Monthly Progress report - november2015 / Jetpur - Somnath Section of NH-8D

Executive Summary

The project consists of construction of four-lane road with flexible pavement from Km 00+000 to Km 123+454(design chainage), comprising of existing alignment, new alignment for the by-passes and realignment. The total length of the project is 123.454 km. Built up areas along the alignment are passing throughJetpur, Jethalsar, Vadal, Virpur, Vanthali, Manekvada, Agatrai, Bhanduri, Gadu and Darivillages. The proposed alignment follows existing alignment to a major extent and deviates from the existing alignment at seven locations (Three Bypass & Four realignments). The alignment traverses mainly through plain terrain except a few stretches with rolling terrain. The major part of the proposed alignment passes through rural areas. The land use on both sides of existing carriageway mostly falls under the category of agriculture with a few exceptions.

Three by-passes have been proposed and they are Jetpur (4.70km), Junagadh (19.80km),Keshod (11.40km). Construction of service roads at urban and semi urban areas, truck lay byes (03) and toll plazas (02) are also included in the Project. Independent structures are proposed for each two (2) lane carriage way for major bridges, rail over bridges, grade separators and minor bridges. Hence seventeen(17) new major bridges are to be constructed at eleven (11) locations. Rail over bridges have been proposed at four (4) locations with four (4) structures. Minor bridges at eighty four(84) locations are proposed, thirty two (32) pipes culverts, eighty four (84) slab / box culverts are either to be widened, re-constructed or newly constructed as per Schedule Bof ConcessionAgreement. Other facilities like bus shelters (70), vehicular under passes (5), cattle or pedestrian under passes (11)and one number of 2 lane fly over are also included in this Project.There are thirty(30) major intersections and sixty seven(67) minor intersections. Twenty six (26) types of typical cross sections are proposed for the Road way.

Total land requirement to be acquired for construction of by-passes and widening of existing 2-lane to 4-lane is 762 hectare. Out of the above, 129 hectares of protected forest land is falling within the right of way. Width of proposed right of way is 60m except at the locations of toll plazas. The land acquisition process status is shown in below table is in progress.

Land Availability status as on 30 November 2015
Ref. / Pending land possession & Issues grouped / Length (Km) / Current Status (30 November 2015)
A. / Total project length in Kms / 123.454
B. / Possession pending in Kms / 19.80
i) / Junagadh Bypass & Approaches / 19.80 /
  • 3(G) Award for all 10 villages has been done by CALA and compensation amount has been deposited in CALA account.
  • Disbursement to land owners (3H) has been in progress and nearly 64% people have taken compensation (payment disbursement for 205 nos against 321 nos) and for 11% of land payment has been deposited in revenue department.
  • Approx. 72.70 Hect. Land has acquired against 108.59 Hect. (66.95%)
  • The process of Land Acquisition (3H) for the Junagadh Bypass of 19.80 kms needs to be expedited.

ii) / Toll Plazaat ch. 51+200 (TP-1) additional land beyond 60m RoW / - /
  • TP-1:Final 3D published on 21st Sep ’14, 3G hearing carried out on 20th Oct ’14; 3G approval accorded on Nov14.
  • Land Owners not turning to accept payments;
  • Compensation amount has been revenue deposited (RD)
  • Forcible Possession with the help of State Administrative officials, police protection with help of NHAI to be initiated.

C. / Cumulative land possession (A)-(B) / 103.650 / kms
D. Constraints (in available Possession) / 0.230 / kms
i) / Other Constraints / 0.08 / Railway boundary issue at Vantahli (80 mtr)
E. / Clear front Available for Construction (C) - (D) / 103.570 / Kms

The Concessionaire has achieved financial closure and complied with all conditions precedent stipulated in the Concession Agreement. The Authority has to hand over the 80% Right of Way (ROW) i.e. 98.8 Km on Appointment date 31March 2012and balance all land (100%) within 90 days from Appointed Date i.e. by 30 June 2012, but till date only 103.570km length of hindrance free land has been made available to the Concessionaire which is only 83.90% of the total length of the project.

The Mobilization of Concessionaire SPV, Independent Engineer, Safety Consultant, Project Management Consultants, and the EPC Contractor have been completed.

The detailed Highway &Structure designs, review and issue of Good for Construction Drawings (GFC) are in remarkable progress. Pavement designs are concurred from km 00+000 to km 123+454.Good for Construction drawings of Plan & Profile of Main Carriageway(103.385Km) & Service Road (26.605 Km) havebeen issued except for Junagadh bypass. Thirty-two (32) pipe culverts, Fifty eight(58) box culverts, Eleven (11) PUP, three (3) VUP, Seventy seven (77) Minor Bridges, Nine(9) Major Bridges, Three (3) ROB and one (01)Flyover reviewed by the Independent Engineer and GFC is issued for execution.

Highway: Service Road:

Total length of Highway (KM) / 123.454 / Km
Less P & P issued (KM) / 103.385 / Km
Less Junagadh Bypass (KM) / 20.069 / Km
Balance Length (KM) / 0.0 / Km
Total length of Service Road (KM) / 27.508 / km
P & P issued (KM) / 25.508 / km
Less Junagadh Bypass (KM) / 2.00 / Km
Balance to be Issued (KM) / 0.00 / km

The EPC Contractor has completed the construction of 206.85 km (2-Lane)Embankment, 206.85km (2-Lane) Sub Grade, 206.85 km (2 lane) Granular Sub Base, 206.80km(2 lane) Wet Mix Macadam, 206.30km (2-Lane) Dense Bituminous Macadam and 206.16 km (2 lane) Bituminous Concrete.

Forty four(44) PipeCulverts, Seventytwo (72)Box Culverts,one hundredeleven(111) MinorBridges, Eleven (11) New Major Bridges, One (1) existing major bridge widening, four (4) VUPs, Twelve(12) PUPs, One (1) animal underpass,One (1) Fly over and three (3) ROBhave been completed. The complete details of above are attached in Annexure-3.

Execution of the Project:

Construction activities in the Project have been undertaken in very limited work fronts available. However the requisite infrastructure in terms of Construction Plants & Equipment along with other issues such as quarries, Construction Camps and offices have been mobilized in entirety for the construction work of the entire Project Highway, which is divided in Four (4) different Packages. Four laning works have been completed in the project highway in a length of 99.89 kms, comprising of Ch. (-)0+750 to Ch. 20+600, Ch. 40+900 to Ch. 46+271, Ch. 46+471 to Ch. 56+726, Ch. 56+812 to Ch. 99+098, Ch. 99+171 to Ch. 99+400, Ch. 99+583 to Ch. 105+600, Ch. 107+220 to Ch. 117+900 and Ch. 119+000 to Ch. 122+700, and provisionally declared fit for the entry into commercial operations (“provisional Completion”). Independent Engineer has issued the provisional Certificate (refer Annexure – 15) for a length of 99.89 kms in accordance with Clause 14.3.1 of Article 14 of the Concession Agreement.

However, the following specific issues have affected the handing over of encumbrance free land to the Concessionaire and are further delaying the progress of construction at other stretches as follows;

Issues affecting progress of construction and requiring immediate action from NHAI to arrest further delays to the Project

1.Land Acquisition:

  1. Junagadh Bypass:

Construction work cannot be commenced in (approx.) 19.80 Km length of bypass 19.80 Km. The resources mobilized for Package-1 and part of Package-2 continue to remain grossly underutilized. The commencement of works in this section is delayed by 1248days [MC1]against the provisions of clause 10.3.4 of CA.

  1. Land Acquisition for Toll Plaza-1Administrative Building:

Construction works cannot be commenced for plaza buildings at Toll Plaza-1(51+250) in absence of land required for the administrative block of Toll Plaza. The commencement of works in this section is delayed by 1248days [MC2]against the provisions of clause 10.3.4 of CA.

Please refer Annexure – 10A & 10AA, where details given about other pending “land acquisition issues” and “other pertinent pending issues” with Authority.

In view of the above, the Project Authority and IE are requested to initiate immediate suitable actions to deliver the balance land required for project completion as per CA without any further delays and also resolve other issues like land acquisition for Toll plaza-1. This will enable the Concessionaire to avoid anyfurther delays to the Project and undertake mitigation measures to prevent further losses to the Concessionaire and NHAI.


  1. Project Name:Four Laning of Jetpur – Somnath Section of NH - 8D

From KM 0.000 to KM 127.600 in the State of Gujarat to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFOT Under NHDP Phase-III

  1. Length of Project:123.454 Km
  1. Contract / Phase:BOT (TOLL) Project on DBFOT Pattern / Phase - III
  1. Authority:National Highways Authority of India (NHAI)
  1. PIU: Project Director, NHAI, PIU-Rajkot
  1. Independent Engineer:Intercontinental Consultants and Technocrats Pvt. Ltd.
  1. Concessionaire:Jetpur Somnath Toll ways Private Limited
  1. Project Management Consultant:Feedback Infrastructure Services Private Limited
  1. EPC Contractor:Backbone Enterprises Limited
  1. Safety Consultant : Almondz Infrastrucure Consultants
  1. Concession Period:30 years commencing from the Appointed Date
  1. Agreement Date:7 February 2011
  1. Appointed Date : 31 March 2012
  1. Construction Period: 910 days (30 Months)
  1. Scheduled Four Laning Date (SFLD): 27 September 2014

(Already lapsed; EOT-III applied by concessionaire on 25 Oct 2014)

  1. Total Capital Cost:INR 980.98 Crore (Nine Hundred Eighty One Crore Only)

17. Extension of Time: Application for Extension of Time –III (EOT-III) due to delays in the SFLD caused by delayed delivery of land as on 27 Sep 2014, has been submitted to IE thru letter No. JSTPL/IE/EOT-3 dt 25 Oct ’14 and requested to approve 478 days time extension i.e. up to 18 Jan 2016(excluding Junagadh Bypass)

IE had submitted analysis of concurrent delay from Concessionaire and submitted to PD-NHAI as per the discussions held with RO&CGM Gandhinagar, NHAI vide letter no. ICT/IC/NHAI/IND/NH-8D/NHAI-PD/1989 dt 12th Sep ’15, for 219 days i.e. from SFLD to till date of issuance of provisional completion 4th May 2015+90 days for completing Punch List items – Total of 309 days (till 02 Aug 2015)

18. Provisional Completion : Independent Engineer hasissued Provisional Certificate on completion of 99.89 kmson 4th May 2015, as per Clause 14.3.1of Article 14 of CA (refer Annexure-15)

[MC1]31/1/12+90 days = 29/6/12. 31/1/14 – 29/6/12 = 581 days

[MC2]31/1/12+90 days = 29/6/12. 31/1/14 – 29/6/12 = 581 days