


What is Kindergarten?

Kindergartens provide an environment in which children’s development is stimulated and encouraged by university qualified early childhood teachers and qualified assistants. International and national research shows that the benefits of quality early childhood educational programs apply for school and for life.

Kindergarten programs are designed to ‘encourage children to explore, solve problems, communicate, think, create and construct through a fun combination of child-led and adult-led play-based learning.’ (Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, 2009).

The VEYLDFoutlines the following high expectations for every Victorian child: that they have a strong sense of identity, are connected with and contribute to their world, have a strong sense of wellbeing, are confident and involved learners and are effective communicators.

The Kindergarten program content is developed with a focus on the interests and developmental needs of each child. Under the guidance of the teacher your child will learn to identify, explore and solve problems; become more independent and confident in their abilities; develop self discipline; use language to communicate feelings, needs and ideas; make friends; make their own choices and decisions; take responsibility for their own belongings; learn how to cooperate with other children; and use their creativity to express ideas and feelings through art, dance and dramatic play.

Most importantly, a kindergarten program will help your child develop a love of learning and be better prepared to start school. Your child will learn through indoor and outdoor play, based on their interests and ideas; real-life experiences, such as cooking, gardening and investigating the world, plus everyday routines and transitions, such as meal times, rest times and group times.

NB. The terms kindergarten and preschool are interchangeable.

When Should I Send My Child to Kindergarten?

  • Research shows that engaging children in high-quality learning experiences benefits all children and their families and can improve a child’s learning and development outcomes, emotional wellbeing, their longer-term educational and social outcomes and life experience. It is vital that children receive these benefits when they are emotionally and socially ready for the experience.
  • The State Government provide kindergarten funding to subsidise 15 hours of kindergarten for each child in the year before school. A second year of kindergarten is available for children who meet the eligibility criteria, and are deemed to have a developmental delay in at least two areas. It is important to note that the majority of children are only eligible for ONE year of funded kindergarten. From 2014, children who withdraw from a funded program once they commence will not be eligible for a second year anywhere in Victoria.
  • Children are eligible to attend kindergarten if they are turning 4 before the end of April in any given year. Some parents choose to wait an extra year especially if their child is born between January and April. The conversations about when a child is ready for kindergarten and also when a child is ready for school need to take place before the child begins their funded kindergarten year. Your decision is critical with long reaching implications for your child.
  • Maternal and Child Health Services and kindergarten staff provide valuable information to parents about when to begin the more formal educational journey. As each child is only eligible for one year of funded kindergarten it is important to determine when they would benefit most from starting school and enrol to attend kindergarten the year before that. Some families may choose to enrol in Pre-Kinder the year prior to their funded kindergarten program.
  • It is important that families take the time to make an informed decision now. Please take the opportunity to visit Kindergarten Open Days to discuss this with a qualified teacher or early childhood educator. Alternatively you could talk to your Pre-Kinder teacher, Long Day Care Provider or your local Maternal and Child Health Nurse.

What year is my child eligible for kindergarten?

‘Think carefully about when your child is likely to start school, and therefore when is the best time for the child to have a kindergarten experience.’ (DEECD, 2011)

If your child was born between / Earliest year eligible to attend school / Earliest year eligible to attend
funded 4 year old Kindergarten / Earliest year eligible to attend unfunded 3 year old
Pre Kindergarten
1.5.2009 – 30.4.2010 / 2015 / 2014 / 2013
1.5.2010 – 30.4.2011 / 2016 / 2015 / 2014
1.5.2011 – 30.4.2012 / 2017 / 2016 / 2015
1.5.2012 – 30.4.2013 / 2018 / 2017 / 2016
1.5.2013 – 30.4.2014 / 2019 / 2018 / 2017

Please note:

  • Children are required to start school by the time they turn 6. However, if your child is born between January to April 30th you may choose to defer sending them until the following year. For example: if your child turns 4 on April 1st you may choose to have them attend the following year.
  • Children are funded by the State Government for ONE year of kindergarten in the year before they commence school.
  • From 2014, children who withdraw from a state funded four (4) year old kindergarten program -once they commence- will not be funded for a second year anywhere in Victoria.
  • You need to work back from the year your child will start school.
  • A second year of funding can still be applied for if a child has significant developmental delays in two areas.

How do I know if my child is ready for kindergarten?

There are many factors to consider when thinking about sending your child to kindergarten, including emotional maturity and social confidence. Questions to ask yourself include-

  • Can he or she separate easily from me?
  • Can they be understood by other people?
  • Can they express their needs clearly?
  • Do they have the stamina to attend and enjoy a full kindergarten session?

Please speak to a Maternal Child Health Nurse, Kindergarten teacher or Pre-School Field Officer if you are unsure of your child’s readiness. Children who turn 4 between January to April in the year they attend kindergarten can often struggle and will be with older children.

Please note: from 2014 children will not be able to withdraw and recommence in a state funded place once they start their kindergarten year. If they have two or more significant developmental delays they may be eligible for a second year of funding. However funding will not be available if a child is ‘not ready’ for kindergarten. Parents are advised to determine when they want their child to attend school and work back from there with regards to kindergarten attendance.



Baw Baw Shire Council (BBSC) operates a central enrolment scheme for 12 of the 15 funded kindergartens in the Shire. These kindergartens are funded by the State Government through the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD).

The kindergartens involved in the central enrolment scheme are

  • Warragul Community Preschool
  • Bowen Park Kindergarten (Warragul)
  • Grace Berglund Kindergarten (Warragul)
  • Drouin Kindergarten (Adam Court)
  • Oak Street Kindergarten (Drouin)
  • Longwarry Preschool
  • Mary Beck Pre School (Neerim South)
  • Yarragon Early Learning Centre
  • Trafalgar Kindergarten
  • Thorpdale and District Kindergarten
  • Erica Preschool
  • Willow Grove Kindergarten- four (4) year old program only

These kindergartens all use the same Kindergarten Application form, and application process.

The kindergartens not involved in this scheme at present are St Andrew’s Kindergarten(ph: 56232425), St Paul’s Early Learning Centre (ph: 56235833) and Chairo Christian School Early Learning Centre(ph: 56252013). For kindergartens that are not involved in the central enrolment scheme you will need to contact the kindergarten directly to be advised of their enrolment process.

Please note: Baw Baw Shire Council owns some of the buildings that kindergartens operate from. Council does not run the actual kindergarten programs.

Application Process - How do I apply?

a)Read through the Enrolment Application Form

b)Complete personal details on the Enrolment Application Form

c)Choose your kindergarten preferences

  • There is a high demand for both kindergarten and pre kindergarten places and

applicants are advised to nominate preferences for more than one Centre

(minimum of 3 preferred)

  • Council cannot guarantee your first selection
  • Parents should only nominate the Kindergartens that they are prepared to accept

d)Sign and return the Enrolment Application Form with proof of birth and attach the receipt for the enrolment application fee if paid at a BBSC Customer Service Centre or send with a cheque or money order to the Kindergarten Enrolment Coordinator, Family & Children’s Services, Baw Baw Shire Council, P.O. Box 304, Warragul 3820. If you wish to have the fee reduced you must present a current concession card in person to a Baw Baw Shire Council Customer Service Centre with your completed application form.

e)Confirmation of receipt of your application will be sent via email (if provided) or mail. If you have not received confirmation within 10 working days of your application date, please contact the Kindergarten Enrolment Coordinator on 5624 2540.

f)First round offers for four year old kindergarten will be mailed to families in August and for 3 year old prekindergarten in September. You will be required torespond to first round offers within 14 days, using the enclosed return slip. If the response is not returned to the Kindergarten Enrolment Coordinator and efforts to contact you are unsuccessful, your child’s offer of a place may be cancelled. Please ensure that you can be contacted during office hours. Failure to attend kindergarten at the beginning of Term 1, failing to contact the kindergarten in your child’s absence, or being uncontactable by the kindergarten may result in your child’s place being cancelled.

Swap & Waiting Lists, Appeals & Change of Details Processes

Please view online at or request full kindergarten application guidelines from the Kindergarten Enrolment Coordinator at 56242540.

Additional funding for children with additional needs

The Kindergarten Inclusion Support Services offers supplementary assistance to kindergartens to support the inclusion of a child with special needs in the kindergarten program. Applications are made by the Kindergarten Teacher in consultation with parents, early childhood intervention agencies and Preschool Field Officers. Applications are made in the year prior to the child starting kindergarten and a strict criterion exists for an application to be made. Please speak to the Preschool Field Officer on 56242540 for further information on funding availability to children with special needs.

Further information and help

For further assistance in any of these areas please contact the Kindergarten Enrolment Coordinator on 56242540.