1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
1 / Does not present his/her information in the form of aninformative speech. Instead, student does not describe or tell how to do something. / Struggles with the nature of informative speeches. Tends not to give a explanation of how to do something for most of the speech / Demonstrates an awareness of the nature of persuasive speeches. Reproduces most of the conventions in their own speech / Demonstrates a very solid awareness and application of conventions of a persuasive speech, intended for a particular target audience / Has a natural flair for public speaking and speeches, especially with regards to structure and flow / X 2
2 / There is no logical sequence of ideas in the speech / Logical progression of ideas is evident at times / Sequence of ideas is logical and is followed easily / Sequence of ideas is logical and is followed easily, complemented by a clearly discernible structure / Structure of speech is very clear, conveying a strong sense of purpose and articulate design / X 1
3 / No visual aid is used / Visual aid is used but not related to the speech / Visual aid is used, but appears to be poorly created / Visual aid is well created / Visual aid enhances the speech and drives home the position / X 3
4 / Speech is not clear and tone is neutral / Speaks with clarity sporadically and tone remains neutral for the most part / Speaks with clarity to the target audience. Tone of voice demonstrates some attempt to be persuasive / Speaks with clarity and confidence to the target audience; Persuasive tone is very evident throughout / Speaks clearly, with confidence and has 'presence'. Persuasiveness is not a problem for this student. / X 2
5 / Maintains no eye contact with the target audience / Maintains very little eye contact / Maintains eye contact regularly. Student is aware of importance of body language although s/he struggles with it / Maintains eye contact for the most part. A positive use of body language is demonstrated / Maintains eye contact consistently and uses body language effectively to create interest and persuade / X 1
6 / Submits no evidence of preparation for informative speeches / Submits little evidence of preparation for informative speeches / Submits sufficient evidence of preparation for informative speeches / Submits sufficient evidence of drafting and other strategies used in preparation for informative speeches / Uses drafting and other strategies very successfully in preparation for informative speeches / X 1

RAW SCORE: _____/100 GRADE: ______