As a timely way to keep you informed, we offer the Jeffco Good News. Our goal is to provide you with a snapshot of the many accomplishments that occur every week in your schools. Please feel free to share the good news and as always, thank you for your support!


Students surpassed state scores on the Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) in science and social studies. Results show that Jeffco students exceeded the state in the overall strong (on grade level) and distinguished (above grade level) performance categories. On average, students scored 5-6 points higher in social studies and 8-12 points higher in science than the state average. The CMAS results create a baseline for Colorado and cannot be compared with previous state TCAP score. The tests are more rigorousand challenging than prior state tests. “We knew that fewer of our students would achieve at the highest level on these tests because we have raised the bar on the expectations. I’m pleased that we have more rigorous standards to ensure that students are on the path to career and college readiness,”said Jeffco Superintendent Dan McMinimee. Read more of the official Jeffco news release on CMAS scores.

A gorilla chasing a banana was sighted near Molholm Elementary School,Bear Creek K-8 andDunstan Middle School, but it was no prank. Lakewood police officers dressed up as a gorilla and banana to reinforce driver safety near school crosswalks as part of Operation Crosswalk. The dressed-up duo was there to remind drivers that lots of children will be trick-or-treating Halloween night and that pedestrians have the right of way. The dressed up officers walked out into the crosswalk to make sure approaching cars yielded. After all — “If you can’t notice a banana being chased by a gorilla crossing the street, are you going to see that four-foot-tall kid crossing?” said Lakewood Officer Jeromy Rohling. Watch the 7News story here.


Jeffco’s first-ever student town hall with Superintendent Dan McMinimee was recently hosted at Alameda International High School. More than 70 student representatives from every district high school asked questions about standardized testing, diversity, curriculum and school funding. McMinimee addressed student questions about bullying, electives, technology and the proposed curriculum review committee.“The student town hall was a wonderful opportunity to hear from our students in a welcoming and engaging environment,”said McMinimee. “I’m constantly impressed by our students’ thoughtful questions and passion for making their schools a better place.”The town hall was streamed online, while six Jeffco high schools hosted viewing parties for their students.
Kullerstrand Elementary School students are helping others in need. They recently raised 100 pounds of schools supplies for students in need. The school recently donated 100 pounds of school supplies for schools in Belize. Principal Esther Valdez delivered the supplies on a recent trip to Belize where she worked in the schools with students, teachers and families in the villages of SanIgnacio, Benque and Buena Vista. “Literacy development is the responsibility of all of us,” said Valdez. “As global citizens, Kullerstrand students have developed partnerships with several schools in Belize through solidarity, not charity.”

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