Fourth Meeting of the COOMET Presidential Council

8 of April 2002 Braunschweig

According to a decision of the 3d meeting of the COOMET Presidential Council (23 of September 2001, Moscow) the 4th meeting of the COOMET Presidential Council was held 8 of April 2001.

The members of the Council are:

N. Zhagora

/ COOMET President (Belarus)
V. Belotserkovsky

H.-D. Velfe

G. Sidorenko / COOMET Vice-President (Russia)
COOMET Vice-President (Germany)
COOMET Vice-President (Ukraine)
L. Astafijeva
/ Head of the COOMET Secretariat (Belarus)
B. Gorshkov / Head of COOMET Secretariat of Russia
R. Spurny
/ Representative of Slovak COOMET Committee member
M.Antunez Ramirez
/ Representative of Cuban COOMET Committee member

Prof. Göbel, the president of PTB, and Dr. Seyler, the head of technical cooperation department welcomed participants in the opening section of the meeting and gave information of the actual situation and developments of PTB.

The following Agenda was approved:

  1. Fulfillment of decisions of 3dmeeting ofCOOMET Presidential Council.

Reporter: COOMET SecretaryL. Astafijeva

  1. Discussion of a new organizational structure of COOMET approved by COOMET Committee members.

Reporters: COOMET President N. Zhagora,

COOMET SecretaryL. Astafijeva

  1. Discussion of changes and add-ins to COOMET Memorandum and Rules of procedure (taking into account project 248/BY/01)

Reporter: COOMET SecretaryL. Astafijeva

  1. “Suggestions concerning coordination of work and creation of links between COOMET and STC MeterEASC” (basic steps to realization of COOMET Development program for 2001-2002, i.4)

Reporter:COOMET Vice-President G. Sidorenko

  1. Discussion of arranging for a joint coordinating meeting of OIML and Regional organizations of legal metrology (30 of September, 2002).

Reporter: COOMET President N. Zhagora

  1. Discussion of required training in the field of legal metrology (based on the suggestions of COOMET member-countries).

Reporter:COOMET Vice-President H.-D. Velfe

  1. Discussion of further development and improvement of information support and advertising of COOMET activities including maintenance of COOMET Web-site and database of major ways of cooperation. (taking into account project 251/BY/01)

Reporters:COOMET Vice-President H.-D. Velfe,

COOMET SecretaryL. Astafijeva

  1. Discussion of arranging for 12 COOMET Committee meetingand participation in International Symposium "Metrology-2002"

Reporter: COOMET SecretaryL. Astafijeva

  1. Discussion of the results of 8 JCRB and COOMET objectives based on the decisions adopted at this meeting.

Reporter: COOMET Vice-President V. Belotserkovsky

  1. Information on the results of work of COOMET Quality Forum. Discussion of the cooperation progress and future work in establishing and maintaining Quality Management Systems of NMI.

Reporters: Representative of Slovak COOMET Committee member R. Spurny,

COOMET Vice-President V. Belotserkovsky

  1. Miscellaneous
  1. Place and date of the next meeting of COOMET Presidential Council.


  1. Fulfillment of decisions of 3dmeeting ofCOOMET Presidential Council

Mrs. L. Astafijeva, COOMET Secretary, reported about fulfilment of the decisions of 3 COOMET Committee meeting.

A decision to take note of the information was adopted.

  1. Discussion of a new organizational structure of COOMET approved by COOMET Committee members

All the participants discussed this question.

Mr. Belotserkovsky, COOMET vice-president, suggested to change the name of TC1 "Technical committee on measurement standards" for "Measurement standards Joint committee" with the purpose to increase importance of COOMET bodies and harmonize COOMET organizational structure with those of other regional metrology organizations. This will prompt to cancel SC1 "Subcommittee on MRA realization" and SG1.2 – SG1.11, and to change WG1.1 – WG1.12 for technical committees TC1.1 – TC1.12.

Mr. H.-D. Velfe, COOMET vice-president, suggested to establish two technical committees within TC4, i.e. to merge WG4.2 and WG4.3to SC4.1 «Information and information technologies», and rename WG4.4 toSC4.2.

Also the following was proposed:

  • to change status of WG2.1 – WG2.4 to SC2.1 – SC2.2;
  • to establish TC3.1 "Technical committee of Quality Forum" in the frame of COOMET Quality Forum and to change status of WG3.1 – WG3.3 to technical subcommittees SC3.1 – SC3.2.

The following decision was adopted:

  • to charge COOMET Secretariat with completing the Structure of steering and working bodies of COOMET and to distribute it among all COOMET Committee members until 25.04.2002.
  1. Discussion of changes and add-ins to COOMET Memorandum and Rules of procedure (taking into account project 248/BY/01)

All the participants discussed this question.

The following decision was adopted:

  • to consider COOMET project 248/BY/01 as agreed one and to continue works started in the frame of this project;
  • to charge COOMET Secretariat with preparing amendments to COOMET Memorandum of Understanding and Rules of Procedure according to the Structure proposed and to submit it for approval at the COOMET Committee meeting;
  • to ask COOMET Committee members and members of Presidential Council to submit to COOMET Secretariat their proposals regarding candidates to the heads of TC and SC.;
  • to charge Gosstandart of Russiawith analysis of the procedures of assigning membership fees for the member-countries of different RMOsand submit this information for discussion at the next COOMET Committee meeting.
  1. Suggestions concerning coordination of work and creation of links between COOMET and STC-MeterEASC. (Basic steps to realization of COOMET Development program for 2001-2002, i.4)

Mr. G. Sidorenko, COOMET vice-president, reported about the activities of scientific-technical commission STC-Meter EASC.

The question was discussed by Mr. N. Zhagora, Mr. V. Belotserkovsky, Mr.G. Sidorenko, Mr. H.-D. Velfe, Mr. B. Gorshkov.

The following decision was adopted:

  • to charge Mr. N. Zhagora, COOMET President and Mr. G. Sidorenko and Mr.V.Belotserkovsky, the vice-presidents, with preparing suggestions on COOMET collaboration with EASC in three months and submit them to STC-Meter and to inform all COOMET Committee members about it.
  1. Discussion of arranging for a joint coordinating meeting of OIML and Regional organizations of legal metrology (30 of September, 2002)

Mr. N. Zhagora reported on this item and informed the participants of oncoming Coordinating meeting and about suggestions of Mr. V. Belotserkovsky.

The following decision was adopted:

  • to send on behalf of COOMET President to Mr. Magana, the director of CIML, proposals regarding specification of some items of the Agenda and to repeat COOMET suggestion on establishing Joint Committee of Regional Organizations on Legal Metrology and BIML (JCLMB)
  1. Discussion of required training in the field of legal metrology (based on the suggestions of COOMET member-countries)

Mr. H.-D. Velfe reported on this item.

The following decision was adopted:

  • to take note of the information and to ask Mr. H.-D. Velfe go on with works in this field of activities;
  • to recommend COOMET member countries to submit to Mr.H.-D. Velfe in three month period the information about national training and qualification improvement systemsin the field of metrology for putting it at COOMET Web-site.
  1. Discussion of further development and improvement of information support and advertising of COOMET activities including maintenance of COOMET Web-site and database of major ways of cooperation. (taking into account project 251/BY/01)

Mr. H.-D. Velfe, COOMET vice-president, reported on this item and submitted results of analysis with suggestions on improvement of COOMET WEB-siteand of databases on general fields of cooperation.

All the participants discussed this question.

The following decision was adopted:

  • to consider COOMET Project 251/BY/01 as agreed one and to continue works started in the frame of this project;
  • to take note of that Russia will provide a new Web-site address (in three month period.
  1. Discussion of arranging for 12 COOMET Committee meetingand participation in International Symposium "Metrology-2002"

Mrs. L. Astfijeva, COOMET Secretary, reported on the preparations for the oncoming meeting.

The following decision was adopted:

  • to take note of the information provided by COOMET Secretariat;
  • to charge COOMET Secretariat with specifying the list of participants;
  • to charge COOMET Secretariat withspecifyingthe arrangements for the COOMET Committee meeting and Symposium «Metrology 2002» and to circulate this information among participants of the above events.
  1. Discussion of the results of 8 JCRB and COOMET objectives based on the decisions adopted at this meeting.

Mr. V. Belotserkovsky, COOMET vice-president, informed the participants of the decisions of 8 JCRB meeting and about situation in the field concerned in COOMET.

The following decision was adopted:

  • to take note of the information;
  • to recommend COOMET member-countries to stir up the workson preparation of CMC and to submit them for internal review in COOMET as well as participate in review of CMCs submitted by other regional metrological organizations;
  • to agree with placing at COOMET Web-site,apart from CMCs representing the high level measurement standards, CMCs representing the low level measurement standards and belonging to national metrological organizationsand metrological services of private companies (responsibility for the correctness of this information will be fully taken by the organizations which granted accreditation to these services).
  1. Information on the results of work of COOMET Quality Forum. Discussion of the cooperation progress and future work in establishing and maintaining Quality Management Systems of NMI

Mr. R. Spurny, representative of COOMET Committee member from Slovakia, and Mr. V. Belotserkovsky informed the participants of the meeting about the results of 1 COOMET Quality Forum.

The following decision was adopted:

  • to take note of the information;
  • to note to COOMET Committee members that in order to place CMCs of their NMIs at BIPM WEB-site they need to prepare and make presentation of Quality management systemsof their NMIS at the COOMET Quality Forum or at the similar event of other regional organization that reviewed and took responsibility to represent relevant CMCs, in 1,5 year period.
  • to acknowledge, on behalf of COOMET Presidential Council, Slovak Institute of Metrology for having made splendid arrangements for the 1 Quality Forum meeting and presentation of SMU Quality management system.
  1. Miscellaneous

11.1.About participation of COOMET representatives in the work of international and regional organizations

The following decision was adopted:

  • to charge COOMET Secretariat with summarizing the information submitted by the vice-presidents about participation of COOMET representatives in the work of international and regional organizations.

11.2.About situation with appointment of a new Reporter in the subject field "Flow measurements"

The following decision was adopted:

  • to ask Mr. G. Sidorenko as COOMET Committee member from the Ukraine to suggest a nominee to the Reporter in the subject filed concerned form among experts of KhGNIIM.

11.3.COOMET Logo

The following decision was adopted:

  • to accept changes proposed by COOMET Secretariat in the part of shape modification of the letter "M";
  • to charge COOMET Secretariat with distributing the graphical file of the logo to all COOMET Committee members.

The modified logo of COOMET is given in Annex 1.

  1. Place and date of the next meeting of COOMET Presidential Council.

A suggestion of Mr. V. Belotserkovsky to hold 5 Presidential Council meetingin Autumn 2002 in VNIIOFI, Moscow, Russia was accepted.

L. Astafijeva,

Head of the COOMET Secretariat

COOMET President thanked participants of the meeting for their active work and acknowledged the host for having made splendid arrangements for the meeting.

Annex 1