Liberal Party of Canada in British Columbia

Script for the Chair of an Annual General Meeting

(Please do not read out the portions in brackets)

1.Fellow Liberals, my name is ______and I call to order the (name of Federal Liberal Association, Commission or Club) Annual General Meeting.

2.I have been appointed the chair by the executive of the ______Federal Liberal Association. ______has been appointed as Returning Officer.

3.Those members who are eligible to vote at tonight’s meeting are on a list that is in the possession of the Returning Officer. The eligibility of members to vote was determined in accordance with the constitution, by-laws and standing rules of the Liberal Party of Canada in British Columbia. In order to vote at tonight’s meeting, memberships must have received at party headquarters by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 4, 2012, 42 days before this meeting.

4.The minutes of the previous annual general meeting have been circulated in writing by the Secretary. Are there any errors to or omissions from the minutes of the previous meeting? May I have a motion to approve the minutes as circulated (or, as amended)? Is there a seconder for the motion?

5.I am now calling on ______, the president of the ______Federal Liberal Association for a report on the past year’s activities. ______.

6.I am now calling on ______, the treasurer of the ______Federal Liberal Association for a report on the association’s finances. ______.

9.The rules of procedure for the election of officers are as follows

a.In order to be nominated, the person must be a member in good standing of the Liberal Party of Canada in British Columbia, and must either be present or have submitted written consent to stand for the position.

b.Each nominator shall give only his/her name.

c.The seconder shall give his/her name and shall speak no further.

d.Where there is more than one candidate for a position, the order of speaking shall be determined by drawing lots.

e.The speaking time for each candidate shall be used in any way each candidate may wish. The time allowed shall also include that taken by the nominator and seconder. Candidates for President will have five minutes of speaking time. Candidates for all other offices will have three minutes of speaking time.

f.If a nominee wishes to withdraw, he/she must do so without speaking in favour of any other nominee.

g.Each nominee may appoint one scrutineer for each Deputy Returning Officer.

h.Call for nominations for positions in the following order:




Fundraising Chair

Communications Chair

Organization Chair

Membership Chair

Policy Chair


[Other positions for which the riding association has a duly passed bylaw that has been filed with the Party Registrar of Bylaws.]

Speeches for positions will be called in the reverse order of nomination.

i.The Chair shall announce the names of the successful candidates. Otherwise, the result of the voting and the number of votes cast for each candidate shall not be disclosed.

10.I will now call for nominations for the position of President.

(Nominations are now made. Please move slowly enough to allow the Secretary to record the names of those nominated, the nominator and the seconder.) Is there a seconder?

(After the flow of nominations has stopped, you need to ask, three times, if there are further nominations.) Are there any further nominations? Are there any further nominations? Are there any further nominations?

I now declare that nominations are closed.

(Repeat for each of the other positions, in order: Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Chair, Membership Chair and Policy Chair.)

11.I will now call upon each nominee to speak. (Call upon nominees for contested positions, by position, beginning with Policy Chair, and working in reverse order of nomination. It will be necessary to draw lots for each position.)

12.The following are the instructions for balloting:

a.A ballot (Ballots) for the election of officers shall be issued to each member entitled to vote;

b.No proxy ballots are allowed; and

c.A ballot will not be invalidated provided that, in the opinion of the Returning Officer, the nominee can be identified with reasonable certainty. Is everything clear? Scrutineers for the nominees please report to the Returning Officer. Please proceed to (balloting location) to receive, mark and cast your ballots.

(All ballots must be initialed, prior to voting, by the Returning Officer or the Deputy Returning Officers, and the voters names must be stroked off the voter’s list to indicate that they have voted.)

(The Chair will ask if there is anyone who wishes to vote and who has not yet done so. Then declare that balloting is closed.)

Balloting is now closed.

(When results are available, they shall be relayed to the Chair.)

13.Fellow Liberals, I now have the results of the ballot.

The new ______is ______



Fundraising Chair

Communications Chair

Organization Chair

Membership Chair

Policy Chair


(The chair may now call upon the new President for remarks. Then the meeting will be adjourned.)

The (new) Riding Association Secretary will forward the names of those elected and the minutes of the annual general meeting to the Party Secretary in care of the party office within seven (7) days of the meeting; email minutes/executive list to