- CSIP feedback
- Intervention pathway
-what a child should get after diagnosis
-what is available by who
Training matrix:- (SMBC doc)
‘what’‘by whom’‘when’
- Diagnostic pathways – progress so far/exception reporting
CSHead SLT/CYPDisP head for ASD Pathway
MPInclusion Co-ordinator
CSASD partnership project
SBPrimary Behavioural Support
TWOccupational Therapy
LBLSS (representing JH)
MHEducational Psychology
- CSIP feedback from Debbie Waters – NAS
CSIP carried out an audit of provision – DW to send the link to download the findings and CS to circulate to group.
Event day to feedback held Nov 07:-
-presentations are available on above link
Manchester model working well – 3 cluster based teams for both diagnosis and beyond and Education looking to develop schools in each cluster with specialism in ASD.
Stockport Needs
- timescales on pathways
- intervention approaches defined
- audit of provision against pathway and number of children going through pathways
Following Diagnosis
Inclusion co-ord – to know name of child/DOB as a newly diagnosed child with ASD.
What is needed?
- To look at need holistically and meet areas of need:-
-learning preferences
-rigidity/ behaviours
- Multi-agency care plan in place IEP, IBP - ? should this be done through CIN process.
- Consider family, school and child's needs.
- Link to Disability Database and Parent Partnership immediately after diagnosis.
- Awareness TrainingCurrently
- whole school- EP
- mid days- SLT
- transport- PBSS
- IC
- ASD project
Action Needed
To develop 1 training module for awareness
Possibly to develop a modular training course each service to lead module on their specialist area.
Followed up by a refresher course covering all aspects after X time.
Database of staff trained.
Issues – whole school secondary training – how to manage it & transition plan for individuals.
Issues – children not statemented as doing ok at primary.
Therefore how to access services/support without statement and ensure it is implemented ?necessity for statement for at risk SA+. ASD partnership project do transition plan from primary to secondary for children on their project.
-personal passport / Person Centred Planning
-additional visits
Secondary Senco to come to Action + review meeting.
PBSS – transition project (ADHD & some ASD).
ASD partnership – transition tips for secondary subjects.
Visual support
Quiet areas access strategy
Systems to get out of situations/classroom
-learning disabilities – traffic light passports to show things not to do, green ok to do.
Home/school link.
-Sensory profile – preferences for learning
-All plans to be accessible to all – personal passport to be developed following assessment .
** Voluntary sector / CP sharecare – who else do we need to include?
-independent options
Social stories/comic strip / Every term / SLT426 5200/5201/5202
Info pack / Disability Database
Awareness/Modular strategies / PBSS EP
PECS/ Teacch / Pyramid Education
Training Needs
NeedsImplementing strategies – on the job modelling to TA's/teachers / PBSS – EP
* what is the capacity Vs demand - CCLDT
Overall support from the group that SEN funding should stay centrally and cluster based task force well trained.
Agenda for next meeting
- Training modules – to compare across services and develop 1 module & who does it when
Next date = wed 23rd jan 2008
Action plan – to be agreed and signed up to
Objectives / Action Needed / Who / Timescale / Progress
- Training matrix drawn up
- Training streamlined and agreement on who does what/when/where and publicised - ?mix parents/profs
- Protocol/Audit checklist written for good practise to include:
- all common strategies to use with child
- personal passport template / guidelines
- transition tips/checklist e.g. passport, traffic light system for things to avoid etc secondary Senco to attend review a week for SA+
- school action approaches to try immediately (this to be in the Access Strategy 2007-2010
- home school book to be used and for profs to use it also (?template for info e.g. narrative style, symbol use)
- Systems to indicate can/not understand or need to leave activity
- Data collection/info analysis
Services they access?
Timescales to access support
TA time used to support
Training school have received