Pastor’s Ponderings
“I thank my God every time I remember you.” Phil. 1:3
Paul’s greeting to the church at Philippi certainly expresses my feelings toward the precious church family at Clear Creek. I can’t believe all you folks do and have done for the Lord. October was a super busy month, and it looks as though November will be just as busy. It is exciting to see a group of folks so involved in God’s work. Can you believe all the people that put in so much work in preparation for the festival and then all the people that came by? WOW! Also, in October we shipped over 300 Christmas boxes and over 200 boxes of clothes to El Salvador for mission pastors. Thanks to the Baptist women for preparing all the boxes and clothes. Thanks to Gary and Herb for driving the van to Mississippi to deliver them. So many other things happened in October. Thank you! Looks like November will be filled with activities as well. Our Baptist State Convention is the first week. Please pray as Baptists from across the state meet to pray and plan so we move forward for Christ. Remember Ms. Barbara during the convention as she holds a state level office and will be attending and conducting meetings during the annual session.
Mid November we will be taking a load of clothes to West Virginia to a very poor part of the state. The clothes will be distributed to five smaller churches around Jolo, West Virginia.
The last week in the month we will be taking Thomas and Dee along with the girls on a vacation to try and make some great memories while he is still able. Thank you, church family for making this possible. Needless to say, I not only thank God for you but also, love and appreciate you more than you know.
Pastor Homer
New Members for October
Last month, I shared with you some words to one of the Christmas songs the choir will be singing December 17th. (yes, the date was moved up from the 24th)
This is from the theme song: “It’s Still the Greatest Story Ever Told”, words by Gloria Gaither. “A woman and an angel, a promise and a song, a word too grand for any mind to hold. A tax law and a journey, a stable and some straw…these tell the greatest story ever told. Oh, sing glory in the highest. He is come, our great Messiah, come bow before this awesome mystery. Mighty God and fragile Baby here a lowly manger holds, and it’s still the greatest story ever told.”
After over 2,000 years, it’s still the greatest story ever told, because it holds the greatest promise anyone could want. The hope of the world was born during this time. The promised Messiah had come.
Today, He’s still the hope of the world. Everywhere we look, people are hungry for truth. Jesus said “I AM THE WAY, TRUTH, AND LIFE. NO MAN COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME.” Let’s make someone’s Christmas meaningful this year. Tell them about JESUS!
Serving Our Savior, Joe Frye
To God be the Glory great things He has done and is still doing here at Clear Creek Baptist Church.
Thanks to ALL of our ladies who have worked so hard getting our shoeboxes (92), clothes for El Salvador(45 boxes) and West Virginia (45 boxes) ready to go. Thanks for the team who packed our boxes in the van and trailer. Thanks to Gary and Herb for taking El Salvador shoeboxes and clothes to Mississippi. We had 220 other shoeboxes from Morganton to go with ours. We will be taking the clothes to West Virginia sometime in November.
We will not have a lady’s night out in November. Our regular meeting will be Nov. 21st at 6:30 PM. I would love to see more of our ladies to come and be a part of our ministry.
On Tuesday, December 5th, we will be having our Christmas Party. 6:00 PM in the FamilyLife Center. Our singers and speaker will be Steve & Cindy Johnson. Remember to bring your secret sisters presents or a gift to exchange. We will be having soups and salads again this year. Let me know what you would like to bring. In January we will be drawing for a new secret sister. Be sure to get your forms to fill out about yourself for your secret sister.
Thank you for your order for Rada Cuttery and we will be selling some Avon products soon.
Our next project is getting the Christmas Gift Bags for each of our Woodridge residents. On Tuesday, Dec. 12th. at 6:00 pm,we will be going to sing and give them their presents. We need you to bring sugar free candy, ladies and men socks, deodorant, soap and wash cloths, gold fish crackers or regular crackers, and Christmas cards to go in their gift bag. Need everyone to go with us that night and you will receive a great blessing by giving a blessing to others.
On November the 19th we will be having our church wide Thanksgiving Meal after our morning worship service. Make plans to come and enjoy our wonderful fellowship.
Our church families are the BEST. We thank God for you and love being a part of our fellowship. We wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Love you all,
Those who wish to order a poinsettia in honor or memory of a loved one, please sign the list in the foyer.
October was a great month at Clear Creek.
Thanks to all those who came out andparticipated in the Fall Festival this year. It was a huge success. Thanks for all the hard work and participation.
As you have noticed many things have been accomplished around the church this past month. Our men have been busy, and we will continue to work, as the Lord leads.
This upcoming month as we celebrate Thanksgiving, our Baptist men will again donate turkeys and fixings to families in need. If you know of a family, in need, in our community, or if you are interested in helping, please let us know.
Our next meeting is Tuesday, November 21st at 6:30pm. We also have a scheduled workday SaturdayNovember25th at 9 am.
Looking ahead at December. Please save the date for Tuesday December 5th at 6 p.m. we will have a special Men’s Christmas Fellowship. More information to come. Save the date.
We have plenty going on, so we welcomeeveryone to come join us. Thank you all for your continued support.
Let's Be About Our Fathers Business
God Bless
Tommy Carlucci
Let’s start with the bad news and get that over with. We seem to be losing our battle to defund planned parenthood. Please continue boycotting Target as they have become a web of deception for women and children. The saddest news to report at this time is that the governor signed an executive order allowing men into the ladies’ restroom. Please pray hard as this puts us all in danger.
Here are some prayer requests: We have several brothers and sisters in Christ who provide wedding services for a living. Some of them are suffering persecution because they refuse to provide those services for same sex couples. Please remember these dear brothers and sisters in your prayers. Please pray for the Rowan county commissioners as they appeal their case to the Supreme Court. They want to continue to open their meetings in prayer. That is the next county over from Cabarrus.
Here is the good news: Supporters of Judge Roy Moore have crushed the DC political establishment. Several state legislatures have begun to offer Bible Studies for their members. They also have this in D.C. President Trump and Attorney General, Jeff Sessions are supporting and protecting our religions liberty. Vice President Pence set a great example by leaving an NFL game after noticing players kneeling during the National Anthem.
David and Jody
This month I will take a break from The American Adventure Series and feature on book by Louisa May Alcott, “Little Men), (1871.) Jo, from Little Women, is now grown, married with two sons and is operating a home for orphans.
I also found some of the Little House Books. I will feature the first one, “Little House in The Big Woods”. (1932) This is the first book published by Laura Ingalls Wilder. She is about 5 years old in this book. She is living in her birth place with her parents and two sisters.
Terrell and Janice Watts will be ministering through song and music to the SAM’S group
Tuesday, November 7th, 2017 at 10:30 a.m. in the family life
Center. A meal will be served at 11:30 a.m. The cost is $5.00 at the door.
A sign-up sheet is in the church vestibule.
Everyone is welcome. Invite your friends and neighbors for
a morning of good singing, good food and good fellowship.
3-Onita Mullis
5- Shelby Williams
6-Carol Foster
7-Catherine Mullis
8-Norma McCormick
10-David Robinson
12-Lyndsey McManus Norman,
Marie Mongan
14-Michelle Robinson
15-Joshua Black, Rusty Dulin
16-Ray Fagan
17-Lillian Lisk
19-Gail Price, Caleb Black
20-Jody Wyatt, Samuel Black
24-Rose Moore
26-Greg Carpenter
27-Rodney Thomas
November Awana dates are
11/5- AWANA
11/12- AWANA
November 5th
St James Male Chorus
@ the Evening Service
November 12th
Ken Turner Concert
@ the Evening Service