“A business enterprise guided by a clear sense of purpose rationally arrived at and emotionally ratified by commitment is more likely to have a successful outcome, in terms of profit and social good, than a company whose future is left to guesswork and chance.”
Andrews K., (1987) The concept of corporate strategy; cited in De Wit & Meyer,(2010) Strategy Process, Content, Context, an international perspective 4th Edition
MODULE LEADER - Derek Harwood / John Dixon-Dawson
Table of Contents
Important Notes
Lecture and Seminar Programme......
Sunspace – Module information......
University Documentation......
Module Feedback......
Introductory Lecture......
Introductory Seminar : Review module guide and assessment!......
Lecture One: ‘The Strategy Labyrinth.’......
The Essential Reading For Lecture One......
Seminar One......
Part 1. The Sale of Burmah Castrol to BP Amoco......
Part 2. Strategy Past; Strategy Futures......
Lecture Two: Models, Concepts, Theories......
The Essential Reading For Lecture Two......
: The Brewery Group Denmark : Faxe, Ceres and Thor......
Lecture Three : Organizational Purpose......
The Essential Reading For Lecture Three......
Seminar Three : Blackberry & The Mobile Phone Industry......
Lecture Four: Chaos and Strategy......
The Essential Reading For Lecture Four......
Seminar Four: Blackberry & The Mobile Phone Industry (case study provided in the module pack)
Lecture Five: Influences On Action......
The Essential Reading For Lecture Five......
Seminar Five: Ryanair......
Lecture Six: Public Sector Strategy......
The Essential Reading For Lecture Six......
Seminar Six: Strategy development at Castle Press & New Town Council......
Lecture Six A: Assignment Preparation......
Seminar 6A Databases......
Lecture Seven: Risk Management
The Essential Reading For Lecture Seven......
Seminar Seven: Case Study: Ericsson’s Supply Chain
Lecture Eight: Strategy - Does it Matter?......
The Essential Reading For Lecture Eight......
Seminar Eight : International Joint Ventures (IJV’s) The Rover/Honda Alliance...
Lecture Nine: Assignment Preparation......
Seminar 9: Assignment Preparation & Module feedback......
Important Notes
The lecture and seminar programme will be delivered during Term 1.
Lectures and seminars for this module will be delivered every week.
Lecture 1 relates to seminar 1, and so on…
Table ILecture & Seminar delivery
Wk / Date W/C / Lecture / Topic / Seminar / Academic paper / case study / PageModule Outline / Introductory Lecture
Outline of the Module & Assessment / Seminar / Review module guide and assessment.
Using Case studies – The rationale.
Lecture 1 / The Strategy Labyrinth. / Seminar 1 / 1.Case Study – BP Amoco
2.Academic paper – Strategy Past; Strategy Futures
Lecture 2 / Models, concepts and theories / Seminar 2 / Case Study - The Brewery Group Denmark
Lecture 3 / Organisational Purpose / Seminar 3 / Case Study – Blackberry & The Mobile Phone Industry
Lecture 4 / Strategy and Chaos / Seminar 4 / Case Study – Blackberry & The Mobile Phone Industry
Lecture 5 / Influences on action. / Seminar 5 / Case Study – Ryanair
Lecture 6 / Public Sector Strategy / Seminar 6 / Case Studies - Strategy development at Castle Press & New Town Council
Lecture 6A / Assignment Preparation / Seminar 6A / Assignment preparation and
Electronic Databases; KeynoteEuromonitor
Lecture 7 / Risk Management / Seminar 7 / Case Study - Ericsson’s risk management approach after a serious sub-supplier accident
Lecture 8 / Finally – Does it matter? / Seminar 8 / Case Study - International Joint Ventures Rover / Honda
Lecture 9 / Part 2 Assignment Preparation / Seminar 9 / Assignment Preparation & module feedback
Submit Part 2 of your assignment on - to be advised
Please note that the workshops are designed to follow the lectures. It is important that you arrive at the seminar having considered the lecture and read any case study material or academic papers given.
The lectures will be available on Sunspace prior to being delivered so please ensure you print the lecture content prior to attendanceat the lecture theatre then you can add notes during the lecture delivery.
Failure to arrive at lectures or seminars prepared may detract from your learning and the learning of your seminar group - as well as wasting valuable time.
Take advantage of the seminar process, complain (constructively) if you don’t agree or give complements. Whatever you do please try to avoid being passive in the seminar process.
“Personally I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught”.
Sir Winston Churchill, British politician (1874 - 1965)
Traditionally, ‘Strategic Management’ is presented as a final year core module in most Business Studies Degrees. The module aims are usually integrative and cumulative, in that it draws together the purposes and methodologies of the functional areas which are usually studied separately to show how they contribute to the overall purposes and aims of the organization as a whole. This synthesis and integration of the functional business areas into a real business entity is usually considered in relation to the environment in which the organization exists and with reference to a time scale from the past and more importantly projected into the future. Theoretical models are generally supplemented with case study material and students on sandwich courses returning from placement are encouraged to reflect upon their own recent experiences.
The challenge for the student and teacher is to:
- analyse a complex organization;
- analyse a complex environment;
- analyse the complexity of relationships between the two;
- synthesise earlier diverse and possibly functional studies of the organization;
- assimilate new theoretical models;
- evaluate all models and methodologies against observations of the practices of organizations in the real world.
The degree classification reflects the student’s ability to do this.
‘Strategic Management’ will have elements of all of the above although its primary aim is the study of the methodologies and models by which one might seek to grasp the extraordinary complexity of, ‘understanding the organization in its environment as it moves through time’. The application of these ideas to the analysis of real organizations is something that will be accomplished by you in the module assessment in which you will have plenty of opportunity to pursue your own ideas and to demonstrate your own abilities.
Lecture and Seminar Programme
There is one lecture session each week followed by the seminar. The lectures will consist of information, explanation and exploration as detailed in this guide. You will get a lot more from the lectures if you do some directed reading from the list accompanying each lecture.
The preparation will consist of reading and thinking about the issues it evokes. You may be asked to carry out some research or to undertake an exercise. Whilst most of the seminar work will relate directly to lectures and readings sometimes they will take detours and include contemporary topics.
Due to the nature of the assignment there will always be an opportunity in the seminars to discuss any particular issues that might arise during assignment preparation.
Sunspace – Module information
You will find additional material on the portal.
University Documentation
The relevant links to the under mentioned documentation can be found in Appendix 1
- University Generic Assessment Criteria
- University Academic Regulations (including the Student Guide)
- University Student Handbook
- University Policy on Plagiarism
- University Policy on Extenuating Circumstances
- Guide for Students on the Supervision of Dissertations and Projects
- University Policies on Complaints, Appeals and Student Discipline
Module Feedback
Module feedback is collated informally during the delivery of the module and formally during the last lecture.
Feedback from last year and incorporated this year was –would the seminar tutors review the strategic models in the seminar prior to application to the seminar case study.
Reading Information….
Please note the reading is detailed week by week and the texts can generally be found in the Library (probably in limited quantity with respect to your numbers). Other texts may well be equally acceptable. Throughout the module guide I have identified at least 3 text books for reference, including page numbers, to the lectures and seminars. You could purchase these texts:
- De Wit, B. and Meyer, R. (2010), Strategy Process, Content, Context, An International Perspective (Fourth Edition), Cengage Learning EMEA.
- Johnson, G., Scholes, K., Whittington R., (2011), Exploring Strategy: Text and Cases (Ninth Edition), Pearson Education Ltd. - Note. There is an electronic version ofthis text available within the SunCat library catalogue.
- Lynch, R. (2006), Corporate Strategy, (Fourth Edition), Financial Times, Prentice Hall, Harlow. - Note there is an electronic version of this text available within the SunCat library catalogue.
Ideally if you purchase a text I suggest you purchase 1 and/or 2 before 3.
This module is a valid reason for getting into the habit of reading a good newspaper on a daily basis such as the Financial Times (FT). Note the FT is available online via the library and then the Discover icon. The FT will bring you up to date with many aspects of business topics.
As you start work on your assignment you may find it very rewarding to browse amongst the journals on the electronic databases.This is of particular importance to your individual assignment as you choose the topic yourself so you need to choose it from some background knowledge.
The individual assignment takes the form of one3,000 wordassessment. It is designed to allow you to investigate an arena in which your own chosen particular aspect of Strategy may be developed, researched, analysed or synthesised in relation to your own thinking and creativity.
Culture and Structure
Lectures are used to sign post ideas and thinking or develop single issues. Seminars will be used to reflect on ideas and look at examples of strategy in practice.
The early part of the course might be of concern to you in that some of your favourite strategic models of business may be questioned.
Is hierarchy a good structure for an organization?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of a SWOT analysis?
Is strategy something you do or something you are?
Is there such a thing as strategy and if there is who does it and where?
There is no one view on strategy and whilst you may align yourself with a guru or a school of thought or develop your own individual view; it is important that you understand why you believe what you do and more importantly the strengths and weaknesses of your view.
We may agree, we may agree to differ; we may create something new. Where ever the course leads us it is important to remember that this is not just a course in Strategy; it is an opportunity to discover new things, question old things, create new things all of which require thinking and interaction – in lectures – in seminars – so agree, disagree, ask questions, read and especially think…….
Good luck!
Derek Harwood
LEARNING HOURS:200 hours, the exact nature of which is specified in the module guide
Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated:
K1.Understanding of the origins and various approaches to strategy
K2.Understanding of the complexity of the relationships between the organisation and its environment
K3.Understanding of international/global strategic thinking
K4.Understanding of the application of strategy ideas in practice
S1.The ability to analyse the complexity of organisations and their environments
S2.The ability to synthesise earlier, diverse and possible piecemeal studies of the organisation and assimilate new theoretical models and offer solutions relative to strategic issues
S3.The ability to evaluate existing models and methodologies against observations of the practices of real organisations
The module aims to be integrative and cumulative in that it draws together the purposes and methodologies of the functional areas of business policy and strategy which are usually studied separately and to show how they contribute to the overall purposes and aims of the organisation.
This synthesis is usually considered in relation to the environment in which the organisation exists and with reference to a timescale projected into the future. The challenge for the student is to analyse complex organisations and their environments as well as the relationships between the two and evaluate models and methodologies against observations of the practices of real organisations. The module reflects the process of strategic management and the key schools of strategy in the context of stable or shifting, national and global environments.
This is taught on campus and off campus as a distance learning module delivered at Tutor supported centres requiring the students to work through a study guide that introduces the subject material and takes the student through a range of activities and case studies. Students will be encouraged to reflect on their own work and organisational experiences. Students will be expected to read the module guide and supported text reading and complete a range of self study activities to underpin their knowledge and develop analytical skills in respect to meeting the learning outcomes. All activities have feedback included. Off campus students will have access to a local academic Tutor who will offer workshop or online support. Students will be able to work with other students either on line or in workshops depending on the nature of the Centre approval. The following outline is indicative and will vary on and off campus and between Centres.
Breakdown of 200 Learning Hours
Breakdown of 200 Learning Hours
Weekly lectures and seminars
12 weeks @ 3 hours36
Self directed study and individual assignment164
12 weeks @ 13.67hours per week
Total 200 hrs
The assessment will be by one individual assignment. All learning outcomes will be assessed.
The standard University Regulations relating to the Infringement of Assessment Regulations apply. All work must be referenced using the Harvard Referencing System.
Sequence / Assessment Type / Marking Scheme / Weighting% / Qualifying Mark / Pass Mark
001 / Assignment / UCMS / 100 / 35 / 40
Johnson,G., Scholes, K., and Whittington, R. (2011), Exploring Strategy, 9th Edition, Pearson Education Limited or earlier editions.
De Wit, B. and Meyer, R. (2010) Strategy Process, Content, Context. AnInternational Perspective, 4th Edition, CENGAGE
Learning.Mintzberg, H., Ahlstrand, B., Lampel, J.,(2009) Strategy Safari, your complete guide through the wilds of Strategic Management, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education Limited.Stacey, R. D. (2000) Strategic Management & Organisational Dynamics – The Challenge of Complexity, 3rd Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Whittington, R. (2001) What is Strategy and does it matter?Routledge.
A number of journals are all available on the /Emerald/ system.
Students will be encouraged to use the internet as a source of contemporary material for their studies. To facilitate this, students will be given a list of journals and websites where relevant information is not only freely available, but is always up to date.
B.A. (Hons) Leadership and Business Management
BA (Hons) Business and Marketing Top-Up (Core)
BA (Hons) Business Management Top-Up (Core)
BA (Hons) Sports Management (Core)
Combined Subjects (Business Major: (Core): Dual with dissertation: (Option):(Business Dual without dissertation/ Minor) (Core)
Is the programme delivered On Campus or Off campus:On and Off campus
Colleges:Various Approved Study Centres
Work based learning:No
Professional Accreditation:No
Derek Harwood
As above
JACS Code: N100
Introductory Lecture
This first session will be largely concerned with generally getting organised to commence the module. The educational aims of the module will be examined and how the assignment supports this. The preferred ‘module culture’ will be described and an outline and overview of the course will be given. Included in this session will be some preliminary statements about the subject matter, the views of the teaching team, our assumptions and alternative views.. Some thought will be given to the way in which we seek to explain the world and especially the way in which we think about Strategy.
Read the Module Guide carefully, particularly the assignment and start thinking about the module and what you would like from it. Note down any queries you have, or points on which you would like further clarification.
This is the normal format of suggested reading. You have generally havea choice of three texts to underpin the general discussion of the lecture topic “and” then a compulsory element of reading:
De Wit B. and Meyer R. (2010) p3-24
De Wit B. and Meyer R. (2010) p25-26 Reading 1.1, The First Strategists by Stephen Cummings
Johnson, G., Scholes, K., Whittington R., (2011), p3-23, p27-43.
(9th Edition 658.403/J53)
Lynch, R., (2006),p1-70.
McKiernan P., (1997), Strategy Past; Strategy Futures, Long Range Planning, Vol 30, No. 5, p790-798
Further Reading
Victoria Griffiths, (October 1 1999) Theorists who re-invent old themes, Financial Times
De Wit B. and Meyer R. (2004) p131-138 Reading 3.2 Logical Incrementalism By James B Quinn
AnsoffI., (1987) Corporate Strategy, Penguin Books.
Notes: You may also find it useful to read Mintzberg et al’s text - Strategy Safari by (this is provided in the module pack), H., Ahlstrand, B., Lampel, J.,(2009,) Strategy Safari, your complete guide through the wilds of Strategic Management, , 2nd Edition, Pearson Education Limited;
The authors argue that there are ten schools of strategy.
Introductory Seminar:Review module guide and assessment!
This session will be an introduction to the module and the assignment. Tutors will explain the logic of the module and discuss their/your expectations. Agreement will hopefully be reached on the approach(es) to be taken in seminars as well as ground rules of participation.