5 Tips to Staying Organized

Through the Holidays

Set a Goal

Is it to spend quality time with family/kids? Socialize with friends and family? Gift giving? Or maybe partake in time old family traditions?

1. What is my main goal or priority during this holiday season?

Pro Tip: Find a polite way to decline those events that don't align with your goal for the season. "We would love to go but unfortunately it doesn't fit into our schedule this year but thank you so much for the invitation." It's okay to say no!

Plan it Out

Create or use a planning system use through the holidays. Make sure to sit down at least once a week to update. If you have family this is a great time to sit down and coordinate events that are being planned. It is also a great time to meal plan if that is needed as well!

2. What is the planning system I will use to get through the holidays? (Bullet Journaling, traditional planner, digital calendar system, Calendar posted on wall or refrigerator)

The "B" word – Budget

Sit down and list out who you are buying gifts for and what events you will be going to (see if you need to buy outfits or hostess gifts for events). BE REALISTIC! If you put $20 for Grandma to make the budget stretch but always spend $60 chances are you will end up with an unrealistic budget. If you are realistic and you need to stretch the budget, work on creative ways to make the budget stretch. Maybe swap Christmas outfits with a friend, make homemade presents for hostess gifts, neighbors or co-workers. Shop deals and coupon clip. Meal plan through the holidays. Hold a garage sale. If you realize you don't need to use your entire budget consider giving to those in need this holiday season, through your church, or local community.

4. When will I create a budget for the holiday season?

5. How will I creatively stretch my budget or give to those in need?

De-clutter Beforehand

If you know you are getting presents (especially those with kids) consider de-cluttering before the new gifts come. Filter through what your kids don't use as much or what doesn't serve a purpose anymore in your home. Now is the perfect time to hold a garage sale or donate household items!

6. What items can be given away before the new gifts enter the house?

Pro Tip: Figure out how you will store any gifts for your kids or spouse beforehand! When you buy your kid’s present buy a bin or container for that item as well. Then you will stay organized before you even get the new items in the house!

7. What storage containers do I need to purchase for the new items entering the house?

Sort Through Holiday Decor

When you pull out the holiday decor sort through what you use and don't use. If you haven't used it in the past two years chances are you won't use them again. Consider donating them! If you have two sets of holiday decor consider sorting through your collections and storing them as two separate sets of decorations. Then you can switch between them through the years.

8.What holiday decor do I not use anymore?

9. What holiday decor do I want to keep?

Pro Tip: Organize the holiday decor you want to keep. Stores sellgreat budget friendly ornament storage containers and light organizers. Invest in containers so you will be organized for years to come. You will know exactly what you have and it will save you time to pack and unpack!

10. What storage containers do I need to get for the holiday décor that I want to keep?


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