committee to join the Club but fails to pay their full subscription within the required period, they shall not be permitted to enter the Club until such time that payment is made
6.(a) All Members approved by the Committee shall be issued with a current copy of the Club Rules if they so wish. Otherwise a copy of the Club’s Constitution can be viewed on the Club’s notice board or website at
(b)The newly electedMembers shall be issued with a membership card which shall record the Member’s name and membership number. Membership cards must be carried by all Members at all times while on the Club premises
(c) A register of the names and addresses of every Official and Member of the Club shall be kept on the premises of the Club
7. Clubhouse Membership- The rates of the membership / subscription shall be:
Ordinary members over 18 and under 60 years of age - £8.00
OAP members over 60 - £4.00
Youth members 16-18 years of age - £3.00
8.(a) All members of the club must renew their subscription when due.If help/time is needed due to financial hardship then the Secretary must be advised in order to resolve any issue.
(b) All subscriptions of ClubhouseMembers shall become due at the turn of the Calendar year and is payable by the 31st day of January each year.
(c) The Secretary shall keep a record of all Members and their addresses. Every member shall, within one month, give notice to the Secretary of any change in his/her address.
Members shall cease to be members:-
(a) By failing to pay their annual subscription within one month of the due date.
(b) By expulsion.
The Club shall affiliate to the Birmingham County Football Association and play in accordance with the leagues entered into under the County Association. The club will be represented at leagues and association meetings and play under the rules of the leagues and association.
The Club will not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation
The Club will at all times provide adequate Public Liability insurance. This will be applied for when applying for affiliation with Birmingham County FA.
13.(a) If the conduct of any Member, either within or without the Club premises shall be, in the opinion of the Committee, considered to be injurious to the character and interests of the Club, the Committee will take disciplinary action. The individual(s) will have a right of appeal, if the membership is suspended, by submitting a letter to the Secretary, within seven days of receiving the Committee’s original decision. The appeal will be heard by the Committee and the result of the appeal will be made known to the individual(s). The results of the appeal will be final and binding. During the above procedures the individual(s) will not be permitted to use the Club, until the outcome of the appeal has been decided.
(b) No member is permitted to either call at the home of, or telephone a member of the Committee, with a complaint. All complaints must be submitted in writing to the Secretary and must be marked “Private and Confidential”. Any member who fails to observe this rule may face suspension until the case has been dealt with under the disciplinary arrangements.
(c) Any member who has been expelled for disciplinary reasons shall only enter the Clubs premises with the Committees permission.
14.All matters relating to the Club’s business affairs shall be under the control ofthe “The Executive “ which shall consist of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary reporting to and to serve on a Management Committeeelected by the general body of Ordinary Members and Life Members at the Annual General Meeting. The Management Committee will meet on a monthly basis to address issues affecting the club.
(a) Chairman & Vice Chairman (Chairpersons)
The Chairman and/or vice Chairman will preside over monthly committee meetings and General Meetings of the Club. In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice- Chairman in his/her absence a member of the committee will be elected Chairperson for the duration of the Chairperson's absence and will assume his/her duties. Where disputes arise and a vote is taken the Chairperson may have a deliberative casting vote.
(b) Treasurer
The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the Club. All monies shall be paid to him/her and a receipt issued for the same. He/ she shall bank such monies in the name of the Club but shall be allowed to keep in hand such sums ofmoney he/she may consider necessary to cover current expenses. He/she may make payments by cash for whichhe/she is entitled to some form of receipt, money order or crossed cheque as deemed fit. All cheques in the name ofthe Club shall bear 2 (two) signatures from those nominated by the Committee and Mandated with the Bank. He/sheshall submit the account books for audit as soon as possible at the end of the financial year and also submit a dulyaudited balance sheet at the Annual General Meeting. On being given 3 (three) days notice in writing, he/she may becalled upon to produce a financial statement at any meeting.
(c) Secretary
The Secretary, in addition to keeping a list of members, shall keep a record of all business transacted by and/or on behalf of the Club, deal with all correspondence and give notification of all meetings in such manner as may be approved by the members.He/she shall produce minutes of all meetings of the Club. He/she, in consultation with the Chairperson if required, shall preparean agenda for each meeting.
(d) Trustees
The Trustees shall be elected by the Committee. There shall be no less than 2 (two) and no more than 4 (four)
Trustees at any given time. The Trustees shall hold office until death, resignation or removal by resolution of the Committee.
The property of the Club (other than cash which shall be under the control of the Treasurer) shall be vested in them. They shall deal with the property of the Club as directed by resolution of the committee (of which an entry in the minutebook will be conclusive evidence) and they shall be indemnified against risk and expense out of Club property.
15. The Committeeshall be composed of no more than 10Ordinary Members of the Club, at least five should ideally be current or former Members of the Football Club/Section, Junior or Senior.
(a) To become eligible for election to the Committee, Ordinary Members must have ideally accumulated at least two years unbroken membership. In certain cases the Committee will allow Members to apply to join the Committee where the Members are deemed to be an asset to the Club and Members going forward. New Members must be unanimously voted in at a Committee meeting.
(b)To become eligible for election to one of the office-bearing positions of Chairman, Vice-Chairman Secretary or Treasurer, hereafter referred to as the Officers of the Club, an Ordinary Memberideally must have accumulated at least 2 years as a Member of the Club. Again, in certain cases, the Committee will allow Members with less than 2 years membership to apply to become an Officer of the Club, where the Member is deemed to be an asset to the Club going forward. Any vacancy arising during year of office, shall be filled at the discretion of the Committee and must be unanimously voted in at a Committee meeting.
(c)An Emergency Committee will be formed in the event of the club becoming insolvent or experiencing financial difficulty. Any financial difficulty, and any subsequent Emergency Committee, will be determined by the existing Committee who would poll the Members at an EGM, recommending these emergency measures. The Emergency Committee will consist of any stakeholders having an interest in assisting the Club,post being approved by the Committee, without any financial reward, alongside the Executive Committee Members described below. Recommendations of the Emergency Committee are biding to all unless the present Committee can show an alternative plan to assist the Club.
The Emergency Committee would last for a maximum of twelve months, to consist of the Chairman, Vice- Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, selected Committee and Ordinary Members and any Stakeholders with the necessary skills to assist the club. In the event of continued financial difficultythe Club shall be dissolved upon a vote of not less than a three quarter majority of all voting members present at a Special General Meeting called by the Secretary in accordance with the Club Rules. Upon dissolution the property of the Club shall vest in the Trustees who shall take the necessary steps to distribute the Club property. All such property remaining after the satisfaction in full of all debts incurred by the Club prior to the dissolution shall be held in trust by the Trustees until such a time as another Club is formed in the district with similar objectives.
16.The Officers, Chairman/Vice-Chairman/Secretary/Treasurer,of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club every second Sunday in July every year. A list of names of Members wishing to be nominated for election on to the Committee shall be displayed on the Club Notice Board for a period of no less than four (4) weeks before the AGM. Only those Members whose names are on this list will be eligible for election to the Committee. No nominations will be accepted at the AGM. Where there is only one position for a vacant position, election will be made by a show of hands. Any vacancy arising during year of office, shall be filled at the discretion of the Committee.
17.All other members of the Committee shall also be ELECTED ANNUALLY. Members of the out-going Committee may, if re-nominated and re-elected, serve for a further period as members of the new Committee. There will be no limit to the length of time that Members may serve on the Committee.
18.The Committee shall have CONTROL and MANAGEMENT over the business affairs of the Club and reserves the right to make decisions on the running of the Club. These decisions shall be made to further the best interests of the Club. The Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees for specified functions or activities when necessary without referral to the Members.
19.The Committee shall meet once every month or more frequently if required, and shall have power to co-opt Ordinary Members of the Club to vacancies occurring on any Committee and its Sub-Committees.
20.The quorum of all monthly Committee meetings shall be 50% (Half) of sitting Committee Members. At all General Meetings of the Club and Committee meetings, the Chairman or in his absence a member of the Committee acting as Chairman, shall have a casting vote where there is an equality of votes.
21.Annual General Meetings of the Club shall be held at the end of the month of July oron the 2nd Sunday of Julyeach year. These meetings serve the following purposes:-
(a) To receive the Report of Officers of the Club
(b) To receive a Statement of Accounts and the Report of the Approved Auditor
(c) To elect Officers and Members on to the Committee for the next twelve (12) months
Only those Members whose names appear on the list displayed on the Club Notice Board may be nominated and elected on to the Committee. Any Member wishing to be nominated and elected on to the new Committee who cannot attend the AGM must furnish a written explanation as to why they wish to serve and explain his / her absence from the meeting. All nominees must satisfy the criterion listed in Rule 15.
22.A notice advising of all General Meetings and a copy of the proposed agenda shall be sent to all Officers and Committee members at least ten days before the date of the meeting and shall also be exhibited on the Club Notice Board for the same period of time.
23.Ordinary Members and Life Members of the Club shall be entitled to propose or second resolutions or motions, or vote in any matter dealing with the Club’s affairs. They have the right to raise issues at all General Meetings. These issues should be addressed to the Secretary in writing so that he can add them to the agenda. These issues must be received by the Secretary at least 21 days before the meeting.
24.At all General Meetings the Chairman shall take the Chair. Every Ordinary Member and Life Member present at the meeting shall be entitled to one vote for each resolution. The Chairman,or acting Chairman, shall have a casting vote in the event of equality of votes.
25.A special or Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club can be called by the Committee or at the request of at least 1/3Ordinary Members and Life Members submitted in writing to the Secretary. A notice convening such a General Meeting shall be sent to all Members at least tendays before the date of the meeting and shall also be exhibited on the Club notice board for the same period of time. Unless at least 90% of those members calling for the EGM attend the meeting, the EGM shall not proceed.