Team Handbook




Welcome Letter 3

Club Contact Information 4-5

Definition of Club 6

USA Swimming 6

IN Swimming 6

Club Recognition Program 6

CARD Swim Levels 7-9

Member Definition 10

Communication 10

Meeting and Voting 11

Board of Directors 11

Code of Conduct 12

Discipline Guidelines 13

Grievances 13

Billing 14

Termination of Membership 15

Parent Involvement: Volunteering and Fundraising 16-17

Practice Expectations and Conduct 18

Meet Procedures 19

Choosing a Meet 19

Signing up for the Meet 19

Arriving and Warm-ups 20

Before & After Each Event 20

Receiving Awards 20-21

Suggestions for New Swimmers and Parents 21

Cardinal Apparel 22-23

Appendix A: Meet Schedule 24

Appendix B: Maps to Swim Meets 25-31

Appendix C: Scholarship Packet 32-35

Appendix D: Social Media Policy 36-37

A Welcome Message to Parents

We are very happy that your family has chosen to be a part of the Cardinal Community Swim Club this year! Over the years, countless families have contributed to and benefited from the experience of swimming for Cardinal. Since 1984, Cardinal has formed a proud tradition of swimming excellence and a growing reputation for hard working swimmers. As a Board of Directors, we are firmly committed to the success of the club’s mission: Cardinal Swim Club provides an opportunity for novice athletes to swim alongside state and national qualifiers in a safe, healthy environment while pursuing the highest level of personal development, both in and out of the pool.

Swimmers are truly remarkable individuals. They are able to balance the demands of academics, practices and meets and still find time to be well-rounded individuals. They learn to set goals for themselves and then go about achieving them. Ultimate success is found, not in individual goals, but in the changes wrought by involvement in the process. The lessons learned and the discoveries made in competitive swimming can be applied to many aspects of adult life.

Swimmers and coaches are by no means the only people necessary for the smooth operation of a swim club. Parents need to be factored into the equation as well. Without adequate family involvement the best conceived swim clubs are doomed to failure. If all of us do our part, we’ll be successful, we’ll have fun and the kids will benefit.

As we enter into our 30th year of Cardinal swimming, you will see and hear of many improvements during the new swim season. We have grown tremendously over the past 6 years with over 100 swimmers just in the 2014-15 swim season alone and we expect our numbers to remain the same for the 2014-15 season. With your continued support, the Board of Directors and coaches’ commitment to the Cardinal swimming program, this season will be an exciting 30th year.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact a coach or board member with any questions or concerns. We would be happy to speak with you and answer any questions that you might have throughout our busy and fun-filled season!!

The Cardinal Board of Directors


P.O. Box 784 Muncie, IN 47308


Board of Directors
President, Bill Anacker / (c) (765) 702-4235

Vice President, Andy Brelage / (h) (765) xxx-xxxx

Treasurer, August Roberson / (c) 765.228.3898

Secretary, Sarah Slaven / (c) 765-215-5172

Entry Chair, Sean Hale / (c) 765-215-5051

Brad LaTour / (c) 765-716-6273

Andrea Wolfe
Brian Osner
Kari King
Jenn Palilonis
Coaching Staff
Head Coach, Tony Santino / (h) (765) 759-5350
(c) (765) 730-3185

Asst. Coach, Emily Kowalski / (c) (765) 744-0217

Asst. Coach, Steve Spradlin / (c) (765) 228-4318

Asst. Coach, Mark Augustyn /
(c) (219) 793-2115

Asst. Coach, Sara Proctor / (c) 765-748-8163

Asst. Coach, Laura Caudill / (c) 765-717-3846

Volunteer Coach, Lance Ottinger / (h) 289-7184
(c) 744-6595

Additional Contact Information
Spirit Wear, Heidi Hale / 765.215.5029


CARD is a Muncie, IN based age-group swim team. It is a participating member of USA Swimming and Indiana Swimming.

What is USA Swimming?

From the USA Swimming website (

“USA Swimming is the National Governing Body for competitive swimming in the United States.USA Swimming was conceived in 1978 with the passage of the Amateur Sports Act which specified that all Olympic sports would be administered independently.Prior to this act, USA Swimming was the Competitive Swimming Committee of the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) located in Indianapolis, Indiana.USA Swimming Headquarters office was established in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in 1981 and is located at the Olympic Training Center.

As the National Governing Body for the sport, USA Swimming is responsible for the conduct and administration of swimming in the United States.In this capacity, USA Swimming formulates the rules, implements the policies and procedures, conducts the national championships, disseminates safety and sports medicine information and selects athletes to represent the United States in international competition.”

What is Indiana Swimming?

Indiana Swimming, a USA Swimming member, is the State Governing Body for competitive swimming in the state of Indiana. Indiana Swimming Headquarters office is located in Indianapolis. They offer multiple resources for teams, coaches, swimmers and parents. Website:


As part of its commitment to swimming excellence, CARD has been recognized through USA Swimming for its program development. CARD achieved Level 3 in 2012. This recognition program provides our club with “a working blueprint for developing strong, stable, financially sound and athletically productive organization.” The framework contains four distinct areas for growth and development:

1.  Business & Organizational Success

2.  Parent & Volunteer Development

3.  Coach Development & Education

4.  Athlete Development & Performance


CARD allows swimmers the opportunity to develop at their own pace. Swimmers are divided into groups according to their age, ability, and performance. Our team is currently broken into five groups with the idea of adding more groups in the future as the club grows. All groups focus on proper technique, but as they progress through the levels we increase the intensity of training.


Thisis an introductory pre-competitive/novice group for children ages 5-11. The main emphasis is on basic stroke skills and fun! This group is offered five (5) days a week for 40 minutes. Swimmers must be comfortable in deep water, able to swim freestyle (with side breathing) and backstroke to be considered for the program.

Required equipment: goggles, fins and a smile.


This is an advanced novice group usually between the ages of 6-9 years old but can be as old as 13. The major emphasis is on stroke technique. The Bronze group swimmers are encouraged to swim three (3) times per week even though practice is offered 5 times. Bronze swimmers will be introduced to low-level competitions, clock reading, stretching and some entry core strength dry land.

Swimming requirements: must be able to swim one length each (25 yards) of Backstroke, and Freestyle with adequate form, perform basic arm and leg movements for Breaststroke, plus the dolphin (fly) kick basics.

Required equipment: goggles kick board, fins, and water bottle.


These swimmers, typically 8-11 years old, have started to exhibit good swimming skills. They spend their time equally between stroke technique and training skills. Silver swimmers are offered practices five (5) days a week but are encouraged to attend 3-4. Dry land will also be included in this groups practice time. Silver swimmers will learn/use the clock for interval training and compete an average of 1x per month.

Swimming requirements: Must be able to swim 50 yards of the 4 strokes legally, 10 x 50 on the 1:15 freestyle and 5 x 50 backstroke on the 1:30.

Required equipment: goggles, fins, water bottle, and mesh bag.


This training group is designed to help bridge the gap between the SILVER group and the GOLD group. Most of the swimmers in this group are between the ages of 9 to 12. This group continues emphasis on base endurance, race strategy and technique for optimum speed.Increased knowledge and skill mastery in these areas ensures a smooth transition into the GOLD training group when the swimmer is ready. Competition is required with an average of 1-2 meets per month. Practices are offered 5 days a week, 2 hours a day with a suggested minimum of 90% attendance. This practice also includes dry land.

Swimming requirements: 5 x 100 @ 1:50 Freestyle, 5 X 50’s on the 50, and a legal 200 IM under 3:30.

Required equipment: goggles, fins, snorkel, paddles, water bottle and mesh bag.


Gold swimmers are well versed in technique and race strategy but continue to modify stroke and strategy, as the coach deems necessary. They are also a full-fledged training group. Most of the swimmers in the Gold group are between the ages of 11-14 years old (11 year olds must be turning 12 at least 2 months prior to winter age group state meet). Practice for this group is offered 5 days per week, including dry land. Competition is required with an average of 1-2 meets per month.

Swimming requirements: must be able to complete a legal 400 IM with good form, also should be able to perform 15 x 100 @ 1:30 freestyle.

Required equipment: goggles, fins, snorkel, paddles, water bottle and mesh bag.


The High School Swimming Training Program is a special group designed exclusively for swimmers in high school or entering high school. The pre-season and year round training camp will incorporate all of the aspects covered in our Gold group with a special emphasis on high school swimming.

•  Provide high school swimmers a unique training environment with athletes of similar age and similar swimming goals.

•  Swimmers will be grouped in training lanes with other athletes of similar ability levels and yet have the advantage of swimming with athletes of similar age.

•  Swimmers will learn about the latest trends & training techniques in swimming and how it will help young swimmers prepare for high school training. Various topics will be introduced and practiced such as:

o  Learning the different energy systems and different types of training (aerobic training, anaerobic training, sprint training).

o  Learning how to prepare for competitions in high school, regular season competitions and the championship season.

o  How to mentally prepare for competitions and develop a strong race mentality.

•  Each swimmer will learn goal-setting techniques to contribute to a successful swimming performance.

•  Swimmers will adhere to a high level of commitment and dedication while smartly focusing on improvements in all stroke technique.

•  Swimmers will be able to train with other swimmers from various high schools in the Muncie area while developing long lasting friendships and good sportsmanship in all environments.

•  Pre-Season Training will have more emphasis placed on the physiological and mechanical principles of training, as well as longer workouts to prepare for the upcoming high school season.


CARD defines its members as the parents or legal guardians of registered minor child(ren) and self-registered emancipated person(s). Registration must be current with the club, Indiana Swimming and USA Swimming. All changes to names and contact information must be submitted in writing to the Entry Chair.


CARD makes every attempt to communicate news or changes with its members in a timely fashion. In order to do so, we utilize seven different venues.

(1) Verbal. Sometimes we will communicate through meetings, at practice, or during swim meets. We also recognize that this is not the most effective, so for important information you will also receive communication through the following:

(2) Email and (3) Website (

Email and our website are our most timely communication tools and we utilize them for any changes to practice schedules or sites. Please be sure to check your email often because sometimes changes occur suddenly but be reassured that we let you know as soon as we know.

The CARD website is an important source for information, please consult it often. It contains links for contact information, upcoming practice and meet schedules, meet sign up and links to valuable swimming resources.

(4) Swim BOX.

The Swim Box contains a folder for each family, please be sure to check your file once a week for any communication regarding fundraising and receiving your swimmer’s ribbons.

(5) Bulletin Board at Northside.

The bulletin board usually posts the upcoming meet events; recent swim meet highlights and pictures, and volunteer opportunities. Please remember to check this often as we near our home meet.

(6) Your Instant Info.

You may register for instant text messages and emails regarding last minute changes in practice times or locations and meet information, when you register your phone number on TeamUnify

(7) Facebook

If you wish to share photographs or swimmer news, you may wish to join the Cardinal Community Swim Club Facebook page. You must request to become a member of the group in order to view or submit any information. Search Cardinal Community Swim Club and become a friend of the club.


CARD conducts one official business meeting each year. This meeting is held as a small part of the Recognition Banquet at the end of the winter season. During this meeting, the membership will be asked to vote on important Club decisions and the next year’s Board of Directors. As a Board, we ask that at least one member of each family make an effort to be present. Each family will represent one membership vote. The member must physically be present at the annual meeting in order to cast a vote. Ten percent of the membership must be in attendance for a decisional vote. The vote is decided by the majority present.


CARD’s Board of Directors is comprised of eleven (11) members from the club. Nine of the members are elected positions from the members. The Head Coach serves as the tenth voting member. The past president also serves on the board as a non-voting member. The Board then appoints the various other roles including President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Entry Chair. The length of term for any Board member is two years.