October 20, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.


COUNCIL: Darrel Thomas, President

Keith Berry, Vice President

Dave Fuhrman

Jill Bridgewater

Gene Beck

Phil Gick

AUDITOR: Lorie Hallett, Auditor

ATTORNEY: Trudy Selvia


AUDIENCE: 12 Members

The County Council met in regular session on October 20, 2015 at

6:30 p.m. at the Putnam County Courthouse. Darrel Thomas opened the meeting and the pledge to the flag was given.


Paul Sinders Clay County Commissioner and President of the West Central District of Association of Indiana Counties and Glen Luteke, SRI, Inc. Representative was present to present to Lauren Bridgewater daughter of Jill and Brian Bridgewater a scholarship. Lauren was able to be present and her parents Jill and Brian Bridgewater accepted the scholarship on her behalf.


Representatives were on hand to update the Council as to how the tax dollars were used in Putnam County.

For the fiscal year July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 Cummins has received $209,102 in tax dollars. They have served 816 patients. Unreimbursed services amount to $740,208.


Sue Crafton asked the Council to approve hiring a full-time employee to replace a part-time employee who has recently resigned.

Sue said that she has enough budgeted for a full-time employee. Auditor Lorie Hallett reminded the Council that is just the beginning; we would also have around $25,000.00 to pay in benefits. Auditor Hallett also noted that other offices had requested full-time employees and had been denied.

Dave Fuhrman made a motion to disapprove the request for full-time employee and Gene Beck seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Sue then asked if she could replace the part-time employee who left with another part-time employee.

Keith Berry made a motion to approve the part-time employee and Gene Beck seconded the motion. The motion carried.


Assessor, Nancy Dennis and Deputy, Janet Brown informed the Council that in the coming year’s personal property with an acquisition cost of $20,000.00 or less the owner can file an exemption and not be taxed. The Council can write a resolution stating that a fee can be charged, the fee can be anywhere from $0 to $50.00.

Phil Gick said he would like more information on approximately how much revenue will be lost and how much time it will take for the paperwork to be completed.

Nancy also had an employee resign in the Personal Property Department and would like approval to replace them. Dave Fuhrman made a motion to approve the rehiring of 1 full-time employee and Gene Beck seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Nancy had presented the Council with a contract for a new software package.

Phil Gick asked if updates are included. The representative from X-Soft said it is covered in support.

Dave Fuhrman asked if there is a penalty for leaving GUTS? Nancy said no because we will be leaving at the end of the year.

Nancy also said that X-Soft has offered us a discount because they have currently not completed a conversion from GUTS to X-Soft.

Dave Fuhrman made a motion to approve the request pending approval from the Commissioners, and Trudy and Jim Ensley will need a copy of the contract to review. Phil Gick seconded the motion. The motion carried.

RESOLUTION 2015-10-20-1

Bill Dory presented the Council with a resolution affirming #1 And Company LLC, of compliance with statement of benefits.

Dave Fuhrman made a motion to approve the resolution and Keith Berry seconded the motion. The motion carried.



To purchase 2 new trucks.

Phil Gick made a motion to approve the request and Keith Berry seconded the motion. The motion carried.


To pay for additional road repairs.

Gene Beck made a motion to approve the request and Dave Fuhrman seconded the motion. The motion carried.



$5,000 for animal care repair and maintenance.

Gene Beck made a motion to approve the request and Jill Bridgewater seconded the motion. The motion carried.



$11,000.00 to pay Nyhart to do health insurance study.

Phil Gick made a motion to approve the request and Jill Bridgewater seconded the motion. The motion carried.


$10, 000.00 to cover unemployment for the rest of 2015.

Dave Fuhrman made a motion to approve the request and Keith Berry seconded the motion. The motion carried.


Budget reductions

1110-30311-068 $11,000.00


1110-30326-068 $1,000.00

Maximus Contract

1110-30327-068 $7,000.00

Legal Publications

1110-30329-068 $5,000.00


Gene Beck made a motion to approve the requests and Dave Fuhrman seconded the motion. The motion carried.


1110-40402-005 $55,403.00



Minutes from 8-18-2015 were approved on a motion made by Gene Beck and seconded by Dave Fuhrman. The motion carried.

Minutes from 8-28-2015 were approved on a motion made by Dave Fuhrman and seconded by Phil Gick. The motion carried.

Minutes from 9-15-2015 were approved on a motion made by Jill Bridgewater and seconded by Keith Berry. The motion carried.


Distributed mail to Council Members.


ORDINANCE 2015-10-20-2

An Ordinance of the Putnam County Council of the State Of Indiana Granting approval of the 2016 Cloverdale Township Budget.

Keith Berry made a motion to approve the ordinance and Jill Bridgewater seconded the motion. The motion carried.

ORDINANCE 2015-10-20-3

An ordinance to approve Floyd Fire District budget for 2016.

Dave Fuhrman made a motion to approve the ordinance and Phil Gick seconded the motion. The motion carried.

ORDINANCE 2015-20-4

An ordinance to approve Roachdale Fire District budget for 2016.

Dave Fuhrman made a motion to approve the ordinance and Phil Gick seconded the motion. The motion carried.

ORDINANCE 2015-10-20-5

An ordinance to approve Walnut Creek Fire District budget for 2016.

Keith Berry made a motion to approve the ordinance and Phil Gick seconded the motion. The motion carried.


Keith Berry made a motion to adjourn and Phil Gick seconded the motion. The motion carried.


Darrel Thomas, President Keith Berry, Vice President


Jill Bridgewater Dave Fuhrman


Larry Parker Phillip Gick


Gene Beck Attest: Auditor’s Office