C/O Thomas Skidmore, Chartered Surveyors, 15 King Street,

Wolverhampton WV1 1ST

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at the RAFA Branch Club, 26 Goldthorn Road, Wolverhampton on Wednesday 6 July 2011, starting at 7.30 pm.

The meeting started at 7.45pm.

1. Appointment of Chairman for the meeting

Jonathan Nelson of Thomas Skidmore was appointed Chairman for the meeting.

2. Attendance

L Currier (137), A Bowden (141), M White (147a), R Sanders (149), A Arnold & M Taylor (151a), J Bristow (153), S Wilkinson (153a), R & A Grosvenor (155a), PKassim (159a), C Tuck (161); and JNelson of Thomas Skidmore.

3. Apologies and proxies

Apologies were received from D Turner (145a) and the Jackson Robbins Partnership (157). A proxy was appointed by the Jackson Robbins Partnership (J Nelson).

4. Minutes of the last AGM (13 October 2010)

Approved as a true and accurate record; proposed by M White and seconded by M Taylor, with

all present in favour.

5. Matters arising

6. Election of officers

M White, C Tuck and D Turner were re-elected to serve as directors; proposed by J Bristow and seconded by A Bowden, with all present in favour. No other nominations were received.

7. Receipt of accounts

Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2010 were received; proposed by M White and seconded by C Tuck, with all present in favour.

8. Appointment of accountants

Confirmation of the appointment of Lancaster Haskins as accountants; proposed by M White and seconded by C Tuck, with all present in favour.

The Chairman was asked to seek explanation of the cost of the make-up of item 5 (accrued expenses) on page 5, which he undertook to do.

9.Secretary's report, including maintenance issues, finance and budgeting.

The Chairman referred to the attached sheets headed ‘Notes for Company Secretary’s Report, July 2011’.

The replacement of back doors was not generally considered to be greatest priority, although it was accepted that some are in very poor condition (particulary 149, 153, 155 and 159; and the lock on 147).Comment was made that they do not need to be aesthetically pleasing, although others disagreed.

After discussion, which included comment on the strengths and weaknesses of different door types, it was agreed that existing doors should be repaired, made good and repainted; and replaced like for like only where absolutely necessary.

Decisions were taken as follows:

1Proceed with Phase 2 (Roofs/stacks/guttering, Scaffolding and Back doors), subject to agreement on doors above – all agreed

2Service charge to be increased by 10% from 1 January 2012 – Proposed by J Bristow; seconded by L Currier, with all present in favour

3Recommendation – meeting or consultation at the end of the year regarding the raising of a levy, to enable further major work to be carried out in 2012 onwards

4Trees – leave for the present

Other maintenance issues

The dumping/abandoning of rubbish at the back of the terrace continues to be a problem

Dog fouling on the front lawn by residents’ pets must stop

The frequency of window cleaning needs to be checked

Grounds maintenance arrangements need to be reviewed. Weeding is often not carried out

Some of the external lights are not working

The first floor hall window of 159a may be rotten